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Join Reason

Started by live627, December 20, 2009, 10:49:47 AM

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Check your server logs. There's probably a php error happening ;)
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if you wish to move SMF's Advanced Profile Fields and uninstall this mod then consider the following:

Configure SMF via "Admin > Core Features > Advanced Profile Fields > add a field called "Join Reason" and Profile Section set to Forum Profile carefully selecting your options ...

then you may update the new fields from your old ones - see

NOTE: this is a bash script for MySQL and may have to be modified. I just completed this exercise because people were abusing the old Join Reason and it was being overlooked.

This is just really a reference to give you ideas if you can be bothered ! I have now removed the mod but it certainly did it's job !
The configuration of my Linux VPS (SMF 2.0 with 160+ mods & some assorted manual tweaks) can be found here and notes on my mods can be found here (warning: those links will take you to a drug related forum). My (House) music DJ dedication page is here



This mod provides exactly the functionality I want with one exception - I would like to change the text: Reason for joining this forum: to be "How did you learn of us?"

What is the easiest way to achieve this?



Yes edit the text under themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on February 03, 2019, 11:38:02 AM
Yes edit the text under themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php

PERFECT!!!! Thank you so much - worked like a charm!!



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Linux command to show both join reasons (from the mod and from the Advanced Profile fields):

echo "use smf209; select smf209_members.id_member, smf209_members.member_name, smf209_members.join_reason, smf209_themes.value FROM smf209_themes INNER JOIN smf209_members ON smf209_members.id_member=smf209_themes.id_member WHERE smf209_themes.variable='cust_joinre'\G;" | mysql | less
The configuration of my Linux VPS (SMF 2.0 with 160+ mods & some assorted manual tweaks) can be found here and notes on my mods can be found here (warning: those links will take you to a drug related forum). My (House) music DJ dedication page is here


Is it possible to increase the field size (e.g. 3 lines)? It is currently only one line of text.
We want them to add more information.


Quote from: viking9 on August 27, 2021, 11:04:44 PMIs it possible to increase the field size (e.g. 3 lines)? It is currently only one line of text.
We want them to add more information.
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"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


Any chance this mod will be fixed for SMF 2.1.1?  This is the biggest things I miss from being on 2.0.19.  Thanks for everything, this mod helps keep back spam so much!

Diego Andrés

I believe you could accomplish the same using a profile field.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


As far as I remember, custom fields can't be shown on the admin member list for filtering out would-be spammers.

Not that it's a great solution, and strong Q&A continues to be the most effective solution for deterring spammers.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on March 25, 2022, 11:55:00 AMAs far as I remember, custom fields can't be shown on the admin member list for filtering out would-be spammers.

Not that it's a great solution, and strong Q&A continues to be the most effective solution for deterring spammers.

I Use A Required Custom Field "Reason For Joining" Along with A Non-Required Fav Artist Custom field, Since adding them my spam has dropped to nothing. ;D


Version 2.0
+Updated for SMF 2.1.x
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Thanks, this works now!

Something I always do for modification though:

Changed /Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php line 4
              From: "Reason for joining this forum:"
              To: "Why would you like to join? (Please write a sentence):"

Changed /Themes/default/Register.template.php line 151
              From: <input type="text" name="join_reason" id="smf_join_reason" size="30" tabindex="', $context['tabindex']++, '" />
              To: <textarea name="join_reason" id="smf_join_reason" rows="4" cols="50" name="comment" form="registration"></textarea>


I am pretty sure the problem was created by sth I did earlier, but that is not my point / question. It is more of a general knowledge question, since I probably would have to uninstall manually anyway.

I installed "Join Reason" mod today on 2.1.2 and it checked fine, then the installation process broke off with an error message (php error on white background). I went through every file and all mods are there. Also, the mod works fine, so no trouble in the db or so.

The only thing is, that the mod shows as not installed in the package manager. I suppose there is no way to set it to "installed"? Resp.: it would not make sense, since uninstalling it the proper way would not work anyway? Or, since everything worked out, could it uninstall the proper way?

One thing I can't find, though, is a setting to activate / deactivate the function. But after I went through the files, I figure, there isn't one. That would mean, though, that I would have to uninstall it to deactivate it.



The translation doesn't work for me  :'(

Even if I don't use the default theme, should I still write the translation in the file /Themes/default/languages/Modifications.french.php or /Themes/MY_THEME/languages/Modifications.french.php ? (for french language obviously).

I did both... But none of it worked...

$txt['admin_browse_join_reason'] = 'Raison pour rejoindre ce forum ?';
$txt['join_reason'] = 'Comment nous connais-tu ?';


The latest version of this mod 3.0.0 for SMF 2.1 no longer uses that file. Try ./Themes/default/languages/JoinReason.french.php
