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Some easy fixes to the phpBB 3 to SMF 2 converter....

Started by dougiefresh, July 28, 2013, 10:04:58 AM

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I noticed some fairly major problems using the converter and I've managed to fix them so that my forum is dang-near perfect....  I thought I'd share them so that the rest of the community can benefit from my "experiments"...  :P

At the end of the post, I have posted an altered copy of phpbb3_to_smf2.sql.  I hope this helps people....

Converting the attachments is an issue with the converter because sometimes attachments from private messages show up as attachments to messages in the forum.  It seems that they are store in the same table, so my first modification is to the attachments area....

We need to add a personal message attachment table to the database, so before this:
--- Converting personal messages (step 1)...

Add this:
--- Preparing for PM conversion...

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$to_prefix}pm_attachments;

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$to_prefix}pm_attachments (
  `id_attach` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `id_thumb` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `id_pm` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `pm_report` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `id_folder` tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `attachment_type` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `filename` tinytext NOT NULL,
  `file_hash` varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `fileext` varchar(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `size` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `downloads` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `width` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `height` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `mime_type` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id_attach`),
  KEY `id_pm` (`id_pm`)

Also note that you need the PM Attachments mod in order to view your attachments in personal messages.

To properly seperate the private message attachments and public attachments, replace this:
--- Converting attachments...

---* {$to_prefix}attachments
$no_add = true;
$keys = array('ID_ATTACH', 'size', 'filename', 'ID_MSG', 'downloads', 'width', 'height');

if (!isset($oldAttachmentDir))
$result = convert_query("
SELECT config_value
FROM {$from_prefix}config
WHERE config_name = 'upload_path'
LIMIT 1");
list ($oldAttachmentDir) = mysql_fetch_row($result);

if (empty($oldAttachmentDir) || !file_exists($_POST['path_from'] . '/' . $oldAttachmentDir))
$oldAttachmentDir = $_POST['path_from'] . '/file';
$oldAttachmentDir = $_POST['path_from'] . '/' . $oldAttachmentDir;

// Get $ID_ATTACH.
if (empty($ID_ATTACH))
$result = convert_query("
FROM {$to_prefix}attachments");
list ($ID_ATTACH) = mysql_fetch_row($result);

$ID_ATTACH = empty($ID_ATTACH) ? 1 : $ID_ATTACH;

$newfilename = getLegacyAttachmentFilename($row['filename'], $ID_ATTACH);

// Set the default empty values.
$width = '0';
$height = '0';

// Is an an image?
$attachmentExtension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($row['filename'], '.'), 1));
if (in_array($attachmentExtension, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp')))
list ($width, $height) = getimagesize($oldAttachmentDir . '/' . $row['physical_filename']);

$newfilename = getLegacyAttachmentFilename($row['filename'], $ID_ATTACH);
if (strlen($newfilename) <= 255 && copy($oldAttachmentDir . '/' . $row['physical_filename'], $attachmentUploadDir . '/' . $newfilename))
$rows[] = "$ID_ATTACH, " . filesize($attachmentUploadDir . '/' . $newfilename) . ", '" . addslashes($row['filename']) . "', $row[ID_MSG], $row[downloads], '$width', '$height'";
post_msg_id AS ID_MSG, download_count AS downloads,
real_filename AS filename, physical_filename, filesize AS size
FROM {$from_prefix}attachments;

With this:

--- Converting personal messages (step 3)...

TRUNCATE {$to_prefix}pm_attachments;

---* {$to_prefix}pm_attachments
$no_add = true;

if (!isset($pmAttachmentUploadDir))
$result = convert_query("
SELECT value
FROM {$to_prefix}settings
WHERE variable = 'pmAttachmentUploadDir'
LIMIT 1");
list ($pmAttachmentUploadDir) = convert_fetch_row($result);

if (empty($pmAttachmentUploadDir))
$pmAttachmentUploadDir = $_POST['path_from'] . '/pm_attachments';

if (!isset($oldAttachmentDir))
$result = convert_query("
SELECT config_value
FROM {$from_prefix}config
WHERE config_name = 'upload_path'
LIMIT 1");
list ($oldAttachmentDir) = convert_fetch_row($result);

if (empty($oldAttachmentDir) || !file_exists($_POST['path_from'] . '/' . $oldAttachmentDir))
$oldAttachmentDir = $_POST['path_from'] . '/file';
$oldAttachmentDir = $_POST['path_from'] . '/' . $oldAttachmentDir;

// Get $id_attach.
if (empty($id_attach))
$result = convert_query("
SELECT MAX(id_attach) + 1
FROM {$to_prefix}pm_attachments");
list ($id_attach) = convert_fetch_row($result);

$id_attach = empty($id_attach) ? 1 : $id_attach;

// Set the default empty values.
$width = 0;
$height = 0;

// Is an an image?
$attachmentExtension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($row['filename'], '.'), 1));
if (!in_array($attachmentExtension, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp')))
$attachmentExtension = '';

$file_hash = getAttachmentFilename($row['filename'], $id_attach, null, true);
$physical_filename = $id_attach . '_' . $file_hash;

if (strlen($physical_filename) > 255)
if (copy($oldAttachmentDir . '/' . $row['physical_filename'], $pmAttachmentUploadDir . '/' . $physical_filename))
// Is an an image?
if (!empty($attachmentExtension))
list ($width, $height) = getimagesize($pmAttachmentUploadDir . '/' . $physical_filename);
// This shouldn't happen but apparently it might
$width = 0;
$height = 0;
$rows[] = array(
'id_attach' => $id_attach,
'size' => filesize($pmAttachmentUploadDir . '/' . $physical_filename),
'filename' => $row['filename'],
'file_hash' => $file_hash,
'id_pm' => $row['id_pm'],
'downloads' => $row['downloads'],
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
at.post_msg_id AS id_pm, at.download_count AS downloads,
at.real_filename AS filename, at.physical_filename, at.filesize AS size
FROM {$from_prefix}attachments AS at
LEFT JOIN {$from_prefix}privmsgs AS pm ON ( at.post_msg_id = pm.msg_id )
WHERE at.topic_id = 0
ORDER BY at.post_msg_id ASC;

--- Converting attachments...

---* {$to_prefix}attachments
$no_add = true;

if (!isset($oldAttachmentDir))
$result = convert_query("
SELECT config_value
FROM {$from_prefix}config
WHERE config_name = 'upload_path'
LIMIT 1");
list ($oldAttachmentDir) = convert_fetch_row($result);

if (empty($oldAttachmentDir) || !file_exists($_POST['path_from'] . '/' . $oldAttachmentDir))
$oldAttachmentDir = $_POST['path_from'] . '/file';
$oldAttachmentDir = $_POST['path_from'] . '/' . $oldAttachmentDir;

// Get $id_attach.
if (empty($id_attach))
$result = convert_query("
SELECT MAX(id_attach) + 1
FROM {$to_prefix}attachments");
list ($id_attach) = convert_fetch_row($result);

$id_attach = empty($id_attach) ? 1 : $id_attach;

// Set the default empty values.
$width = 0;
$height = 0;

// Is an an image?
$attachmentExtension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($row['filename'], '.'), 1));
if (!in_array($attachmentExtension, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp')))
$attachmentExtension = '';

$file_hash = getAttachmentFilename($row['filename'], $id_attach, null, true);
$physical_filename = $id_attach . '_' . $file_hash;

if (strlen($physical_filename) > 255)
if (copy($oldAttachmentDir . '/' . $row['physical_filename'], $attachmentUploadDir . '/' . $physical_filename))
// Is an an image?
if (!empty($attachmentExtension))
list ($width, $height) = getimagesize($attachmentUploadDir . '/' . $physical_filename);
// This shouldn't happen but apparently it might
$width = 0;
$height = 0;
$rows[] = array(
'id_attach' => $id_attach,
'size' => filesize($attachmentUploadDir . '/' . $physical_filename),
'filename' => $row['filename'],
'file_hash' => $file_hash,
'id_msg' => $row['id_msg'],
'downloads' => $row['downloads'],
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
post_msg_id AS id_msg, download_count AS downloads,
real_filename AS filename, physical_filename, filesize AS size
FROM {$from_prefix}attachments
WHERE topic_id <> 0
ORDER BY post_msg_id ASC;

Note that the "Converting personal messages (step 3)" can omitted if you aren't going to install the "PM Attachments" mod...  You will lose that information if you choose to install it later and don't have the phpBB tables around anymore....

When I convert my phpBB board to SMF, all of my PM conversations from the phpBB board are listed under a single conversation in the SMF board.  I did a little more digging into how phpBB works with it's personal messages with the help of a friend and figured out what to modify in the phpbb3_to_smf.sql file (found here).

Find this:
--- Converting personal messages (step 1)...

TRUNCATE {$to_prefix}personal_messages;

---* {$to_prefix}personal_messages
pm.msg_id AS id_pm, pm.author_id AS id_member_from, pm.message_time AS msgtime,
SUBSTRING(uf.username, 1, 255) AS from_name, SUBSTRING(pm.message_subject, 1, 255) AS subject,
SUBSTRING(REPLACE(IF(pm.bbcode_uid = '', pm.message_text, REPLACE(REPLACE(pm.message_text, CONCAT(':1:', pm.bbcode_uid), ''), CONCAT(':', pm.bbcode_uid), '')), '\n', '<br />'), 1, 65534) AS body
FROM {$from_prefix}privmsgs AS pm
LEFT JOIN {$from_prefix}users AS uf ON (uf.user_id = pm.author_id);
and change this line :
SUBSTRING(REPLACE(IF(pm.bbcode_uid = '', pm.message_text, REPLACE(REPLACE(pm.message_text, CONCAT(':1:', pm.bbcode_uid), ''), CONCAT(':', pm.bbcode_uid), '')), '\n', '<br />'), 1, 65534) AS body
to this:
SUBSTRING(REPLACE(IF(pm.bbcode_uid = '', pm.message_text, REPLACE(REPLACE(pm.message_text, CONCAT(':1:', pm.bbcode_uid), ''), CONCAT(':', pm.bbcode_uid), '')), '\n', '<br />'), 1, 65534) AS body,
CASE pm.root_level WHEN 0 THEN pm.msg_id ELSE pm.root_level END AS id_pm_head

This should group all conversations together in SMF after conversion from phpBB.

(Reference message = [SMF Converter] phpBB3)

During my conversion of my phpBB forum, the converter created a lot of entries for missing avatars on my forum.  My solution was to replace some code to check to see if the avatar exists before creating the avatar entry in the attachment table....

Find this:

// If the avatar type is uploaded (type = 1) copy avatar with the correct name.
elseif ($row['user_avatar_type'] == 1 && strlen($row['avatar']) > 0)
$smf_avatar_filename = 'avatar_' . $row['ID_MEMBER'] . strrchr($row['avatar'], '.');
@copy($phpbb_avatar_upload_path . '/' . $row['avatar'], $avatar_dir . '/' . $smf_avatar_filename);

INSERT INTO {$to_prefix}attachments
(ID_MSG, ID_MEMBER, filename, attachmentType)
VALUES (0, $row[ID_MEMBER], SUBSTRING('" . addslashes($smf_avatar_filename) . "', 1, 255), " . $attachmentType . ")");
$row['avatar'] = '';

and replace it with this:

// If the avatar type is uploaded (type = 1) copy avatar with the correct name.
elseif ($row['user_avatar_type'] == 1 && strlen($row['avatar']) > 0)
$phpbb_avatar_ext = substr(strchr($row['avatar'], '.'), 1);
$smf_avatar_filename = 'avatar_' . $row['id_member'] . strrchr($row['avatar'], '.');

if (file_exists($phpbb_avatar_upload_path . '/' . $phpbb_avatar_salt . '_' . $row['id_member'] . '.' . $phpbb_avatar_ext))
@copy($phpbb_avatar_upload_path . '/' . $phpbb_avatar_salt . '_' . $row['id_member'] . '.' . $phpbb_avatar_ext, $avatar_dir . '/' . $smf_avatar_filename);
convert_insert('attachments', array('id_msg', 'id_member', 'filename', 'attachment_type'),
array(0, $row['id_member'], substr(addslashes($smf_avatar_filename), 0, 255), $attachment_type)
elseif (file_exists($phpbb_avatar_upload_path . '/' . $row['avatar']))
@copy($phpbb_avatar_upload_path . '/' . $row['avatar'], $avatar_dir . '/' . $smf_avatar_filename);
convert_insert('attachments', array('id_msg', 'id_member', 'filename', 'attachment_type'),
array(0, $row['id_member'], substr(addslashes($smf_avatar_filename), 0, 255), $attachment_type)

$row['avatar'] = '';

Not only did this code edit eliminate the missing avatars, it makes the database a bit smaller (at least in my case!)

After converting everything, I noticed that my board descriptions, public posts, and private messages have an unnecessary \' in them.  At the end of the phpbb3_to_smf.sql file, add this:

--- Correcting a few issues on the forum....
UPDATE {$to_prefix}boards SET description = REPLACE(description, "\\\'", "\'");
UPDATE {$to_prefix}messages SET body = REPLACE(body, "\\\'", "\'");
UPDATE {$to_prefix}personal_messages SET body = REPLACE(body, "\\\'", "\'");

That'll take care of them "nasty" backslashes...  :P

phpBB supports inline attachments and SMF doesn't.  This results in stuff that looks like this:
So, let's fix them so that they are at least "normal" smf bbcodes.... 

Find this under Converting posts...:
'~<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/(.+?)/(.+?)" alt="(.+?)" title="(.+?)" />~is',
and add this beneath:

Then find this (same section):
add this beneath:

If you use the Attachment Positioning mod, this gets you to the half way mark.  Your posts will look like this:
We need it to look more like this:
So find this:
), $row['body']);
and add this after:
$row['body'] = preg_replace('~\[attachment=(\d+?)\]([^\[]*)\[/attachment\]~is', "[attachment=" . '\1' . "]", $row['body']);
This will get rid of the unnecessary text between the [attachment] and [/attachment] tags, as well as the [/attachment] tag.

If you have installed PM Attachments mod on your forum, you will need to do this again for the "Converting Personal Messages (Step 1)" section, too....

Special thanks goes out to emanuele for the regular expression that solved this particular problem!!   Thanks, emanuele!

(Reference Post = Help regarding Inline Attachments....)
(Reference Post = Error converting phpbb3 to smf 2)

In phpBB, the size bbcode is used to specify what size the font should be in the form of a percentage.  SMF doesn't support this form and the converter tries to convert everything to pixels, which results in VERY LARGE letters!  So to fix this, we need to do a few things....

In phpbb3_to_smf.sql, find this:
Replace this line with the following:
This changes the default "translation" of the size bbcode back to what it is in the phpBB board.....

There is a problem with doing this, as SMF doesn't recognize this usage of the size bbcode.  So, we have to add the phpBB-style Font Size BBCode mod in order to fix this minor issue.

You will need to do this again for the "Converting Personal Messages (Step 1)" section, too....

(Reference topic = Conversion from PhpBB-3.0.8 to SMF-2.0 stable - problem with fonts size in posts)

I hope this helps somebody out there.... Enjoy...

EDIT: I've added a modified version of phpbb3_to_smf.sql to this post with the changes made by me.  I hope this helps someone....


Oh, found something else....  Sometimes, the post member name, email address, and ip address don't get filled in OR don't get filled in correctly with the information from phpBB.  Here is a fix for that...

Find this:
m.username AS posterName, m.user_email AS posterEmail, p.poster_ip AS posterIP,
and replace with this:
IFNULL(p.post_username, m.username) AS poster_name,
IFNULL(m.user_email, 'Unknown') AS poster_email,
IFNULL(p.poster_ip, '') AS poster_ip,

For anonymous posts, this will fill in the name used in phpbb during posting (even as guest), marking the email address as "Unknown" for guests, and the IP as "" when they aren't filled in.

Hope this helps!


That is very cool. Looks like you did a lot of work here. Thank you. This will come in real handy for lots of people.


I had to associate some standard phpBB emoticons with their SMF icon counterparts in order to resolve the appearance of some posts.  Here is the SQL statement to insert at the end of the phpbb3_to_smf.sql file:

INSERT INTO `smf_smileys` (`code`, `filename`, `description`, `smiley_row`, `smiley_order`, `hidden`) VALUES
(':-D', 'cheesy.gif', 'Cheesy', 0, 0, 1),
(':grin:', 'cheesy.gif', 'Cheesy', 0, 0, 1),
(':-)', 'smiley.gif', 'Smiley', 0, 0, 1),
(':smile:', 'smiley.gif', 'Smiley', 0, 0, 1),
(';-)', 'wink.gif', 'Wink', 0, 0, 1),
(':wink:', 'wink.gif', 'Wink', 0, 0, 1),
(':-(', 'sad.gif', 'Sad', 0, 0, 1),
(':sad:', 'sad.gif', 'Sad', 0, 0, 1),
(':-o', 'shocked.gif', 'Shocked', 0, 0, 1),
(':eek:', 'shocked.gif', 'Shocked', 0, 0, 1),
(':shock:', 'shocked.gif', 'Shocked', 0, 0, 1),
(':???:', 'huh.gif', 'Huh?', 0, 0, 1),
(':?', 'huh.gif', 'Huh?', 0, 0, 1),
(':-?', 'huh.gif', 'Huh?', 0, 0, 1),
('8-)', 'cool.gif', 'Cool', 0, 0, 1),
(':cool:', 'cool.gif', 'Cool', 0, 0, 1),
(':lol:', 'laugh.gif', 'Laugh', 0, 0, 1),
(':x', 'grin.gif', 'Grin', 0, 0, 1),
(':-x', 'grin.gif', 'Grin', 0, 0, 1),
(':mad:', 'grin.gif', 'Grin', 0, 0, 1),
(':-P', 'tongue.gif', 'Tongue', 0, 0, 1),
(':razz:', 'tongue.gif', 'Tongue', 0, 0, 1),
(':oops:', 'embarrassed.gif', 'Embarrassed', 0, 0, 1),
(':cry:', 'cry.gif', 'Cry', 0, 0, 1),
(':evil:', 'evil.gif', 'Evil', 0, 0, 1),
(':roll:', 'rolleyes.gif', 'Roll Eyes', 0, 0, 1);

Hope this helps somebody....

EDIT: This does not resolve all the standard phpBB emoticons to their SMF counterparts, because some phpBB emoticons don't have SMF counterparts....


This is awesome!

I didn't even notice some of these issues.

May I suggest that you attach your modified version of the conversion and the SQL file?

I did come across one issue. After conversion, user permission was not converted properly. I didn't even have access to SMF's administration panel. I had to run a query in phpMyAdmin for one user to get Admin access.


I found yet another "issue" that I've managed to fix in my copy of the phpbb3_to_smf.sql.  This one revolves around the fact that not only does the converter not import the ban list from phpBB, but it also omits all of the banned usernames from the member list!  I think this is kinda important, don't you?

REMINDER: If you make the first change but not the second, the banned members will be able to access/post/etc on your forum again!!
Find this:
WHERE u.group_id NOT IN (1, 6)
Relace it with this:
WHERE u.group_id <> 6 AND user_id > 1
What this does is includes the banned members without including the "Anonymous" username.

Add this after importing the members:

--- Converting ban list...

TRUNCATE {$to_prefix}ban_groups;
TRUNCATE {$to_prefix}ban_items;

---* {$to_prefix}ban_groups
$ignore = true;
$row['cannot_access'] = 1;
$row['cannot_login'] = 1;
convert_insert('ban_items', array('id_ban_group', 'id_member'),
array($row['id_ban_group'], $row['id_member'])
convert_insert('ban_items', array('id_ban_group', 'email_address'),
array($row['id_ban_group'], $row['email_address'])
if ($row['expire_time'] == 0)
  b.ban_id AS id_ban_group, m.username AS name,
  b.ban_start AS ban_time, b.ban_end as expire_time,
  b.ban_give_reason AS reason, b.ban_reason AS notes,
  SUBSTRING(m.user_email, 1, 255) as email_address, b.ban_userid AS id_member
FROM {$from_prefix}banlist AS b
LEFT JOIN {$from_prefix}users AS m ON (m.user_id = b.ban_userid)
ORDER BY b.ban_id ASC;

ALTER TABLE {$to_prefix}ban_groups ORDER BY id_ban_group;
ALTER TABLE {$to_prefix}ban_items ORDER BY id_ban;

EDIT: Corrected ban list code, as old code resulted in error due to attempting to sort on incorrect (and non-existant) field....

Also, the converter doesn't convert some parts of the messages involving smilies correctly.  Find this:
'~<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/(.+?)/(.+?)" alt="(.+?)" title="(.+?)" />~is',
and add this after it:
'~<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/(.+?)" alt="(.+?)" title="(.+?)" />~is',
and find this:
and add this:

This needs to be replaced at least twice, depending on your sql file....

I've also uploaded a copy of the modified SQL file at the end of the first post.  Hope this helps somebody!


Thank you for posting your findings.
I'll give the right persons a nudge ;)
Se forem conduzir, não bebam. Se forem beber... CHAMEM-ME!!!! :D

QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


At the end of the first post, I have posted an altered copy of phpbb3_to_smf2.sql.  I hope this helps people...


While I was looking for a few other "issues" to take care of, I found that the topic and board subscriptions weren't transferred to the SMF install.  I can think of a few people who would get annoyed by this "feature" of the conversion, myself included  :P

This code should be added somewhere in the sql file (location not important):

--- Converting topic subscriptions....

TRUNCATE {$to_prefix}log_topics;

---* {$to_prefix}log_topics
$ignore = true;
  w.topic_id AS id_topic, w.user_id AS id_member,
  IFNULL(t.topic_last_post_id, 0) AS id_msg
FROM {$from_prefix}topics_watch AS w
  LEFT JOIN {$from_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.topic_id = w.topic_id)
ORDER BY w.topic_id ASC;

--- Converting board subscriptions....

TRUNCATE {$to_prefix}log_boards;

---* {$to_prefix}log_boards
$ignore = true;
  w.forum_id AS id_board, w.user_id AS id_member,
  IFNULL(f.forum_last_post_id, 0) AS id_msg
FROM {$from_prefix}forums_watch AS w
  LEFT JOIN {$from_prefix}forums AS f ON (f.forum_id = w.forum_id)
ORDER BY w.forum_id ASC;

Now, I noticed that there were duplicate entries in the phpBB's forum_watch table.  In my database, there were over 2,000 entries in phpBB's forum_watch table.  In SMF, there were 1,300 entries....  I don't understand why this occurred, but I'm guessing it has something to do with the corruption of my phpBB system....  which is part of the reason why I'm converting to SMF  :o

Was looking at my personal messages as they were in the phpBB forum, and those in the SMF forum.  Noticed that the PMs didn't get translated quite right, especially the smilies....  So I took the post translation code and transplated it in the Personal Message (step 1) section.

I can't get this section of code to post properly, so I am just going to insert it into the sql file and let y'all figure it out....  Hint: It's after this:
---* {$to_prefix}personal_messages

Also updated the sql file attached to the first post....


Thank you so much for posting these! It really made it possible to get out of phpBB!

I'm migrating phpBB 3.0.8 to ElkArte 1.0.10 (based on SMF 2.0.x). Convert.php and OpenImport both only partly finished the job. The things here are critical!

I put all of it into a spaghetti code class that should do a really solid job of exporting phpBB 3.0.x to ElkArte/SMF. The only difference I noted between SMF and ElkArte for the conversion is in the ranks. SMF uses membergroups.stars and ElkArte uses membergroups.icons. Changing this in two places, and changing "%d#icon.gif" to "%d#stars.gif" should make it fully capable of importing phpBB 3.0.x to SMF 2.0.12ish.

My documentation and files are at the ElkArte forum->OpenImporter-> [Solved w/script] Best bet for phpBB 3.0.x -> ElkArte 1.0.x?. I'm sorry, I'm a new user and I can't post links.

Thanks again! Really relieved to be off phpBB and onto SMF/ElkArte.


I am trying to convert a PHPbb 3.2.2 board to SMF 2.0.15. have tried using the original converter and that was giving an error,  i found a work around that involved deleting two chunks of code and after  a bit of experimenting i got it to look like it was starting but it just stopped at the first step of converting nothing progressed for 14 hrs.  Then i found this thread and tried the updated version of the converter file and put a fresh install of the SMF software on.  When i try to run convert, it's not asking me where my files are and it does not recognise my SMF files as valid as it gives a screen that says:
Select Script
Main Conversion
Recount Totals and Statistics
Which software are you using?
The converter did not find any conversion data files. Please check to see if the one you want is available for download at If it isn't, we may be able to write one for you - just ask us!
After you download it, simply upload it into the same folder as this convert.php file. If you're having any other problems with this converter, don't hesitate to look for help on our forum.

Try again
If i do try again the same thing happens.  Am i out of scope for this cobverter with my versions ?  Any advice would be great, i can post biscuits!

Best regards



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Thanks for that and i also think i need to install SMF back to 2.0.0 which i have just downloaded....will try that combination and give it a go. 




I would try to upgrade at least 2.0.15 of SMF if you can... works for PHP 5.4 and up.
Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
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I used the files in the first link of the two as the second one suggests that the files is already in with the converter, which it seems to be in the long list of import conversion software options.   Thank you vbg All worked well with the exception of attchments.   Can that be fixed?

My freshly converted and uncustomised Test Board is [nonactive]



Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro


Just noticed something in the file attached to the OP.

There's a comment on Line 235, and another on Line 628, that both use PHP comment syntax instead of SQL comment syntax.
// This just does the stuff that it isn't work parsing in a regex.

Should be:
/* This just does the stuff that it isn't work parsing in a regex. */

That fixes the syntax highlighting, so should prevent any possible glitches.

ETA: Oh, another one on Line 699.
* Antechinus goes to check everywhere now...

ETA2: Ok, this one has them all sorted.
