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Quick Ban on Account Delete

Started by Team, March 05, 2010, 06:39:29 AM

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Quick Ban on Account Delete

By vbgamer45

Works with SMF 2.0.x and SMF 1.1.x

Adds delete triggers on delete account for admin. Helpful against spammers
Also makes it select topics and posts to delete by default.
Makes it faster to remove a spammer by allowing you ban and delete the account at the same time.

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nice mod ... looking forward to it for RC2 also :)
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Hats off vbgamer. Thanks a lot for this mod. Spammers were a horror for me. and selecting ban and deleting them separately was a great menace. But hats off to this mod of yours


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Thanks for this great mod!!

I came across one small problem when using this mod:
8: Undefined variable: scripturl
File: /home/XXXXXX/public_html/forum2/Sources/Profile.php

The fix is to add $scripturl as a global variable in the deleteAccount function in Sources/Profile.php.


PS:  I have confirmed that this problem occurs on a 1.1.11 forum with no other mods installed.
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Thanks for the report updated with a fix.
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Let me see if I've got this straight. When I delete somebody's account, the dialogue box for this mod will appear, giving me several options as to how I ban the user?


Yes it will just modifies the delete account page to allow you to ban as well.
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Great mod, by the way.  Works a treat.



Hi vbgamer45,
could you please update your great mod to 2.0RCx, I checked the quickban.xml file and it can install on 2.0RC3 but is it possible validate the mod and post an update to the smf mod section.


I would LOVE to see this made available for SMF 2.0...and it would certainly be worth a donation too.

I used this mod with great success and admiration on the 1.1.xx branch and consider it to be a "must have" mod for any active forum.


Quote from: MrMike on June 18, 2011, 01:41:40 AM
I would LOVE to see this made available for SMF 2.0...and it would certainly be worth a donation too.

I used this mod with great success and admiration on the 1.1.xx branch and consider it to be a "must have" mod for any active forum.
Updated for SMF 2.0!
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thanks but not working with 2.0RC3, test failed with profile.template.php.
if ($context['can_delete_posts'])
echo '
<td colspan="2" align="center">
', $txt['deleteAccount_posts'], ': <select name="remove_type">
<option value="none">', $txt['deleteAccount_none'], '</option>
<option value="posts">', $txt['deleteAccount_all_posts'], '</option>
<option value="topics">', $txt['deleteAccount_topics'], '</option>

echo '
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<label for="deleteAccount"><input type="checkbox" name="deleteAccount" id="deleteAccount" value="1" class="check" onclick="if (this.checked) return confirm(\'', $txt['deleteAccount_confirm'], '\');" /> ', $txt['deleteAccount_member'], '.</label>

if ($context['can_delete_posts'])
echo '
', $txt['deleteAccount_posts'], ':
<select name="remove_type">
<option value="none">', $txt['deleteAccount_none'], '</option>
<option value="posts">', $txt['deleteAccount_all_posts'], '</option>
<option value="topics">', $txt['deleteAccount_topics'], '</option>

echo '
<label for="deleteAccount"><input type="checkbox" name="deleteAccount" id="deleteAccount" value="1" class="input_check" onclick="if (this.checked) return confirm(\'', $txt['deleteAccount_confirm'], '\');" /> ', $txt['deleteAccount_member'], '.</label>


Works with 2.0 final only at the moment RC3 is pretty old at the moment and is no longer the stable release.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on June 20, 2011, 08:19:25 AMWorks with 2.0 final only at the moment RC3 is pretty old at the moment and is no longer the stable release.

It works perfectly with 2.0 as far as I can tell.

Thank you for updating this.


Quote from: vbgamer45 on March 05, 2010, 06:39:29 AM
Link to Mod

Quick Ban on Account Delete

Adds delete triggers on delete account for admin. Helpful against spammers
Also makes it select topics and posts to delete by default.
Makes it faster to remove a spammer by allowing you ban and delete the account at the same time.


I really  need to use this great solution, but I'm not very experienced with adding mods. to SMF.

I downloaded the zip file and I see the instructions for the modifications to the code.

Question: Do I need to install the files (if so, where) and do I ALSO need to modify the code, as specified?

Thanks so much!



No just upload it via the package manager and install it.
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