SMF 2.1 RC2 Released

Started by Sesquipedalian, March 30, 2019, 12:32:25 PM

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Quote from: Kindred on April 17, 2020, 08:56:28 AM
So what?  Development is ongoing - and none of us get paid.

Stop whining.

He has kind of got a point though. There have been a considerable amount of scope changes in 2.1 over the last few years, especially for something that was advertised to me in 2013 as feature locked, and while I broke that, it was done so with permission of the then lead developer, but with an understanding that it would be constrained where possible.

I can't help but compare the amount of dev time spent on my fork to the entire dev effort spent in SMF and find the comparison... wanting. The only reason I'm not doing a release any time soon is because I decided to go native pretty URLs and drag some of the coding up to modern coding standards, which necessitated tearing it apart to rebuild it better. I have a lot to do but I'll be the stronger for it when I'm done.

I remember joking in 2010 that 2.1 would be 2020. I didn't expect to be proven right or possibly optimistic. And while I'll happily defend 'volunteers' all day long, I have to say that from the outside, it looks like the time that has been spent has been badly misspent.

Quote from: nicolasrito911 on April 24, 2020, 06:19:19 AM
Could it be an update from the package update

Not possible package updates do not occur in beta/RC releases.

To switch from rc1 to rc2

No, because the package would be too big for the package manager; you can't just mash the thousands of changes between RC releases into a package, it simply won't install. This is why people who can't/won't use the large upgrade are discouraged from using RCs.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on April 24, 2020, 07:11:44 AM
He has kind of got a point though. There have been a considerable amount of scope changes in 2.1 over the last few years, especially for something that was advertised to me in 2013 as feature locked, and while I broke that, it was done so with permission of the then lead developer, but with an understanding that it would be constrained where possible.

Changes because of the EU GDPR regs must account for a fair bit of the scope changes along with maybe a few PHP (new versions of PHP either breaking stuff or stuff uses deprecated functions)


In the case of 2.1, the PHP compatibility stuff was done a long time ago for the most part, and the GDPR stuff was released for 2.0 and only recently got an issue on the tracker to be ported forward to 2.1.

I'd point out that I'd implemented GDPR export, suitable TOS policies and the cookie handler in 2018 for my own stuff. It's not suitable for SMF core because I did some other massive rewrites of everything else such that my data export is actually more complex than SMF's because in my case I have sub-account handling to deal with and the notion that posts belong to sub-accounts that could conceivably move between accounts so therefore I have to additionally track the original creator of a post, as well as which account currently owns it.

Sorry for being mean but I don't understand why I doing it in my spare time can get through it when a team of people doing it in their spare time apparently couldn't, especially with a community of people around them who also include developers.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


If you have installed the latest SMF2.1 from github, that means you are almost using the RC3 version (milestones 99%).
By the way, thank you the team for your amazing work!


well.. GDPR was ported BACK from 2.1 to 2.0

further work on 2.1 is needed for GDPR though

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on April 24, 2020, 03:14:55 PM
well.. GDPR was ported BACK from 2.1 to 2.0

further work on 2.1 is needed for GDPR though seems like a pretty big thing missing that was built for 2.0 and needs to be ported forward to 2.1 rather than the other way around.

Just sayin', again, I'd got my version straight in 2018 for this. I'd submit it to the team if it was any useful, except the divergence made between 2017 and 2018 in my code base made it unusable for SMF.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Oups! One second just went by. Unfortunately I can't change it. It's already unaccessible.

Oups! Another one just past went by. :-(

We can only change what has not happen yet. Let's focus on what is important for now: completing the only issue left: the GDPR.  :laugh:



Quote from: Arantor on April 24, 2020, 01:01:04 PM
...I don't understand why I doing it in my spare time can get through it when a team of people doing it in their spare time apparently couldn't, especially with a community of people around them who also include developers.

A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled. -Unk
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.




this is not a thread for support.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Just had a quick look at the milestones page, looks like a little bit falls foul of SQL strict mode in MariaDB (would assume it'll be the same for the strict mode in MySQL)

Just reading through the comments for the other issue, spotted this:

QuoteYeah, unfortunately we are not (yet) able to make the SMF 2.0.x codebase publicly available due to arcane legal complications, so I can't give you direct access to see the code changes that were involved.

How can that be when the 2.0.x is open source?


Like he said, *arcane* legal complications. It's a long story, one I don't really want to dig up.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


At the danger of getting details wrong, I think it can be summarized this way: Early pre-2.0 development versions (betas, RCs, whatever) weren't under a free license, so they cannot be made public (and realistically, the legal conditions under which the situation could change will probably never happen, so it won't change).
And while the releases that came later under the changed, free license apparently can be released as open source (even though they might still contain parts of the initial code), the "full" earlier versions, and hence the version control repo (containing the change history and the complete older, non-free versions), cannot be made public. (And I guess for the same legal reasons, you can't just release a modified repo that contains only the open source parts, because that would omit their contributions.)

You should all be focussing on 2.1 anyway; you probably only need the diff between 2.0.17 and the current 2.1. :P
"Faith is what you have in things that don't exist."
--Homer Simpson

Es gibt hier im Forum ein deutsches Support-Board!


Something like that, though I'd note that 2.0 betas and RCs are still available for download as far back as Beta 3 Public. The actual answer is a lot more involved and relates to copyright law more than the licence per se, and more specifically who has what rights to what code where and when. It's murky as all hell especially if you realise that large, non-trivial parts of 2.0 are still the same as their 1.x counterparts.

In any event even if the repo were made available somehow, the connected build processes definitely can't openable.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quick question....

Running 2.0.17... lost 12 years of data last year due to host, want to import... Is it advisable to install 2.1RC2 and build the new database there from two 2.0.x versions? Or can 2.0.x be easily converted later on when 2.1 is released?
SMF user since 2005.


This really isn't a support venue, but the short version is when 2.1 is fully ready to go (2.1 is in development; RC2 is an in-development build with many known bugs as it is a year behind the main development code)... you can upgrade a working 2.0 to it. Fix your 2.0 setup and get that working first.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


SMF user since 2005.


i switched yesterday from xenforo and i am surprised at how good smf is.


I was looking on github and 2 of the 3 issues have a fixand one is a minor theme bug. The last one, the Privacy Policy system, seems to be stalled. What seems to be the problem with this one. Is this related to previous legal problems?
