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Simple Machines Smiley Contest

Started by Fustrate, August 13, 2009, 06:06:16 PM

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I must've made like 4 variations of each smiley.  I'm going to select which one's I like best (may or may not be the best) and throw the rest into another folder and submit the whole thing.  Just 2 more to go, Angel and Grin.... grrrrrr

FYI Trekkie:  Please Note - According to what smiley's are required, there are 17 Smileys in your list and 1 blank Smiley.  So technically, should say 17 Standard Smiley's and 1 Blank Smiley.  Currently says 16 standard smiley's and 1 blank smiley.


Quote from: anunlike on August 20, 2009, 03:20:13 PM
It sounds like only the winning entry will become sole property of SMF? So what happens with the other entries? Are they just given back; will the creator(s) be asked to add their entry to the SMF modification smiley site; are they, considering that property rights are tacitly given to SMF, added to the SMF modification smiley site automatically or ...?

We won't be claiming any property rights to any submission, all submissions are the authors and will remain that way, including the winning set.

The smileys submit will be showcased on every SMF admin center, allowing 1 click (ish) install :) the same way we handle mods and themes.

You are free to impose any license/copyrights onto your smileys as you see fit.

If, and this is majorly hypothetical, and only an if. If the winner is chosen to be part of SMF 2.0, as a default or extra set, we will contact the author and arrange to credit and transfer the rights to their work to us, if they choose to, we will not force anything. Your work is yours :)

Quote from: SoLoGHoST on August 20, 2009, 05:04:13 PM
I must've made like 4 variations of each smiley.  I'm going to select which one's I like best (may or may not be the best) and throw the rest into another folder and submit the whole thing.  Just 2 more to go, Angel and Grin.... grrrrrr

FYI Trekkie:  Please Note - According to what smiley's are required, there are 17 Smileys in your list and 1 blank Smiley.  So technically, should say 17 Standard Smiley's and 1 Blank Smiley.  Currently says 16 standard smiley's and 1 blank smiley.
Thanks, and *sigh*, on a standard SMF install there are 16, angel is not a default smiley, but we have it installed here, causing all my idiotic issues :P I offer apologies, and we will not judge based on how many smileys are in a submission, Ill take anything between 16-23 or whatever it is :P


Here are a few I just made up. Be truthful, should I just give up now?  :P


Yigal V.
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Well, it wouldn't let me see those images. :(
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on August 20, 2009, 10:27:55 PM
Well, it wouldn't let me see those images. :(
I fixed it... Hopefully...


Yigal V.
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Quote from: Yigal on August 20, 2009, 10:47:06 PM
Got anymore? ;D
Not yet, I'll have to make some more this weekend.


Make some that the smileys are more in motion :)
Yigal V.
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Okie Dokie, submitted my 18 Smiley's just now.  Non-Animated PNG files (approx 1 KB each).  Hope you are right that the angel is not among the required smileys (since Frustrate has it as required in the 1st post of this topic), because i didn't do an angel smiley.  Finally, now I can get to work on an animated version of it, arrrgggg.

Bytheway, nice smiley's Yahmez :)


Yahmez, keep up the good work and make sure you submit them! :)

and thanks very much Sologhost, got your entry in the mail today :D

Also as a side note, if anyones making animated sets, feel free to take a still snapshot aswell, we will treat a non animated and animated set as different entries.


Thanks Trekkie.  Though, just now noticed that I missed 1... UNDECIDED!!  Argggg.  Will do, and resend.  Sorry for the preemptive strike there  :-X


I used to use Jasc Animation Shop to do mine.


Quote from: karlbenson on August 21, 2009, 01:46:07 PM
I used to use Jasc Animation Shop to do mine.
Yeah, those were the days when I was using PaintShop Pro (like 6 years ago) as it came with that proggie.  Lots of fun back then.  But things got way funner nowadays.  Still, it's all good!

Oh, bytheway, for those who are interested, for an excellent 3D Image Creation Program download Vue 7 (Free and totally awesome).  I was like stuck on Bryce for the longest time and couldn't get my mind away from it, until I just recently switched to Vue, and WoW!  It makes Bryce look like Microsoft Paint!

Well, Trekkie101, have resubmitted my Smiley Set just now via E-Mail.  Please use this 1 instead of my last submission, as well as the Screenshot within it as this has the most up-to-date files.  Including the missing undecided smiley from the previous set I e-mailed to you.

Thanks A Bunch,


EDIT - Have changed the Screenshot to a better liking and resent just the Screenshot to the email addy: [email protected].  Can you please make sure that this Screenshot, that I sent you last, gets used instead of any of the other one's, including those in the .zip file.  Please also let me know if the Screenshot Width is too wide as it is currently 684 pixels wide.

Thanks Again!




like i said no one has entered the contest so far 0 have entered on my sites we have over 300 enter in OVER 300.

SO ADMINS/STAFF take a min to go over my comments again other non staff dont need to comment on my feedback

Hello everyone nice to see you all again.. this is message is directed at the staff and administration the best way i can contribute is by offering my input and feedback We(my company) have personal ran over 100 contest with 1000s of people. Contest that had no budget to over a grand budgets contests. so i hope you will take this constructive criticism.

contest is a good idea but i have a few issues with this contest.. is only open to those that make graphics and only to those that know how to and make smileys so thats like what 5% or less of the members here. so next is who is going to do them? the elite members here who all carry Charter membership which is the freaking prize? are you kidding me? sure thats a great prize if you already dont own it. if you do its nothing. its pretty easy if you spend a little time thinking about a good prize with out spending money something as simple as free hosting for 3 months is a fair and good prize and there's much much more things you can do hell simply put the smiley set on all new smf and i am sure this would be a REALLY great reward for them and make more people want to do it.  there is over 2,000 public free smiley sites, with more then 100,000 smileys.

i like contest and think they should happen but i personal think SMF would be better off with other contest that will build user participation help create a bond with the site its members and to improve smf.  Something as simple as  testimonials contest would be great SMF would get 100s of people that enter. there is over 2,000 public free smiley sites, with more then 100,000 smileys   i strongly suggest making this a testimonials

I hope you find this contribution helpful feedback.


I'm apprentice staff, do I count? I should add I have run multiple competitions before - including paid prizes, so I guess I do have something to add after all.

The fact is that NO MATTER what do you for a competition where you want people to be involved, you will have to exclude someone else. There is no way around it. And there have been several entries already.

Let's review the other options of competition:

* Mod writing
Limited to coders - even smaller group than artists.
Who judges? On what criteria? Nicest code, most useful, most functions? Impractical all round.
What one user sees as useful, others will not.

* Testimonials
So... encouraging reviews for money. How many of these testimonials therefore are going to be heaping on the praise when it may not be entirely deserved? Are you going to praise the software, the people, who/what?
Easy to win, actually. I used to work at a company where three people were awarded a large value (£500 GBP) prize per month for being team players - out of 1000 people. Over the course of a year, one of the three people that won the prize was on my nomination, because it's a case of knowing how to word such things to be compelling.
Thus someone whose skill at language is more persuasive than another's will automatically have a higher chance of winning.
Pretty much bars all people for whom English isn't their first language - and discourages a ton of people for whom it IS their first language.

* Smileys
So there's 2000 sites out there. Do SMF have permission to redistribute them? No.
Are they all a consistent theme to each other? No.
Do you require strong technical skills to make smileys? No.
Can you have fun doing it? Yes.
Does it bring the community together? I'd say it has a chance.
Thus it's a low barrier to entry and not a huge contest.

Regarding the prize, $50 may not seem like a lot to you. Three month's hosting, though? For me alone that's... $120. For other users, it runs into the thousands of dollars per month. The budget just isn't big enough.

Plus even if you do have it now - next year it's free. It's still $50 saving.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I just wanna say, and don't get me wrong...  Making graphics (all kinds) is FUN for me!  I'd do it for SMF for FREE.  However, a Charter Membership and a chance to have your smilies packaged on a default install of SMF is a BIG ++ IMO.  Though, already have a site called Graphics Mayhem where we do all kinds of graphics for free.

Just my 2 cents worth!
