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Started by lurkalot, February 12, 2005, 04:43:00 AM

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Thanks @lurkalot ... appreciate that.  :)
DO NOT pm me for support!


While trying to install, I got this database error:

Key column 'subject' doesn't exist in table
File: /home/steve/public_html/forums/Packages/temp/install.php
Line: 300

What do I do with that?
DO NOT pm me for support!


No ideas?

Do I create the column and give it a null value before installing?
DO NOT pm me for support!


You had TinyPortal before?
What version?
Which version you installing?
Do you expect the old data for TinyPortal to be available in the new forum?
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at


1. I had TinyPortal before but I had Doug do a thorough cleanout of my system so there were no mods or their information installed.

2. I don't remember the version I had. It was before you went to all hooks.

3. The current one at the mod download site (2.3.1).

4. No. All I'm trying to do is get a usable shoutbox. I realize TP is overkill for just that purpose but I've been unable to find anything else.
DO NOT pm me for support!


In that case you might just go into the database and drop all tables that start with SMF_tp_

Then you have a clean database to install into...

Oh, BACKUP the database before,..
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at


Good ideer ... will do that. Thanks @rjen:)
DO NOT pm me for support!


I did what you said and all went well with the installation. But, I accidentally saved the blocks page with all blocks turned off and now I can't get to my forum or even its cpanel.
DO NOT pm me for support!


Don't know why your site wont load at all.  ??? 

But you can add noblocks to the end of the your site address, this should let you get back on to your site, and then you can turn off the offending block in admin. 

Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at


I don't know what happened but all is well now. Had to change DNS settings.

Thanks @rjen and @lurkalot.
DO NOT pm me for support!


I created a "Startup Photo" block using TP, which is displayed in the top panel block. The display is made.
However, this block is not displayed when an article is displayed.

It is activated:
"Show on all pages and sections"
"All areas of the forum"
The user-defined actions also have "page=12" checked.

How can I make the block visible for the articles?


The error was found:
In the settings for the item, the "Show top panel" box must be checked.


Does TinyPortal have a pages module that it integrates well with?


Pages are Articles in TinyPortal. It's a core function, so yes it is well integrated

By the way: the core functions are listed in the description of the mod...
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at


Quote from: @rjen on November 09, 2023, 11:27:29 AMPages are Articles in TinyPortal. It's a core function, so yes it is well integrated

By the way: the core functions are listed in the description of the mod...

Thanks for the response. Sorry for the confusion. Avid wordpress user here so I'm trying to get an understanding of SMF terminology. Pages and Articles are different in my mind so I guess that is why I didn't quite understand that you use them as a page also.


On my website there are some PHP files that run separately independent of SMF software.
I have a TinyPortal block that should also be displayed when one of these PHP is opened! Rewriting the PHP is probably a lot of work (and I can't do it either).

But in the block's settings I can specify under "Actions" where the block should be displayed. There is also the selection "page=xxx". Is it possible that the PHP file can also be specified here?


Only if the php page is run as an article page
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at


Was wondering if it's possible to restrict a guest from downloading a file but allow them to see the file info? I couldn't seem to find out how to do this when searching for a solution.


Nope, that's not possible. In this respect TinyPortal follows the same rule as SMF: what cannot be completed is not shown...

What you could do is create two categories: one for members with the download and a file, one also visible to guests where you post a download without the file, but with a link to the download in the members category.
It means you will need to maintain two download items, but you can achieve what you want
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at


What could be the reason that the + sign is not displayed in the shoutbox entry?
