BotBanish Firewall Client

Started by Randem, November 17, 2017, 11:30:02 AM

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We Don't Report Abuse - WE STOP IT!!!

Tested up to PHP 8.2.x, Apache 2.4.x, MySQL 5.7.x.
and Nginx Proxy Cache.
Minimum PHP 7.4.x, Apache 2.4.x, MySQL 5.6.x

Ability to Block Any Country!!!

* * * WARNING * * *

BotBanish is designed to modify your root and SMF .htaccess file. Upon installation, BotBanish will automatically create a backup of the existing .htaccess, SSI.php and index.php files as well as the Source and Themes folders and the setting table for recovery. As a best practice, it is recommended to initiate the process with a clean .htaccess file and then carefully reintegrate your custom entries following the installation.

The individual tasked with overseeing BotBanish for SMF must possess a robust understanding of PHP, FTP, and essential .htaccess commands. With the introduction of BotBanish version 5.0.00, featuring an interface exclusively accessible to administrators, the maintenance of BotBanish table entries, which are instrumental in governing the functionality of the system, will be significantly facilitated.

* * * * * * * * * *

Introducing the BotBanish Firewall Client: A Robust, Cutting-Edge Solution for Superior Network Protection:

BotBanishClient is a sophisticated software solution designed to safeguard your digital infrastructure. It diligently monitors bot and user activity, effectively identifying and mitigating malicious attempts to compromise your system. This entails thwarting brute force attacks, preventing the creation of illegitimate user accounts, and detecting vulnerabilities that could be exploited. Furthermore, BotBanishClient provides a robust defense against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, curtails unauthorized data extraction, and prevents bandwidth exploitation, ensuring comprehensive protection for your website from a multitude of cyber threats.

How BotBanish Works:

BotBanish continuously monitors every attempt to access the system, identifying specific URL phrases indicative of attempts to exploit vulnerabilities. Upon detecting such activity, BotBanish swiftly responds by updating the .htaccess file to block the offending IP address, preventing further attacks from that source.

Recognizing that IP addresses can be dynamic, this proactive measure may inadvertently block legitimate users. To address this, it is recommended to establish a clear process for users to contact the system administrator and request an unblock should they be affected by a shifted IP previously associated with a malicious entity. System administrators can then promptly remove the IP address from the BotBanish blacklist. For lasting protection, legitimate IP addresses should be added to the BotBanish whitelist, ensuring uninterrupted access. To unblock an IP, administrators simply need to remove the entry from the BotBanish blacklist.


BotBanish seamlessly integrates providing automatic detection and termination of bots identified as malicious or counterfeit users. BotBanish efficiently logs such incidents for administrative review. By continuously monitoring and restricting access to unauthorized entities, BotBanish enhances system security without burdening resources, a proactive measure allowing your website to focus on performance rather than defense against repetitive bot incursions.

For optimal functionality, please ensure that the following line is removed from your .htaccess file as it may disrupt the processing of user agents:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^(.+)$


This software is exclusively engineered for the PHP, MySQL, and Apache environments. It is optimized for PHP 8.1.x, Apache 2.4.x, and MySQL 5.7.x, ensuring peak performance and stability. To maintain compatibility, the minimum required versions are PHP 7.4.x, Apache 2.2.x, and MySQL 5.6.x.


BotBanish meticulously gathers data on visitor interactions, tracking page views and file downloads from your website. Access these valuable insights by choosing 'Analytics' from the BotBanish dashboard. For optimal analytical performance, we recommend utilizing SEO-friendly URLs.

Installation Instructions:

BotBanish is seamlessly integrated through the Package Manager included with SMF software.

Administrator-exclusive settings are nestled within the BotBanish->Settings main menu, ensuring that only those with administrative privileges can access and modify them.

By default, BotBanish communicates through the SMF error log file. Administrators have the option to switch notification delivery to email by altering the relevant parameter in the Settings. The installation of this package introduces modifications to the default theme templates "Packages.template", "index.template", and "Register.template" that may not translate correctly to other themes. Manual application of these changes is necessary for themes other than the default.

Disregarding these changes on alternative themes will result in the interoperability of login and registration page BOT detection for those themes.

Installation errors can occur if pre-existing modifications from other MODs conflict with the code BotBanish is programmed to modify. Should you face such issues, we request you inform us of the conflicting MODs to facilitate an updated release of BotBanish. Assistance would be enhanced by providing screenshots of your current MODs in the Package Manager. For this purpose, please visit our support forum at and navigate to the BotBanish section to post your information.


BotBanish is presently equipped to offer support in these languages:


Before installing the new version, it is imperative to uninstall the previous version. Rest assured, no functionality will be compromised, provided you opt not to remove data during the uninstall process.

* * * N O T E * * *

BotBanish WILL ALTER YOUR ROOT .htaccess FILE. BotBanish will backup your .htaccess file on installation.
All Versions Prior to 5.2.0 Have Been Discontinued as of May 17, 2024

To install new version you MUST uninstall old version first (complete with all data). If you are re-installing version 5.0, no functionality will be lost if you DO NOT select to delete data on uninstall.

// BotBanish Website:
// BotBanish Support:
// Release History:


BotBanish Analytics


BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
Why Professionals Should Not Use Free Email Accounts

Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself


Nice. I can't believe there could be mod like this with such features.
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This MOD was designed on a clean 2.0.14 SMF forum. If anyone finds a conflict with any other installed MOD's, Please report it so that the install can be made to accommodate the use of these MOD's. This MOD is a great defense against spammers also. If you have any issues with this MOD, please contact us. There is no interface for this MOD intentionally because with the MOD's power; basically only administrators who understand it's power should use it without assistance.

@fanciboy4, have you had time to try it yet?
BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
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Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself

-Rock Lee-

It seems quite promising or we will see if we put it to the test to see how it behaves ... thank you for sharing it I also leave the translations to Spanish Latin:

Code (Spanish_latin-utf8) Select
$txt['BotBanish_Database_Error'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: %s';
$txt['BotBanish_Message'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_ip'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: Intento de ataque de registro de fuerza bruta detenido - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_ip'] = 'Un BOT/USUARIO está atacando el sistema. Ha terminado' . "\n\n" . 'Dirección IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_bot'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: Known Bad Bot Resource Usage Attempt Stopped - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_bot'] = 'Un BOT/USUARIO ha terminado de acceder al sistema' . "\n\n" . 'Dirección IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_res'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: Intento de uso de recursos detenido - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_res'] = 'Un BOT/USUARIO ha terminado de acceder al sistema' . "\n\n" . 'Dirección IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_verify'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: El archivo .htaccess puede estar incorrectamente formateado o faltan datos - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_verify'] = 'Se encontró una entrada de denegación de Dirección IP en la tabla IP Y en el archivo .htaccess.' . "\n" . 'Todavía se le permite el acceso al sistema. No deberíamos estar viendo esta IP' . "\n\n" . 'Dirección IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_verify_missing'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: El archivo .htaccess puede estar incorrectamente formateado o dañado - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_verify_missing'] = 'Se encontró una entrada de denegar Dirección IP en la tabla IP pero NO en el archivo .htacces' . "\n\n" . 'Dirección IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_verify_bot'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: El archivo .htaccess puede estar incorrectamente formateado o dañado - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_verify_bot'] = 'No se encontró una entrada SetEnvIfNoCase en el archivo .htaccess y al User-Agent aún se le permite la entrada al sistema' . "\n\n" . 'Dirección IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_email'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: Nombre de usuario / Bloqueo de correo electrónico - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_email'] = 'Se ha encontrado una combinación de Nombre de usuario / Correo electrónico no autorizada en nuestra base de datos - Usuario cancelado' . "\n\n" . 'Dirección IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanish_not_array'] = 'La variable de matriz está definida pero NO es una matriz<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_no_value'] = 'La variable de matriz está definida pero no tiene ningún valor asignado<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_not_defined'] = 'La variable de matriz no está definida<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_register'] = 'Register';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_server'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: Mensaje del cliente desterrador de bots sobre %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_server'] = '%s';


Code (Spanish_latin) Select
$txt['BotBanish_Database_Error'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: %s';
$txt['BotBanish_Message'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_ip'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: Intento de ataque de registro de fuerza bruta detenido - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_ip'] = 'Un BOT/USUARIO est&aacute; atacando el sistema. Ha terminado' . "\n\n" . 'Direcci&oacute;n IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_bot'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: Known Bad Bot Resource Usage Attempt Stopped - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_bot'] = 'Un BOT/USUARIO ha terminado de acceder al sistema' . "\n\n" . 'Direcci&oacute;n IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_res'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: Intento de uso de recursos detenido - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_res'] = 'Un BOT/USUARIO ha terminado de acceder al sistema' . "\n\n" . 'Direcci&oacute;n IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_verify'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: El archivo .htaccess puede estar incorrectamente formateado o faltan datos - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_verify'] = 'Se encontr&oacute; una entrada de denegaci&oacute;n de Direcci&oacute;n IP en la tabla IP Y en el archivo .htaccess.' . "\n" . 'Todavía se le permite el acceso al sistema. No deberíamos estar viendo esta IP' . "\n\n" . 'Direcci&oacute;n IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_verify_missing'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: El archivo .htaccess puede estar incorrectamente formateado o da&ntilde;ado - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_verify_missing'] = 'Se encontr&oacute; una entrada de denegar Direcci&oacute;n IP en la tabla IP pero NO en el archivo .htacces' . "\n\n" . 'Direcci&oacute;n IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_verify_bot'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: El archivo .htaccess puede estar incorrectamente formateado o da&ntilde;ado - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_verify_bot'] = 'No se encontr&oacute; una entrada SetEnvIfNoCase en el archivo .htaccess y al User-Agent aún se le permite la entrada al sistema' . "\n\n" . 'Direcci&oacute;n IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_email'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: Nombre de usuario / Bloqueo de correo electr&oacute;nico - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_email'] = 'Se ha encontrado una combinaci&oacute;n de Nombre de usuario / Correo electr&oacute;nico no autorizada en nuestra base de datos - Usuario cancelado' . "\n\n" . 'Direcci&oacute;n IP: %s' . "\n" . 'Agente de usuario: %s';
$txt['BotBanish_not_array'] = 'La variable de matriz est&aacute; definida pero NO es una matriz<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_no_value'] = 'La variable de matriz est&aacute; definida pero no tiene ningún valor asignado<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_not_defined'] = 'La variable de matriz no est&aacute; definida<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_register'] = 'Register';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_server'] = 'Cliente desterrador de bots: Mensaje del cliente desterrador de bots sobre %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_server'] = '%s';

¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!


Thanks Rock Lee

I will implement the language conversion in the next update. Let me know if you have any issues with the MOD.
BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
Why Professionals Should Not Use Free Email Accounts

Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself


If there are any more language conversions, please submit them and they will also be included in the next release.  8)
BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
Why Professionals Should Not Use Free Email Accounts

Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself


Aloha Rock Lee,

I have a few more entries for conversion if you have the time...


$txt['BotBanish_Client_Install_Complete'] = 'BotBanish Client Database Install Complete. </br>Firewall Records Imported (.htaccess): %s';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Install_Complete'] = 'BotBanish Server Database Install Complete. </br>Firewall Records Imported (.htaccess): %s';
$txt['BotBanish_Client_Uninstall_Complete'] = 'BotBanish Client Database Uninstall / Rename Complete.';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Uninstall_Complete'] = 'BotBanish Server Database Uninstall / Rename Complete.';
$txt['BotBanish_Client_Installed'] = 'BotBanish Already Installed - Terminating - Must be Uninstalled First';
$txt['BotBanish_Write_Error'] = ' cannot be opened for writing';
$txt['BotBanish_Not_Found'] = ' not found<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_Connection_Failed'] = 'Connection failed: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Error_Text'] = '* * * ERROR * * *';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Label'] = 'Server: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Database_Label'] = 'Database: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Version_Label'] = 'Version: ';
$txt['BotBanish_No_Info'] = 'No information found in the file ';
BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
Why Professionals Should Not Use Free Email Accounts

Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself

-Rock Lee-

@Randem Of course I leave the translations I had some doubts about some technical words, that is why in "not found" if I translate it literally it is not very used :P equally anything warn me

Code (Spanish_latin) Select
$txt['BotBanish_Client_Install_Complete'] = 'Instalaci&oacute;n de la base de datos del cliente del desterrador de bots completada. </br>Registros de cortafuegos importados (.htaccess): %s';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Install_Complete'] = 'Instalaci&oacute;n de la base de datos del servidor del desterrador de bots completada. </br>Registros de cortafuegos importados (.htaccess): %s';
$txt['BotBanish_Client_Uninstall_Complete'] = 'Desinstalaci&oacute;n de la base de datos del cliente desterrador de bots / Renombrado completo.';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Uninstall_Complete'] = 'Desinstalaci&oacute;n de la base de datos del servidor desterrador de bots / Renombrado completo.';
$txt['BotBanish_Client_Installed'] = 'Desterrador de bots ya está instalado - Terminaci&oacute;n - Debe ser desinstalado primero';
$txt['BotBanish_Write_Error'] = ' no se puede abrir para escribir';
$txt['BotBanish_Not_Found'] = ' not found<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_Connection_Failed'] = 'La conexi&oacute;n fall&oacute;: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Error_Text'] = '* * * ERROR * * *';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Label'] = 'Servidor: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Database_Label'] = 'Base de datos: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Version_Label'] = 'Versi&oacute;n: ';
$txt['BotBanish_No_Info'] = 'No se encontr&oacute; informaci&oacute;n en el archivo';

Code (Spanish_latin-utf8) Select
$txt['BotBanish_Client_Install_Complete'] = 'Instalación de la base de datos del cliente del desterrador de bots completada. </br>Registros de cortafuegos importados (.htaccess): %s';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Install_Complete'] = 'Instalación de la base de datos del servidor del desterrador de bots completada. </br>Registros de cortafuegos importados (.htaccess): %s';
$txt['BotBanish_Client_Uninstall_Complete'] = 'Desinstalación de la base de datos del cliente desterrador de bots / Renombrado completo.';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Uninstall_Complete'] = 'Desinstalación de la base de datos del servidor desterrador de bots / Renombrado completo.';
$txt['BotBanish_Client_Installed'] = 'Desterrador de bots ya está instalado - Terminación - Debe ser desinstalado primero';
$txt['BotBanish_Write_Error'] = ' no se puede abrir para escribir';
$txt['BotBanish_Not_Found'] = ' not found<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_Connection_Failed'] = 'La conexión falló: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Error_Text'] = '* * * ERROR * * *';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Label'] = 'Servidor: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Database_Label'] = 'Base de datos: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Version_Label'] = 'Versión: ';
$txt['BotBanish_No_Info'] = 'No se encontró información en el archivo';

¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!


@Rock Lee,

Thanks Again!!!

I seemed to have missed one...  :o

$txt['BotBanish_Database_Type_Error'] = 'Only mySQL Database Supported At This Moment';

Perhaps "Not Found" can be "Not Located Here" or "Not Present"?
BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
Why Professionals Should Not Use Free Email Accounts

Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself

-Rock Lee-

I thought the same thing when I translated it, but from my experience the "not found" is usually used in English, but literally "Extraviado" although it can be used... I leave you those two lines then

$txt['BotBanish_Not_Found'] = ' No encontrado<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_Database_Type_Error'] = 'Solo la base de datos MySQL es compatible en este momento';

I leave it here because I can not edit my message from above

¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!


New version just released. in MOD's..
BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
Why Professionals Should Not Use Free Email Accounts

Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself



If anyone should like to help with converting the language files to another language just let us know an we can include the language in an upcoming release.

BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
Why Professionals Should Not Use Free Email Accounts

Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself


Here is the English language file (BotBanishLanguage.english.php) that would need to be converted.

Thanks in advance.

['BotBanish_Database_Error'] = 'BotBanishClient: %s';
$txt['BotBanish_Message'] = 'BotBanishClient: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_ip'] = 'BotBanishClient: A Brute Force Registration Attack Attempt Stopped - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_ip'] = 'A BOT/USER is attacking the system. It has been terminated' "\n\n" 'IP Address: %s' "\n" 'User Agent: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_bot'] = 'BotBanishClient: Known Bad Bot Resource Usage Attempt Stopped - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_bot'] = 'A BOT/USER has been terminated from accessing the system' "\n\n" 'IP Address: %s' "\n" 'User Agent: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_res'] = 'BotBanishClient: Resource Usage Attempt Stopped - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_res'] = 'A BOT/USER has been terminated from accessing the system' "\n\n" 'IP Address: %s' "\n" 'User Agent: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_verify'] = 'BotBanishClient: .htacces File May Be Improperly Formatted, Data is Missing or WRONG FILE USED - PLEASE CORRECT!!! - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_verify'] = 'A deny IP Address entry was found in the IP table AND in the .htacces file.' "\n" 'It is still being allowed access to the system. We should not be seeing this IP - ACCOUNT WILL BE TERMINATED IF THIS CONTINUES!!!' "\n\n" 'IP Address: %s' "\n" 'User Agent: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_verify_missing'] = 'BotBanishClient: .htacces File May Be Improperly Formatted, Corrupted or WRONG file used!!! - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_verify_missing'] = 'A deny IP Address entry was found in the IP table but NOT in the .htacces file' "\n\n" 'IP Address: %s' "\n" 'User Agent: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_verify_bot'] = 'BotBanishClient: .htacces File May Be Improperly Formatted or Corrupted - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_verify_bot'] = 'A SetEnvIfNoCase entry was not found in the .htacces file and the User-Agent is still being allowed entry to the system' "\n\n" 'IP Address: %s' "\n" 'User Agent: %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_email'] = 'BotBanishClient: Username / Email Lockout - %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_email'] = 'A rogue Username / Email combination has been found in our database - User Terminated' "\n\n" 'IP Address: %s' "\n" 'User Agent: %s';
$txt['BotBanish_not_array'] = 'Array variable is defined but is NOT an array<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_no_value'] = 'Array variable is defined but has no value assigned<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_not_defined'] = 'Array variable is not defined<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_register'] = 'Register';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_server'] = 'BotBanishClient: Message from BotBanishServer about %s';
$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_body_server'] = '%s';
$txt['BotBanish_Database_Type_Error'] = 'Only mySQL Database Supported At This Moment';
$txt['BotBanish_Client_Install_Complete'] = 'BotBanish Client Database Install Complete. </br>Firewall Records Imported (.htaccess): %s';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Install_Complete'] = 'BotBanish Server Database Install Complete. </br>Firewall Records Imported (.htaccess): %s';
$txt['BotBanish_Client_Uninstall_Complete'] = 'BotBanish Client Database Uninstall / Rename Complete.';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Uninstall_Complete'] = 'BotBanish Server Database Uninstall / Rename Complete.';
$txt['BotBanish_Client_Installed'] = 'BotBanish Already Installed - Terminating - Must be Uninstalled First';
$txt['BotBanish_Write_Error'] = ' cannot be opened for writing';
$txt['BotBanish_Not_Found'] = ' not found<br />';
$txt['BotBanish_Connection_Failed'] = 'Connection failed: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Error_Text'] = '* * * ERROR * * *';
$txt['BotBanish_Server_Label'] = 'Server: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Database_Label'] = 'Database: ';
$txt['BotBanish_Version_Label'] = 'Version: ';
$txt['BotBanish_No_Info'] = 'No information found in the file ';

BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
Why Professionals Should Not Use Free Email Accounts

Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself


Rock Lee, I have another line to translate if you would...

Thanks in advance.

$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_unknown_bot'] = 'BotBanishClient: Unknown Bot Detected - %s';
BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
Why Professionals Should Not Use Free Email Accounts

Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself


As a fellow spam prevention mod author verrry interesting.  Though I am not sure about the "block what others do not know about".  Keep up the good work.
I have been truly inspired by the SUGGESTIONS as I sit on my throne and contemplate the wisdom imposed upon me.


Rock Lee,

I have another few lines to translate if you would...

Thanks in advance.

$txt['BotBanishClient_mail_subject_unknown_bot'] = 'BotBanishClient: Unknown Bot Detected - %s';
$txt['BotBanish_htaccess_rule'] = 'Account has been prematurely terminated. Probable violation of the .htaccess rule';

@butchs & vicram10,

The next release should be in a few days...

The whole English language file is attached in case someone else wants to convert it to include a language...
BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
Why Professionals Should Not Use Free Email Accounts

Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself



After instalation the forum had crashed. From hosting somehow had managed to return my forum back but it seems that the mod is not completely removed.
Please can you help me to remove the mod?  :-\

Members cannot register now:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function BotBanishClient() in /home/flegacyc/public_html/Sources/Register.php on line 415


poctopus, I need some information from you to help.

What version of the MOD are you running? What version of SMF are you running? What domain name was BotBanish installed on?

Prior versions to the current version (2.2.x) were discontinued on January 1, 2018. Emails went out to current users to upgrade before then or the MOD would not work.

How did you remove the Mod? Could you define "Crashed", Error Messages etc... All our servers and clients are up and running.
How did the installation go? Any errors etc..? The uninstall will remove everything, it seems file were manually deleted.

There is a file named modification.xml that contains all the changes to any files and the line numbers in the files. Just remove the lines that were changed to remove the MOD.

You should have contacted the BotBanish Support site soon as it happened for a quick resolution. There is also more helpful information there.

BotBanish - The Ultimate Bot Firewall
Scams - How to Protect Yourself
Why Professionals Should Not Use Free Email Accounts

Always ignore those who attempt to tell you what to think and believe those who will allow you think for yourself


I solved this with removing all the hoops with repair_settings.php file.

The forum just crashed and I cannot do anything about it. I do not remember the error message since my host provider found the issue and removed it just to access my forum and fix the issue.

My forum version is 2.0.15 and this happened before new year.
