Were I given the keys to the kingdom...

Started by Arantor, September 22, 2013, 02:03:37 PM

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Yeah, I see what you mean.  Perhaps Tag is not the correct term for what I'm talking about.  I'm looking for a way to organize all posts within a forum with groups of 1 or 2 more words to make it easier for searching, instead of looking for those words in either the title or the body of the post (since they are not exactly helpful many times).  This group of words would be defined by the person who created the post, thus making it more definitive to it's pupose.

In any case, it's whatever.  I've been spending more time designing these days rather than coding.

Cheers :)

P.S. ->  On the other note that I've mentioned, I haven't seen anything stating that SMF will change it's doctype to HTML 5.  Is this something that will be introduced soon?


QuoteThis group of words would be defined by the person who created the post, thus making it more definitive to it's pupose.

Yes, I realise this. I believe I already stated what the problem with this was. It needs everyone to make the same tags for the same things and people just don't do that. Heck, enough people can't find the right *boards* to post in a surprising amount of the time, let alone per topic or per post meta data.

All this meta data is great but when you have each person inventing their own tags, it won't work. If you'll notice, on WordPress the admin(s) set the tags, on StackOverflow they have to be added through a community consensus decision - to try and get people to be consistent and even then it doesn't always work.

As far as HTML 5 is concerned, there was a pull request on Github that was incomplete for a conversion inside 2.1. It seems a little unlikely that we will overhaul Curve II (the 2.1 theme) to be able to make the change but it will be done for 3.0.

I reiterate: SMF 2.1 in its current form is in a public repository on Github. You are more than welcome to try it out and see things like that for yourself. And you are even more welcome to submit pull requests for us to look at for things that you feel should be included.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.

Nao 尚

Quote from: Bloc on September 27, 2013, 02:10:20 AM
We are all waiting in anticipation now, Nao. :D Will SMF 2.1/2 be..a Wedge derivative or something else? In any case, forgive and forget and all that I guess.
There is so much to say.

I don't want to elaborate too much, because it's been a while since I've wanted to start a flame war, and I'm not going to start one now.

I'm just going to make it clear that I didn't realize there were two ways of reading through my post. I'm afraid I was on the ironic side. Back in 2010, rejoigning the dev team required a team vote; it was a big deal. Here, Pete says he wants in -- and the next day, he's in. So... Mixed feelings. As for Pete, he's been even more unstable and unpredictable than last year -- and at least then, he had a good reason to be so.
While he repeatedly maintained to several of his friends that the last thing he'd do is re-join the SMF team, now he's a developer. And now he's speaking with the proverbial 'we'.

That's a lot to take in, if you'll allow me... It's even a bit heart-breaking. I did work alongside him for 3 years.
Don't worry... It'll pass.

PS: Pete, I received your package this morning, thanks! Was I not the one supposed to send you a present? Welcome to the 30s, BTW!
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Just to clarify, Nao 尚, there was a vote.

Yeah, I can see how it might've made you go

But, life's kinda weird, like that, innit?


QuoteHere, Pete says he wants in -- and the next day, he's in.

And there was a team vote. I was as surprised by the result as anyone else (because of course I've seen the comments now)

QuoteWhile he repeatedly maintained to several of his friends that the last thing he'd do is re-join the SMF team

Things change, circumstances change. Like me finally being fed up of feeling like you weren't listening to me.

I wasn't happy about going back into the fold while certain things were the case, then things changed that made a lot of difference. Most of this occurred in private.

I said that in the event of forking Wedge, I'd end up going back to SMF because I don't possess the skills to do it all by myself? I initially didn't because I didn't like the way things were at that point but then they changed somewhat. Not to mention the fact that in the meantime I went off trying my own thing and realising that it was too big a job for me, even though I got 70-odd commits and a patch of quite a few thousand lines of code into it and that I don't have all the skills necessary to do it properly.

I realised that getting involved here was the best for me and in my view the best for this project, and it seems that, broadly, everyone else was interested in going in the same direction - and while there have been some bumps in communication (including some very vocal concerns on my part!), I feel like the team and I are generally communicating better than the team ever did in the past and for the most part it's on par with how we used to be. But a lot of that is about being prepared to accept that change is coming because I know only too well how people dislike change (myself included)

QuotePS: Pete, I received your package this morning, thanks! Was I not the one supposed to send you a present? Welcome to the 30s, BTW!

I hope it's useful to you, it taught me a great many things.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Just something to add here.  Something that I've seen Drupal make a huge mistake on...  Drupal is sort of stuck with jQuery 1.8, and doesn't fully function well even with jQuery 1.8, really it is stuck using jQuery 1.4 to jQuery 1.7 for full functionality of the system.  The reason is that it has built it's core around these jQuery versions, and now it will be forever stuck in the past because of this.  There will be too much work needed to switch over all Core Modules to support anything higher than jQuery 1.8.  Not to mention all of the contrib modules....

Let's not try to make the same mistake with SMF 2.1.


2.1 is shipping 1.7.1 right now only because no-one's been bothered to update it in ages, not that we're making huge use of it right now IIRC.

But what does going 1.9 or higher give us?
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor Beeblebrox the First on January 01, 2014, 06:37:25 PM
2.1 is shipping 1.7.1 right now only because no-one's been bothered to update it in ages, not that we're making huge use of it right now IIRC.

But what does going 1.9 or higher give us?

Quite frankly a better, overall build of jQuery.  You read up on all of the changes here:  http://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/1.9/


Also, jQuery 1.9 redefines many of the jQuery functions, changes/removes many of these in earlier versions that have had them deprecated, and is a solid base/foundation to use for the future of jQuery.  Anything below version 1.9 will not have a future for any new features that get added in jQuery 2.x and beyond.


Building your script and general UI around JS is a bad idea so I don't see us doing that.

Although we chose jQuery, in reality most of the UI functionality still relies on custom js built for SMF, a complete change to whatever jquery version is highly unlikely. If anything, it should be done gradually, one feature at the time.
Disclaimer: unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal and does not represent any views or opinions held by Simple Machines.


Well, most of the UI functionality still uses SMF's code originally for compatibility for modders and the like. And the amount of work required to rewrite it is not trivial either.

But because our usage is so slight right now, it should be possible to switch them safely.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


"...a complete change to whatever jquery version is highly unlikely"

And I'm saying that in jQuery 1.9 such a change exists.  Perhaps I am not understanding what you are saying here...?

Quote from: Arantor Beeblebrox the First on January 01, 2014, 09:05:53 PM
Well, most of the UI functionality still uses SMF's code originally for compatibility for modders and the like. And the amount of work required to rewrite it is not trivial either.

But because our usage is so slight right now, it should be possible to switch them safely.

Awesome, that is good news!  Just don't want to see SMF go down the same path as some...

Cheers :)


It doesn't matter what jquery version we use, at this very own moment, everything vital to the functionality still uses SMF own code.

I really, really don't see what is the issue here to be honest. There are far more important issues to take care of.
Disclaimer: unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal and does not represent any views or opinions held by Simple Machines.


Ok, well I do not follow the development of SMF 2.1 that closely TBH.  The issue is the future of whatever program you are building, which can become a very huge issue.  Ya know the 5 P's:  Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.


Our biggest use of jQuery in 2.1 right now comes from the editor. If I get a chance in the coming days I'll take a look at what would need to be done to upgrade to jQuery 1.9.
Michael Eshom
Christian Metal Fans


Quote from: Oldiesmann on January 02, 2014, 02:52:02 PM
Our biggest use of jQuery in 2.1 right now comes from the editor. If I get a chance in the coming days I'll take a look at what would need to be done to upgrade to jQuery 1.9.

Sam Clarke has already upgrade the SCeditor to jquery 1.9(a few versions up from what SMF is using I think), so it's a manner of upgrading the editor itself, which has some changes that I would consider time consuming? I haven't looked at the code myself, so I'm not sure. I know the way he orders is buttons has changed, from what he explained to me in an email awhile back.


I don't believe that you used an entire plugin (Superfish) for the menu to do something that can be done with less than 10 lines of jQuery.


Which is ironic seeing how Superfish is a jQuery plugin.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.

