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Custom Profile Field Mod

Started by winrules, March 30, 2006, 02:21:25 PM

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Is there a way to get rid of the colon before a field on posts?


@ Delsa

Force on registration is already part of this mod...go to ACP>Features and Options>Custom Profile Fields>Settings and you will find a drop down option for it. Force on login is not available at this time.

@ trekkie2444

You appear to have either put the colon in inadvertantly as part of the field settings or there may be a problem with your installation of the mod...perhaps in Display.template.php Please check your mod edits to see if it has edited that file correctly and there isn't an extra colon there just before the code the mod adds.


Type Action Description
1. Execute Modification ./Sources/ModSettings.php Test successful
2. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/Profile.template.php Test successful
3. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/Display.template.php Test failed
4. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/PersonalMessage.template.php Test successful
5. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/Register.template.php Test successful
6. Execute Modification ./Sources/Register.php Test successful
7. Extract File ./Sources/CustomProfile.php 
8. Extract File ./Themes/default/languages/CustomProfile.english.php

What can I do? I have this mods installed: Karma Description Mod, Referrals Mod, View Only Boards, Karma On Memberlist, SMF 1.0.12 / 1.1.4 / 2.0 b1.1 Update


it looks like one of the other mods has already modified the target code in display.template.php

So...   now that you know this..
finish the install
go to and plug in the mod install to the parser, then manually make the changes to display.template.php

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


No no no, I want to get rid of the colon that is naturally there, for example: Custom member label: (label here). I don't want to have something before the label itself, in this case it would be the Custom Member Label part, but if I do that, then the semicolon is still there. How do I get rid of that?


Quote from: Delsa on October 15, 2007, 01:44:36 PM
Would it be possible add a feature to force users to enter field data at login when a new field has been added with force input for show field on registration?

Quote from: TrueSatan on October 16, 2007, 04:34:17 AM
Force on registration is already part of this mod...go to ACP>Features and Options>Custom Profile Fields>Settings and you will find a drop down option for it. Force on login is not available at this time.

Right... have it set, but was hoping maybe it could be changed to force existing users to update their profile when they login after a new field is added with that setting.  Any chance of getting something like that?


that is not part of the mod as designed...

So, if you want it, you'll have to code it yourself.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


First, how can I insert a blank line between the "Squad" section and the "PSN ID" section in the Custom Profile mod??

Also, can a image like a small military ribbon be used in that field after "Squad"?  If so, how because I have tried everything to get a image to appear there.

And second, in the "PM" section only the mod repeats itself.  It doesnt do it out on the forums but when reading my PMs  its does (as shown below).  Any ideas?


looks like the mod got installed twice in the PM template.

As for the ribbon... you can try using the "show after" section to add an image tag...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Look, I don't know WHAT is going on here, but I have narrowed down my issue to this mod.  How do I directly contact the creator?  Or do I?  This thing has totally crapped out my board and I'm MAD.   >:(  If I uninstall this, I get this strange error on ALL of my members' posts - the posts aren't there, just this stupid error.  Part of my admin panel is gone as well and I can NOT install my backup as a result. 


Please calm down! This mod is used by a great many other members and they haven't, any of them, reported the problem you have reported thus it is highly improbable that your forum problems can be the fault, or result of, using this mod.

SMF advise you to backup your files and database prior to installing or uninstalling any mod or seem to be saying that you have done so. You do not need to use your forum admin panel at all to do a restore from these backups so that part of your bug report makes no sense.

The creator of this mod is unavailable at this time and, in any event, phrasing your bug report as you have wouldn't encourage anyone to be helpful to you....that said SMF staff are here to help you and so are other members such as myself.

If you did take a backup of your files then using ftp simply restore from it...likewise using phpMyadmin you could restore from a backup of your database...restoring from backup never involves your forum control panel.

If you don't have backups you may need to first backup your forum files then, from the latest SMF install package copy in new versions of your files save for Settings.php and Settings_bak.php in your forum root...this will give you a completely fresh set of files with no mods of themes installed.

Depending on your current SMF version you may need to update your database to the latest configuration...if you will advise me if you weren't using SMF 1.1.4 I will tell you how to do that but if you were using that SMF version it shouldn't be necessary.

The most likely reasons for your current problems may well be due to preexisting problems in your forum...

Marcus J

Quote from: trekkie2444 on October 16, 2007, 12:31:33 AM
Is there a way to get rid of the colon before a field on posts?

I'd also like to know how to get rid of this.  If you don't name the profile field it will still show the ":" before your image or text for that field. 

I had a quick look through the template, but my "noobness" couldn't allow me to figure out exactly where to get rid of it. 

Any help here is appreciated!


I have installed this mod successfully.  My fields show up on the Profile Summary page just fine, where they should be, etc.  I've read until my eyeballs hurt, and haven't yet seen the successful answer to this ...

I am trying to create a page similar to the member list, but that ONLY lists the member name and the custom fields.  I have added the code to SSI.php as mentioned quite a ways back, but simply cannot get the fields to show.  I have renamed them, so I'm not using the CP1, CP2, etc.

I should note that I am using TinyPortal, and have no other mods installed.  Any assistance would be appreciated.



sounds perfect ... I'll look into it :)

after poking around some more, it looks like it does the same thing as an article can with TinyPortal, so while it's cool and useful, it's kinda redundant for my site.

I guess what I'm needing is the code itself ... I can do some basic PHP but I'm still learning a lot about databases and most of the SMF security stuff simply baffles me.

I've been poking around in CustomProfile.php and Profile.php, trying to pull from them and consolidate what I need without having a ton of extra code :)  I had tried to use the code that was posted here many pages ago, but while $context is there, $context['member']['options']['(CP Field ID)'] doesn't show anything.


Quote from: TrueSatan on October 18, 2007, 09:17:33 PM
Please calm down! This mod is used by a great many other members and they haven't, any of them, reported the problem you have reported thus it is highly improbable that your forum problems can be the fault, or result of, using this mod.

SMF advise you to backup your files and database prior to installing or uninstalling any mod or seem to be saying that you have done so. You do not need to use your forum admin panel at all to do a restore from these backups so that part of your bug report makes no sense.

The creator of this mod is unavailable at this time and, in any event, phrasing your bug report as you have wouldn't encourage anyone to be helpful to you....that said SMF staff are here to help you and so are other members such as myself.

If you did take a backup of your files then using ftp simply restore from it...likewise using phpMyadmin you could restore from a backup of your database...restoring from backup never involves your forum control panel.

If you don't have backups you may need to first backup your forum files then, from the latest SMF install package copy in new versions of your files save for Settings.php and Settings_bak.php in your forum root...this will give you a completely fresh set of files with no mods of themes installed.

Depending on your current SMF version you may need to update your database to the latest configuration...if you will advise me if you weren't using SMF 1.1.4 I will tell you how to do that but if you were using that SMF version it shouldn't be necessary.

The most likely reasons for your current problems may well be due to preexisting problems in your forum...

First of all, my apologies for being abrupt the other night. 

Secondly, I DID make a backup and I'm aware that this has nothing to do with my admin panel issues, however, the backup won't install BECAUSE of whatever the issue is. 

Thirdly, I will make sure my co-admin sees this as well to see if we can't get it resolved.  I'm sure the mod is good, but I'm 99% sure it's my issue.  It's highly likely that it's an install conflict with another mod  I have installed.

Fourth, is there SMF staff that I can contact to come to my board, access my admin rights and help me out here?  If so, could you direct me to the proper place to request this?


Apologies fully accepted.

Restore from a file backup to a position prior to installation of the mod will not be affected by the mod so if you can't get the forum to work with such a restore you may assume that it is due to problems with your forum files that had nothing to do with this mod.

SMF staff don't take on work on your forum for you unless you are a Charter Member and even then such support has limitations (please see the Charter Membership offer pages for exact details.) The SMF staff are volunteers too and they have time constraints on them as do we all. A staff member may, in unusual circumstances, volunteer to take on such assistance but it's very rare and done on an ad hoc basis. If a member of staff happened to see this discussion, chose to get involved and then wished to offer to do such work that would be the normal way such things might happen but as I said it would be a rare event. Charter Members do get one on one forum support from staff members over and above these more public forums.

If you cannot do a restore to get your forum working my advice to you would be to make sure that you secure your file backup then download the latest SMF forum installation package and from it replace all existing files and directories (save for attachments directory and Settings.php and Settings_bak.php in your forum root) this will not change the posts etc stored in your database but it will give you a fresh set of files. You can then install afresh your chosen mods and/or themes. If you were not using the latest software you might need to use upgrade.php to bring your database up to date but if that is the case please say so and I'll give you advice regarding it at that point.


Quote from: TrueSatan on October 20, 2007, 08:50:32 PM
Apologies fully accepted.

Restore from a file backup to a position prior to installation of the mod will not be affected by the mod so if you can't get the forum to work with such a restore you may assume that it is due to problems with your forum files that had nothing to do with this mod.

SMF staff don't take on work on your forum for you unless you are a Charter Member and even then such support has limitations (please see the Charter Membership offer pages for exact details.) The SMF staff are volunteers too and they have time constraints on them as do we all. A staff member may, in unusual circumstances, volunteer to take on such assistance but it's very rare and done on an ad hoc basis. If a member of staff happened to see this discussion, chose to get involved and then wished to offer to do such work that would be the normal way such things might happen but as I said it would be a rare event. Charter Members do get one on one forum support from staff members over and above these more public forums.

If you cannot do a restore to get your forum working my advice to you would be to make sure that you secure your file backup then download the latest SMF forum installation package and from it replace all existing files and directories (save for attachments directory and Settings.php and Settings_bak.php in your forum root) this will not change the posts etc stored in your database but it will give you a fresh set of files. You can then install afresh your chosen mods and/or themes. If you were not using the latest software you might need to use upgrade.php to bring your database up to date but if that is the case please say so and I'll give you advice regarding it at that point.

Thanks for the info!  Another admin did the backup (he has done this for a while) and could not get it to restore.  It was the only backup we had as we just started this board last week.  I will pass the link to this thread onto him.  I do know that we have the latest version of SMF installed.  I also know that when I uninstall this particular mod is when everything goes wacky and we can't read posts.  (That error replaces all posts in all threads.)  I have deleted almost all other mods and it keeps coming back to the issue being with this one. 

It's Saturday night, so my other admin isn't on, but like I said, I'll direct him to this thread and see if we can't get it worked out.  I don't know what  a charter member is, but I'll go look for that info to see if I can make sense of it.

thanks again!


The Charter Membership details are on this link:

Perhaps your other admin is getting confused between database backup and files need to backup the database via the SMF ACP (or you can do it via phpMyadmin if you so wish or via the Java SMF Backup tool offered in the SMF download pages.) On top of (in addition to it) you need to backup your this by ftping them to your local machine. Restoring files is simply a matter of ftping the backup to the server.

A complete replacement of the files looks to be your best bet particularly as you say you have few mods installed.

Once you've done that please take the following steps:

You need to go to ACP>Server Settings and set your forum language to English and not English utf8 and to ACP>Features and Options>Basic Settings and uncheck Enable user-selectable language support.

You need to go to ACP>Packages>Options>Installation Options and set the fields according to your hosting details then on the same page go to Cleanup Permissions and select All files Writeable and run the cleanup...check via ftp that CHMOD of all your files is now 777 or 775 according to the peculiarities of your hosting and if not recheck the settings you made in Installation Options and run the cleanup again...continue as needed until you get the right settings.

Hopefully that should get your forum into a good state again.


excellent mod but will be possible that some others membergroups can edit the new field and not only admin ?
CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see
