How use the API SMF for SMF 2.1 ?

Started by Klapiosus, November 11, 2023, 07:35:55 AM

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I independently use a website (in production) and the SMF 2.1 forum.
I want to use the SMF API to use it as a member area of my site, which includes that all the functionalities of my site coded on my side must ensure that to use them, members must register necessarily on the forum.

I would therefore need, from my website, to create a form made by myself which will allow me to query the SMF database in order to be able to authenticate it and redirect it to the site.

Can you clarify this for me? I know I can create my own SQL queries, but I want to use SMF's session variable (if the user is logged in to the site, he is logged in to the forum. If the user is logged out of the forum, he l 'is on the site).

Sorry if this seems stupid, but I only discovered SMF yesterday. I've already started tinkering with a theme that I installed, but haven't yet delved into the CORE

Thanks in advance friends



Thank you very much, I got lost in the FAQ and this is exactly what I needed.

Thanks again
