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Forum Name in Browser Title

Started by Matthew K., February 18, 2010, 06:12:00 AM

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I have something important to say about your mod "forum name in browser title"

In your mod you have set a rel= canonical tag to /index.php

This tells Google that this is my prefferred page to index and show up in the search results.

But I want to change this to /  instead of index.php, how can I do this and are there any disadvantages by doing this from an SEO/Google perspective?


Matthew K.


Sorry, but when I saw the following code, that was what I thought:

<!-- SMF Modders; Forum Name in Browser Title -->
   <title>Name Of My Forum xxx - Forumindex</title>
   <link rel="canonical" href="xxxxx/index.php" />
   <link rel="help" href="xxxxx/help/" />
   <link rel="search" href="xxxxx/search/" />
   <link rel="contents" href="xxxxx/index.php" />
   <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="xxxxx - RSS" href="xxxxx/.xml/?type=rss" /><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

xxxx=titles and url's of my forum.

So, those tags are not made by the "Forum Name In Browser Title" mod? huh? I'm confused  ???

Matthew K.

No...and if you parse the mod you can see what code is added or modified.

Only the <title></title> tags were added, if I am remembering correctly.


All right, then I think that this canonical tag was pre-installed by SMF, after checking the following post:
QuoteSMF 2.0 already tells google that such content is duplicate by use of the
<meta content="noindex" name="robots">
<link href=".........." rel="canonical">
tags, which is more specific than robots.txt and is automatic.

The problem is that Google sees my forum homepage as a "duplicate content" page, because the "/" and the "/index.php" pages are of course both the same, but also both discoverable for GoogleBot and that causes serious problems for indexing. I solved this problem yesterday by using Google-friendly 301-redirects.

Matthew K.

PatrickForum - If you need help with something that's not related to my mod, you should open your own topic


I understand. It was not my intention to bother you. I thought this tag was implemented by your mod, but it was not.
I updated my last post.

Matthew K.

It's not a bother at all, but this really is the topic for support regarding this mod's support, so it's good to keep it that way so things can be well organized.


Question about: Forum Name as Prefix for Forum Title - mod

On the homepage it generates [my forum name] - forumindex - [my forum name]
and I want to change it to: [my forum name] - forumindex
or better yet: [my forum name] - other words then forumindex

How can I do that? Can somebody help me with this? Thanks.

Matthew K.


No. No portal installed.
(by the way, link to my forum is in my signature/profile)

Matthew K.

You'd have to attach Load.php and index.template.php so I could take a peak.


Have you discovered anything, dear Labradoodle-360?

prince sharma

pls tell me the steps of changing  the name of page..when i install this mod .It change my page title in index.Now [nofollow] how i can change it ?


Do you mean how you change the title of your forum?

prince sharma

Quote from: PatrickForum on March 19, 2011, 10:05:19 AM
Do you mean how you change the title of your forum?


You can edit the title-tag in index.template.php file which can be found under /themes/default
But there must be a setting somewhere in the controlpanel.

During the installation you had a option to input the name of your forum.

I don't know where you can find this setting within your admin panel
Searching will help.

I'm not a SMF expert. I'm a newbie also.

Matthew K.

Admin -> Configuration -> Server Settings is how you can change your forum name. Assuming you're using 2.0, not sure where it is anymore in 1.1, although possibly same area.

Patrick - Not had a chance to look yet.


Emulated RC4 and installed on 2.0 w/o problems.
Working fine here on Curve and custom theme.

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