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Topic Rating Bar

Started by Bugo, January 05, 2012, 11:13:27 PM

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Send me a link to your forum.


This is my site. If You wish i creat for You account to testing templates


Well, I noticed you are using some spoiler mod with jQuery 1.6.2. It's a very old version. Try remove it. My mod uses jQuery 1.7.2, the latest.


Very sad to see that you aren't even interested in replying to important contents regarding your own mod Bugo. So be it, I better stay without a half working mod than using it and be limited in its functions, plus I don't have to come up with uncomprehensive reasons for board members why logic functions are missing.


Quote from: Bugo on April 28, 2012, 09:27:46 PM
Well, I noticed you are using some spoiler mod with jQuery 1.6.2. It's a very old version. Try remove it. My mod uses jQuery 1.7.2, the latest.
Problem Solved! I delete template and install it again. Working fine. Thanks for help - BUGO :)


I'am getting this Error please help me how to fix this Error ***(/Themes/default/languages/TopicRating/).


Hey. Would it be possible to tell me I can com make the stars appear in the title bar instead of the default mode?



Dont hope for changes elmenda as this mod seems to be a mod without support. If you read backwards, you can see that I tried to get some information as well as others did but either no response or no proper response one is supposed to work with from the mod creator. Sad, but true.


is very important please.




rating for guests would be great



And it would be unreliable and easy to spam because there's no reliable way of tracking guests' votes.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


What spam??? You mean spamers votes allways 1 star??  I don't need track guests votes.


Cookie prevention should be enough. Guest voting should be enabled separatly by settings


That's the thing, guest voting cannot be made reliable. Either you limit it by IP address, which means it's unreliable because one IP address is not the same as one computer (e.g. at my old company, we only had two IP addresses for the entire large company), or you do it by cookies which aren't reliable because someone can delete them. (Plus all the issues with cookies in the UK, plus the fact that it's all extra stuff you have to track)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Hi Bugo,

great mod as usual. thank.

one think though, I installed the mod without any errors on smf 2.0.2 custom theme. the mini-bar on messageindex only appears when default theme! I moved all included folders also to custom theme (as below) but it did not work. rating and other features are ok. just the mini-bar is not visible in custom theme?

Move the included directory "default/css" to "./Themes/custom".
Move the included directory "default/images" to "./Themes/custom".
Move the included directory "default/languages" to "./Themes/custom".
Move the included directory "default/scripts" to "./Themes/custom".
Move the included file "default/TopicRating.template.php" to "./Themes/custom".

thanks in advance



Quote from: igirisjin on September 28, 2012, 12:01:38 PM
Nice, but it doesnt work if topics are created through the calendar as events ... would be nice if that worked.
Quote from: igirisjin on September 28, 2012, 12:10:01 PM
Doesn't work on sticky topics?
Why doesn't work? Any example please, with links to pages on your forum.


Ah, good news... I will take that back. It is not displaying on posts I make.

I added event posts for a couple of other users and use another account  for testing 'Midan' > Admin.
Often I post stuff with that using the mod 'post as alternate user'. These posts it isnt displaying the topic rating as I posted them.
