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Main Menu Shoutbox

Started by Nibogo, October 19, 2008, 11:41:06 AM

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Quote from: Diana Notacat on June 08, 2009, 08:48:08 PM
I still haven't fixed it yet, and even on a default style it'll do it... but testing so far says:

It has something to do with either the text input box or the Minimize thingy.

But when I take out the input box (so you can't type a message), or when the chat is minimized, it won't auto-scroll down to the shoutbox.

How was it installed? Package Manager? Did you have any test failed? If you did you need to edit manually whatever failed.

Here is another idea, it worked for me with a mod I was messing with the code. Go to uninstall it and see if any of the tests fail, then go to the files that failed and go thru slow looking for the problem.
Good luck,

Diana Notacat

Quote from: TDNY on June 09, 2009, 07:29:16 AM
How was it installed? Package Manager? Did you have any test failed? If you did you need to edit manually whatever failed.

Here is another idea, it worked for me with a mod I was messing with the code. Go to uninstall it and see if any of the tests fail, then go to the files that failed and go thru slow looking for the problem.
Good luck,

Alas, uninstalled, reinstalled both on an unedited default forum and on the style I have. All of the tests and the installs went flawlessly.

Totally unrelated to that bug, is a different one. x_x I used a fix to add a post button for the IE users that couldn't hit enter and post messages, but now some users are getting this weird error box everytime they hit enter to post. (the post button works fine.)


Quote from: Diana Notacat on June 09, 2009, 12:19:31 PM

Alas, uninstalled, reinstalled both on an unedited default forum and on the style I have. All of the tests and the installs went flawlessly.

Totally unrelated to that bug, is a different one. x_x I used a fix to add a post button for the IE users that couldn't hit enter and post messages, but now some users are getting this weird error box everytime they hit enter to post. (the post button works fine.)

That's a weird one there. So the message they type is posted to the shoutbox but some people get the error. I know there is an issue with IE8 where your members need to click the page compatibility button up top to the right of the address bar, maybe the same issue? Or maybe the members getting the errors have a "notify me of new posts" selected?
Good Luck,

ReHaB Gaming

I've been using this now for a few days and I have to say I love it.

However is there an easy answer as to why half of my members can use it fine and the other half keep telling me that they simply cannot post/shout at all? Apparently nothing happens when they press return/enter.


SMF 1.1.9
Default Theme
Shoutbox ver 2.0

Error Message:

Quote3.     Execute Modification     ./Sources/ManagePermissions.php     Test failed

So I went to do a manual installation, and I found this:

ManagePermissions.php (Unedited Source Code)
$permissionList = array(
'membergroup' => array(            'arcade' => array(
                'arcade_view' => false,
                'arcade_play' => false,
                'arcade_admin' => false,
                'arcade_favorite' => false,
                'arcade_submit' => false,
                'arcade_comment' => true,
                'arcade_rate' => false,
'general' => array(
'view_stats' => false,
'view_mlist' => false,
'who_view' => false,
'search_posts' => false,
'karma_edit' => false,

'sp' => array(
'sp_moderate' => false,
'sp_add_article' => false,
'sp_auto_article_approval' => false,

// Begin SMFShop code
'shop' => array(
'shop_main' => false,
'shop_buy' => false,
'shop_invother' => false,
'shop_sendmoney' => false,
'shop_senditems' => false,
'shop_bank' => false,
'shop_trade' => false,
// End SMFShop code

And the manual instructions want me to do this:

smf-1.1.x_install.xml (shoutbox 2.0)
<file name="$sourcedir/ManagePermissions.php">
<search position="before"><![CDATA['karma_edit' => false,
// Hack's Park Shoutbox -->
'shoutbox' => array(
'shoutbox_view' => false,
'shoutbox_post' => false
'shoutbox_panel' => array(
'shoutbox_edit' => false,
'shoutbox_delete' => false,
'shoutbox_prune' => false,
'shoutbox_ban' => false
// <-- Hack's Park Shoutbox]]></add>

Which would end up like this:

ManagePermissions.php (After the manual installation)
$permissionList = array(
'membergroup' => array(            'arcade' => array(
                'arcade_view' => false,
                'arcade_play' => false,
                'arcade_admin' => false,
                'arcade_favorite' => false,
                'arcade_submit' => false,
                'arcade_comment' => true,
                'arcade_rate' => false,
'general' => array(
'view_stats' => false,
'view_mlist' => false,
'who_view' => false,
'search_posts' => false,

// Hack's Park Shoutbox -->
'shoutbox' => array(
'shoutbox_view' => false,
'shoutbox_post' => false
'shoutbox_panel' => array(
'shoutbox_edit' => false,
'shoutbox_delete' => false,
'shoutbox_prune' => false,
'shoutbox_ban' => false
// <-- Hack's Park Shoutbox

'karma_edit' => false,

'sp' => array(
'sp_moderate' => false,
'sp_add_article' => false,
'sp_auto_article_approval' => false,

As you can see, that isn't going to work right.  Any suggestions?


Quote from: Diana Notacat on June 09, 2009, 12:19:31 PM
Quote from: TDNY on June 09, 2009, 07:29:16 AM
How was it installed? Package Manager? Did you have any test failed? If you did you need to edit manually whatever failed.

Here is another idea, it worked for me with a mod I was messing with the code. Go to uninstall it and see if any of the tests fail, then go to the files that failed and go thru slow looking for the problem.
Good luck,

Alas, uninstalled, reinstalled both on an unedited default forum and on the style I have. All of the tests and the installs went flawlessly.

Totally unrelated to that bug, is a different one. x_x I used a fix to add a post button for the IE users that couldn't hit enter and post messages, but now some users are getting this weird error box everytime they hit enter to post. (the post button works fine.)

Hey mate how did u make it so the time of the message goes first and after the name of the user?


Just installed it, seems it's working well.
But after a "/clear" command the shoutbox is stopping sliding. It doesn't show the new message, it stucks onto one you need to lower the bar to see the new message or just refresh the page. (This is for visitors too, they can't clear the sohutbox with the command but the command stucks the shoutbox anyway)

Also a longer member name looks really bad. It just slides all the messages to the middle. I wonder if we can have a max. membername char, to the options. So the "thereallylongmembername" can look like this: "thereally..."

Thanks for the mod!

AM Woody3

OK..I've been told this is probably a shoutbox problem.  Here are the errors I am getting.  Any help would be appreciated.

Undefined index: sba_link
File: /home4/lousyatg/public_html/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 2770

Undefined index: sba_title
File: /home4/lousyatg/public_html/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 2769

Undefined index: topbottomEnable
File: /home4/lousyatg/public_html/Themes/Braided_Blu/Display.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Line: 528


It installed correctly but is there any way to make a button for shouting in the shoutbox instead of hiting enter key on keyboard?
And how to remove smiley and font set from sbox?
I am using smf 2 rc1-1 with default theme.


hello i having a constant error in my error log after install this mod

File: /home/****/public_html/foro/index.php
line: 200

8: Undefined index: action

and this is my line 200

if (!empty($modSettings['hitStats']) && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'shoutbox')

how to fix it?


how do i enable the Shoutbox? i cant get it working..


Quote from: h4nbury on June 13, 2009, 05:26:35 PM
how do i enable the Shoutbox? i cant get it working..
The mod should be enabled as soon as you install it. You should also be able to adjust the settings for the mod in Admin > Shoutbox Admin.

If you are using a custom theme, you will need to manually insert the following template edit.
In ../Themes/{your_theme}/index.template.php
Code (find) Select
function template_main_below()

Code (Add Before) Select
   // Hack's Park Shoutbox -->
   if (function_exists('template_shoutbox')) template_shoutbox('main');
   // <-- Hack's Park Shoutbox
Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member


Quote from: Shadow82x on June 13, 2009, 05:36:12 PM
Quote from: h4nbury on June 13, 2009, 05:26:35 PM
how do i enable the Shoutbox? i cant get it working..
The mod should be enabled as soon as you install it. You should also be able to adjust the settings for the mod in Admin > Shoutbox Admin.

If you are using a custom theme, you will need to manually insert the following template edit.
In ../Themes/{your_theme}/index.template.php
Code (find) Select
function template_main_below()

Code (Add Before) Select
   // Hack's Park Shoutbox -->
   if (function_exists('template_shoutbox')) template_shoutbox('main');
   // <-- Hack's Park Shoutbox

it still isnt working


How To Add Auto Link Convert Like wen I New Topic Or New Post Came That Link  Shuld Be Visble In Shout box  How To Make Like This With Hacks Pack Sb Any One Kindly Guide Me[/]


i've just put the new shoutbox on my 1.1.9 forum and i can see it but i can only submit a shout when in popup mode. it is doing this on ie & ff. i have also put the shoutbox on my wifes 1.1.5 forum and it all works fine there......any 1 know how i can fix this please ?


brother remove new_pm mod its works fine


thanks but i dont have that mod and i have removed all other mods that i do have and it's still doing the same


hey i cant get this working on Internet Explorer, i use firefox and i can see it, but one of my members cant because they use Internet explorer, how can i fix it?

AM Woody3

Quote from: h4nbury on June 15, 2009, 11:41:08 AM
hey i cant get this working on Internet Explorer, i use firefox and i can see it, but one of my members cant because they use Internet explorer, how can i fix it?

On the top, to the right side of the address bar is a little torn page.  Click on that and you should be good to go


Quote from: mr_fix_it on June 15, 2009, 10:32:15 AM
i've just put the new shoutbox on my 1.1.9 forum and i can see it but i can only submit a shout when in popup mode. it is doing this on ie & ff. i have also put the shoutbox on my wifes 1.1.5 forum and it all works fine there......any 1 know how i can fix this please ?

i have now removed this shoutbox and put it back on and now it's not even working in popup  :-\ ???
