The future of SMF

Started by Norv, February 24, 2012, 07:49:09 AM

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I am enjoying the funnier side of your, albeit odd, sense of humor. ;)

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


* Masterd is wondering what happened here.
It used to be a constructive topic.


Quote from: Masterd on September 28, 2014, 04:34:27 PM
* Masterd is wondering what happened here.
It used to be a constructive topic.

We love going off-topic :D :D its still ^^


If it weren't late at night I'd bust out the mic and record my own version of that quote. Then you could hear just how surprised I am at your lack of being convinced. I could even bust out the Vader quote about how I find your lack of faith... disturbing.

As for going off-topic, that's something I've felt for a long while, and I'm fairly certain it's one of the reasons things have been sub-ideal for so long... it's all too serious and stuffy. I'd certainly argue I've not helped at times, but of late in particular I've been trying to be positive - even when it's been hard - and bringing my brand of humour to the party, because a happy group is so much more productive than a miserable one.

I remember when this place used to be fun. Running jokes like me being a bot from the future from the time of SMF 7 (the one that has time travel) preventing the mistakes that are SMF 6, for example. Or more recently where Justyne and I switched avatars and had similar usernames and generally messed about having fun because I think the people here have forgotten how to have fun.

See, here's the thing people forget. What do we do here? We make software, right?

WRONG. That's not what SMF is about. SMF brings people together. It builds communities. Gives people places to gather on this rock as we hurtle around a flaming mass of nuclear fusion reactions. We cling to the skin of the world, fragile and lonely - and SMF is a tool to bring people together. Whether we do it well or whether we do it badly, that is what we do. Each of us here is doing just that - participating in the greatest social networking environment in the world.

Facebook is cool and all but in comparison to the feeling of people having a place to call theirs, to discuss whatever interests them, whatever fires their soul and passion... that's something. That's something special and wonderful and it has been my privilege to be part of that the last 5 years - as terrible an effect as it has had on me, but that's why I keep coming back, because each person we help is someone bringing a community together.

We touch lives here. Step back and watch the turning of the universe and you realise just how staggering an effect that you, me, them, everybody here has. EVERYONE is a part of this little miracle. We bring lives together.

But along the way it got so full of drama and tension that the fun left. But having fun is such a necessary part of it, because you need the fun to temper the darkness. And god knows I've had dark times in some of my time here. But the fun time makes the darkness bearable - and when that's going on, you, me, them, everybody... we move the world.

You guys all know the fulcrum symbol. That's what it means. We all stand together on one end, pulling and watching the lever tip across the fulcrum point. We all, together, move the world.

I refuse to be miserable about moving the world. I've been there. I've done that. I try to keep my misery in a few threads these days so I can concentrate on the rest of them moving the damn world in a positive way one step at a time. And I don't know about you, but I do know that we could make this work better if we all had a bit more fun doing it.

Going off topic is just the start.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.




When I try to have phun, here, I often get glowered at...


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Why so long are you creating SMF 2.1? About 4 years you're creating this engine and you cannot release the stable version. I understand that you're creating SMF for free, non profit, but don't you think, that these almost 4 years it's very long? Look at the phpBB group, they already released phpBB 3.1.6, MyBB group released MyBB 1.8.6, and SMF is drop back behind them. In July you released SMF 2.1 Beta 2 and still the milestone for Beta 3 wasn't reached. Why it string out to you? These are normal questions I'm not aimed at hurting nobody, I'm just asking out of curiosity.


well, obviously, you have not been reading very much around the site or on GitHub....  nor do you apparently "understand" what it means that SMF is a volunteer project.

Yep... it's a "long time". 
We're not "stringing out" anything. We make releases when the release is ready. Beta3 is not ready, and so has not been released. Plain and simple.

As for the other softwares... what do they have to do with us?  (answer: absolutely nothing...)  I am happy that they have made releases. Good for them. However, that has no bearing on our own release schedule.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on November 05, 2015, 06:47:42 AM
well, obviously, you have not been reading very much around the site or on GitHub....  nor do you apparently "understand" what it means that SMF is a volunteer project.

Yep... it's a "long time". 
We're not "stringing out" anything. We make releases when the release is ready. Beta3 is not ready, and so has not been released. Plain and simple.

As for the other softwares... what do they have to do with us?  (answer: absolutely nothing...)  I am happy that they have made releases. Good for them. However, that has no bearing on our own release schedule.

I see that 59 people have investment in development of SMF 2.1 on Github and good, but still you didn't explain why SMF 2.1 creating almost 4 years, even if it is volunteer project. And so what that SMF 2.1 was built on the new technology but still isn't a ready project. Maybe you developers aren't stringing out but many thousand people are with their own forums which are acting on outdated SMF 2.0. As you see the technology went ahead. Year or 2 will pass before you announce the release to the stable version SMF 2.1, no offence intended, but at a snail's pace you are elaborating your software. I didn't write that they have to do with you I gave only an example, that they released new engines, but you still not. I understand the fact that you cannot release so quickly for some reasons, but it is a bit irritating, that's stand and still doesn't have an end.


even if their are 59 people that may have contributed to SMF 2.1 that does not mean that all 59 people are contributing on a regular basis. we are doing the best we can to get 2.1 out the door. when it is ready and our dev team says it will be ready, it will be released.


whenever someone says "no offense intended" -- that means that the person KNOWSthat what they are saying is indeed offensive and they just want to say it anyway...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


QuoteI see that 59 people have investment in development of SMF 2.1 on Github and good, but still you didn't explain why SMF 2.1 creating almost 4 years, even if it is volunteer project.

They certainly are not "stringing it out".
People don't want to really comment here about slow progress --> hang out dirty laundry. I know some contributors are not around these days because of internal political problems some time ago and I'm sure that has affected its progress a lot. It is a bit sad but those things happen quite a lot in free open source projects.  It is worrying for me as it does look like it is starting to fall behind other popular boards. The release of 2.1 will go a long way to easing those concerns but the way things are we will just have to wait.


I dunno but I heard the same about SMF 2.0 too.  It simply takes time to develop forum software.
I have been truly inspired by the SUGGESTIONS as I sit on my throne and contemplate the wisdom imposed upon me.


You need an even greater sense of humour these days dealing with the anticipation of the next release. SMF users do seem to be a loyal lot though.


1. Why you turf out in SMF 2.1 Core Features?

2. At one time I already mentioned that turf out the sidebar menus in 2.1 is a silly solution, more easily is moving through administration panel when the sidebar menus are set as it is in 2.0, why did you leave from this solution? You want to say me that for you it was hard to do?

3. Could you add the function to edit name of topic along with all title of answer? Such a possibility is in SMF only with moving the topic to other section. As for me it is needed option in the moderation.

4. Personally the fact that SMF has modifications isn't disturbing me, but whether the extensions which turn on and off wouldn't be better? Thanks to this any files SMF wouldn't be modified by the particular modification.

5. Why did you turf out the system of sending emails messages by SMF? The newest phpbb has this possibility and probably mybb also has this function, so why 2.1 hasn't? In my opinion it's a needed option thanks to which can send emails to users by forum without need to login on service provider own email.

6. Why in 2.1 did you turf out on such a user profile like in 2.0? You turf out a salutation it mean Hello admin, I know that is a little detail but without his salutation is somehow differently, empty. :P

Even if you did a profile in popup then there could be these all information which are in profile 2.0. It mean salutation and user name, show unread posts since last visit, show new replies to your posts and is lack of this information: you have 1 message, 0 new, but it also hasn't in basic theme in 2.0, but in others themes is added, so I hope that this function will show in other themes to 2.1 and also in this upper profile is lack information about that the is user or are users to approve like it is in 2.0.

7. Is a bug in news bar, if I'll add links to underline they're on whole window, and it shouldn't be like this, the underline of links should be the same like above.

8. Why added content in News and Newsletters isn't centre? In SMF 2.0 after adding anything it was fall into place like this:

9. I don't like this to pass into private messages it is necessary to click into INBOX button in popup or into the title of the message. Better solution is that which is in 2.0 when I'm clicking into private messages and I'm in the box, in my opinion it is a better solution. The same is regarding to alerts it isn't possible to click into any messages in alerts only have to click in button ALL ALERTS to be in own alerts so as for me it is pointless solution.

10. Why you cannot do or use nicer icons to the panel of administration?

11. In my opinion theme curve2 isn't a nice theme, why you not tried that the new theme was better? Why you resigned from curve theme from 2.0? For so many years you are creating 2.1 you focused on the code of this project and on bugs, and you didn't work on theme curve2 which is average. You could leave basic theme from SMF 2.0 which is prettier than it in 2.1 which the better impression than curve2.

12. Something's wrong in 2.1 in set the time up for the entire forum, I've the same settings of server on 2.0 and on 2.1 the clock is showing the hour to the back, otherwise why in 2.1 in Profile > Look and Layout hasn't that?

13. Why in 2.1 hasn't function NOTIFY and SEND THIS TOPIC?

14. An additional function would be useful in allocating the post so that it is possible to set where exactly the allocated post is supposed to be in a new topic, because currently to merge the allocated post it works on hours and dates of adding this post.

Frankly 2.0 is still better than 2.1 generally, I don't know why you rid of some functions from 2.0 and from the general appearance, I don't like this.
