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Started by andy40, May 21, 2009, 08:36:20 AM

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hi my forum says it needs to be updated but wheen i try i get this message can anyone help?

1. Execute Modification ./index.php Test failed
2. Execute Modification ./Sources/Display.php Test failed
3. Execute Modification ./Sources/Load.php Test failed
4. Execute Modification ./Sources/ManageAttachments.php Test failed
5. Execute Modification ./Sources/PackageGet.php Test failed
6. Execute Modification ./Sources/Post.php Test failed
7. Execute Modification ./Sources/Profile.php Test failed
8. Execute Modification ./Sources/QueryString.php Test failed
9. Execute Modification ./Sources/Security.php Test failed
10. Execute Modification ./Sources/Subs.php Test failed
11. Execute Modification ./Sources/Subs-Graphics.php Test failed
12. Execute Modification ./Sources/Subs-Members.php Test failed
13. Execute Modification ./Sources/Subs-Post.php Test failed
14. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/ManageAttachments.template.php Test failed
15. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/Recent.template.php Test failed
16. Execute Modification ./Themes/babylon/Recent.template.php Test successful
17. Execute Modification ./Themes/classic/Recent.template.php Test successful
18. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/languages/index.english.php Test successful
19. Execute Modification ./attachments/.htaccess Test successful
20. Execute Modification ./index.php Test successful
21. Execute Modification ./Sources/Display.php Test successful
22. Execute Modification ./Sources/Load.php Test successful
23. Execute Modification ./Sources/Post.php Test successful
24. Execute Modification ./Sources/Profile.php Test successful
25. Execute Modification ./Sources/Security.php Test successful
26. Execute Modification ./Sources/Subs.php Test successful
27. Execute Modification ./Sources/Subs-Graphics.php Test successful
28. Execute Modification ./Sources/Subs-Members.php Test successful
29. Execute Modification ./Sources/Subs-Post.php Test successful
30. Execute Code updateDatabase.php 


hi ok did a new install but now arcade games wont apply and ajax chat wont apply do i need a newer version for it to work with this update?


hi just installed a new forum on a new database to see if it was my forum that was worng but still get this message below when i try to install arcade games does anyone know why

The package you are trying to download or install is either corrupt or not compatible with this version of SMF.


Use the attached Arcade mod, updated to install on 1.1.9 :)

Ralph "[n3rve]" Otowo
Former Marketing Co-ordinator, Simple Machines.
ralph [at] simplemachines [dot] org                       
Quote"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan



Is this issue solved or do you still require assistance?
PM at your own risk, some I answer, if they are interesting, some I ignore.


Ajac Chat now complains in big bold letters about not being compatible with 1.1.9 :(
My users are not impressed with me as they used it heavily

fingers crossed for an update soon, cant roll back to 1.1.8 as its not listed in packages :(


TLB, post a link to the ajax mod.

Ralph "[n3rve]" Otowo
Former Marketing Co-ordinator, Simple Machines.
ralph [at] simplemachines [dot] org                       
Quote"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan
