AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Quote from: 4T3IG0 on April 12, 2009, 02:20:20 AM
Hi, fantastic Mod.

Just one problem, when I Apply Mod nothing happen. Any idea?

SMF 1.1.8

Permissions: .  Only the standard files are writable.
I've noticed that installing it manually is the best solution. Gives you a better understanding on how the mod function and also gives you a better chance in modifying it as well.


Dude, I just used [Uninstall] on the integration mod, it didn't give any errors, but now my forum is broken - it doesn't display any content below the header where my name and the welcome message are.

I've rewritten all the .php files from \Source and \Themes and I've restored the database from before the [Uninstall], but still nothing.



Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 12, 2009, 12:50:51 AM
@ JornB I'm not sure exaclty how to add more sounds but I will pla with it over the next few days and see what I can find. Will post back with results, if any.

Yes you are right, it is a great Mod ;)

Seems I got it to work! Guess I just needed to "un-cache" the mod (turn firefox off and then start it again) since I got the sounds to work this morning.

If anyone is wondering how I got it to work it's rather simple:

1. Edit config.js (found in the chat/js folder) with the name of the new sounds:

Look for:
// Defines the available sounds loaded on chat start:
   soundFiles: {
      sound_1: 'sound_1.mp3',
      sound_2: 'sound_2.mp3',
      sound_3: 'sound_3.mp3',
      sound_4: 'sound_4.mp3',
      sound_5: 'sound_5.mp3',
      sound_6: 'sound_6.mp3'

Add the name of the sounds you want to added with the following string: (sound_name): '(name_of_sound).mp3'
           example: diceroll: 'diceroll.mp3'

remember to add the , after each new sound you add except for the last one

example of adding the diceroll sound:
// Defines the available sounds loaded on chat start:
   soundFiles: {
      sound_1: 'sound_1.mp3',
      sound_2: 'sound_2.mp3',
      sound_3: 'sound_3.mp3',
      sound_4: 'sound_4.mp3',
      sound_5: 'sound_5.mp3',
      sound_6: 'sound_6.mp3',
      diceroll: 'diceroll.mp3'

2. Now upload the actual sound to the chat/sounds folder.

You're good to go (found out that you need to "un-cache" the mod and have it reload to get the sounds to work).


Quote from: donjoe on April 12, 2009, 07:36:01 AMDude, I just used [Uninstall] on the integration mod, it didn't give any errors, but now my forum is broken - it doesn't display any content below the header where my name and the welcome message are.
Oops, that was a theme problem: the uninstaller doesn't modify my custom themes, only the default. The forum's main theme was non-default and I had modified its files manually when integrating AjaxChat. Now with the chat gone and that theme still active for most users, the forum wasn't redering properly.

Fixed manually.


I tried installing this but I got this error in the package manager:

Database Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin' at line 8
File: forum/Packages/temp/Tables_1.1.X.php
Line: 20

So I removed all the 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin' references in Tables_1.1.X.php but when I went to the chat page, it gave me a page full of this errors:

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in  forum/chat/lib/class/CustomAJAXChat.php on line 156

What's causing it?



i have a problem, only admin can access the chat!

when members or guest try to login to the chat  they get the message: "You can't access the chat."

some options i overseen or something else casuing this error?

Please help  :)

SMF 2.0rc1
AjaxC 3.0

Edit: when the language is set to norwegian it says: "Ugyldig brukernavn." --> "Invalid username." but the username is correct..


Quote from: Walgermo on April 13, 2009, 07:59:27 AM

i have a problem, only admin can access the chat!

when members or guest try to login to the chat  they get the message: "You can't access the chat."

some options i overseen or something else casuing this error?

Please help  :)

SMF 2.0rc1
AjaxC 3.0

Edit: when the language is set to norwegian it says: "Ugyldig brukernavn." --> "Invalid username." but the username is correct..

Have you set the permission to the chat for the different membergroups?
- Administration/ under Members choose Permission, click modify for a membergroup and make sure you've marked "Access to chat" for membergroups that are allowed to use it.


hii , first thanks alot for the ajax chat its agreat work .
ihave installed it and its work perfectly unless the users who have "arabic names " dont appear on the chat room , they can right but it like writing from no name all the arabic users writing without aname
can u slove this ?

ahh another thing , when i instal the E ARCADE the chat stop to work and i have errors . delete it and every thing is fine , what i should do ?


I've used 0.82 ajax chat and smf 1.1.4
It works great except one thing, sound.

I integrated into smf in shout mode.
If i use chat mode sound ok.
But if i use shout mode , it's no sound.

After modify shout.html in chat/lib/template dir.
I found Chrome & IE have sound
but not FF 3.0.8

Has this problem an answer?

Thank you
smf 1.1.2 with dilbermc themes.
> 50 mods installed.


Quote from: ward_k on April 13, 2009, 10:22:09 AM
hii , first thanks alot for the ajax chat its agreat work .
ihave installed it and its work perfectly unless the users who have "arabic names " dont appear on the chat room , they can right but it like writing from no name all the arabic users writing without aname
can u slove this ?

ahh another thing , when i instal the E ARCADE the chat stop to work and i have errors . delete it and every thing is fine , what i should do ?

Will to look into the no names for your Arabic users.

Uninstall both mods, then reinstall the arcade first and then this mod.


Quote from: JornB on April 13, 2009, 09:47:00 AM
Quote from: Walgermo on April 13, 2009, 07:59:27 AM

i have a problem, only admin can access the chat!

when members or guest try to login to the chat  they get the message: "You can't access the chat."

some options i overseen or something else casuing this error?

Please help  :)

SMF 2.0rc1
AjaxC 3.0

Edit: when the language is set to norwegian it says: "Ugyldig brukernavn." --> "Invalid username." but the username is correct..

Have you set the permission to the chat for the different membergroups?
- Administration/ under Members choose Permission, click modify for a membergroup and make sure you've marked "Access to chat" for membergroups that are allowed to use it.

Yes, i tried that right after i wrote her.. works fine now ;)


@ pongsak  yes that is a known issue with FF, the sound will come on in a few minutes though


I have intstalled this module, changed my Modifications.english.php and now getting the following error.

Anybody got a fix for this, I saw Permissions, but every group has rights.  Is it rights on the server?

(15:28:20) ChatBot: Error: Connection status: 404


Quote from: joshlitt on April 13, 2009, 04:35:55 PM
I have intstalled this module, changed my Modifications.english.php and now getting the following error.

Anybody got a fix for this, I saw Permissions, but every group has rights.  Is it rights on the server?

(15:28:20) ChatBot: Error: Connection status: 404

Did you have it workin before?
What version of SMF do you have?
Do you have Pretty URLs installed?


Brand new install, never had it working.
1.1.8 version of SMF using drupal Intergration (version 6.4)
Not using Friendly URL's

Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 13, 2009, 05:15:39 PM
Quote from: joshlitt on April 13, 2009, 04:35:55 PM
I have intstalled this module, changed my Modifications.english.php and now getting the following error.

Anybody got a fix for this, I saw Permissions, but every group has rights.  Is it rights on the server?

(15:28:20) ChatBot: Error: Connection status: 404

Did you have it workin before?
What version of SMF do you have?
Do you have Pretty URLs installed?


Ahhh drupal intergration might be causing the prob, think you might have to add a little something to your .htaccess file.

Check out the posts here

Also here is another one in German first goto http://translate.google.com/

Select German to English and put this in the " Translate text or webpage" input box http://www.net4seven.de/phpbb3/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=276


Let me pour over these and I'll let you know what I find.



Actually that was phpBB, but I looked at my .htaccess file and it's good:

# Set the default handler.
DirectoryIndex index.php

I'll have to try and do the German from another machine as it was flagging as Malware.


Yeah that was for phpBB but it works the same way.

Try adding this to your .htaccess file as the shoutbox and chat tempaltes are .html. Not sure if that will work but won't hurt to try.

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm

BTW are you using a custom theme?


Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 13, 2009, 03:34:42 PM
@ pongsak  yes that is a known issue with FF, the sound will come on in a few minutes though

The problem is why in the same FF,
Chat mode has sound
but not in shout mode.

If the FF has this issue it should no sound
in both mode, may be something wrong in shoutbox.html code?

Would U mind to see my version?
smf 1.1.2 with dilbermc themes.
> 50 mods installed.
