SMF Trader System

Started by Team, July 12, 2006, 12:35:09 AM

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Doug Heffernan

Quote from: Shades. on April 14, 2022, 08:13:55 AMOne or two may have to be imulated for 2.1RC4 but they work!

Imulation can be fixed pretty easily in the mod 's package-info.xml file. (the <install> and <uninstall> areas btw)


Eh, that's why there's literally a UI for it in the package manager.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


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Installed on 2.1.2 And noticed there are broken images on the profiles

You cannot view this attachment.
Site Under redesign not expected to be complete before July 2025


Can you click on the broken image link and see the image location/filename

Should be /Smileys/fugue/smiley.png as positive one which exists in the default smiley set.
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This is the link I have

Site Under redesign not expected to be complete before July 2025


I would copy those missing smiley icons from fugue folder to the smfnew folder
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on June 18, 2022, 01:29:11 PMI would copy those missing smiley icons from fugue folder to the smfnew folder

Will Do  ;D
Site Under redesign not expected to be complete before July 2025


Site Under redesign not expected to be complete before July 2025


!If using SMF Classifieds only show the submit feedback link if they have completed a transaction either as a buyer or seller.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on July 25, 2022, 11:33:56 PMUpdate
!If using SMF Classifieds only show the submit feedback link if they have completed a transaction either as a buyer or seller.

FYI: while trying to upgrade, while uninstalling 3.0.1 I got an error on ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php

What it's trying to "Find" includes the SMF trader block but all the way to the closing ?>. So if any other mods added anything to the end of this file (as in my case) the find for the uninstall fails.

I'd think fixing the find to stop at "//END SMF Trader System Text Strings" and not including the closing ?> would fix it? And then just replace it with nothing, as opposed to replacing with "?>" as it's currently trying to do.

Speed King

Yes, another mod was added its code in Modification.english.php file.
Edit the file by removing all lines between:

//Begin SMF Trader System Text Strings
//END SMF Trader System Text Strings

There's no need to remove something else.


one of my forum's users has the feature request for feedback filtering - they want to read feedback with positive/neutral/negative filters.
Would it be possible?

On the other notes - the look & feel of the feedback page is somewhat strange on my system, and I'm not sure if that's by design or by error? anybody has  screenshot, please? I mean the list here: action=trader&id=XX


Not currently a feature/possible yes but don't have time to work on it
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Hi, if you migrate from IP board to Simple Machines, can you transfer your old user feedback data to your new forum? Would this mod show it correctly?


Quote from: wiwiwiwiwi on June 11, 2023, 04:11:41 AMHi, if you migrate from IP board to Simple Machines, can you transfer your old user feedback data to your new forum? Would this mod show it correctly?
You would have to write/use a comverter.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Getting errors:
8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

/var/www/ (Line 387)

This is on SMF 2.1.4. Any idea what this can be?


Fixed update
!Minor PHP 8 fix for viewing feedbacks that do not exist/deleted.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on June 12, 2023, 03:41:10 PMFixed update
!Minor PHP 8 fix for viewing feedbacks that do not exist/deleted.
Apologies for the basic questions, but is the upgrade process still to uninstall the package and then install the new one? Uninstalling the package will not remove the data from the database?


Correct. uninstalll does not delete data.
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