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SMF AChat - AJAX powered chat room

Started by Dean Williams, October 09, 2006, 04:58:41 PM

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Matthew Schenker

Quotedid you go to Admin>Packages>Options>Cleanup Permissions and make all files writeable

Well, what do you know.  I changed the permissions to be "All files are writable." and now the chat room seems to work.



Actually you should do that before installing any mod package...just for future reference.

Glad it worked for you though!


Pretty nice chat.  I like how it integrates and follows the forum skin.

Obviously it would be nice to have some admin functions and the ability to deny guests from the ACP. Users inside chat would be nice.

But the basic functionality of the chat is very nice.  My users liked it.  Looking forward to an update!!!!!


hey how can you change the title of the chat room... right now its achat chat, i wanna make it "my name chat"


 Given that it might be a copyright issue...tampering with the name...while it's not that hard to do I'm not going to do it...sorry.


I guarantee its not copyrighted, the guy doesnt even care anymore lol someone needs to carry the torch, we have been abandoned!


 If you look at his website it seems as though he's the sort of developer, not uncommon, who works in fits and spurts...nothing for a long time then a lot of work then nothing for a long time...

If you feel like getting him to actually say it's OK to do that alteration I'll do problem...if he will say that he's happy to have alterations made ad hoc then some of us can get together and do more to maintain the mod (not that we haven't anyhow.)

I just don't think it's fair to grab his work and take out the authorship title line like that without his knowing and either approving or simply handing on the torch as regards future development...he's been good enough to give his work to us FOC so we owe him some respect over the title line at least.

BTW don't, for a moment, think that I don't get just as frustrated as you when a good mod gets abandoned.


 I've done a rather dirty bug fix...I've knocked out the use by guests in a session and by doing so also removed the bug when use by registered members gives "undefined session" errors.

It's not a good fix but it does work...if anyone wants it I'll provide it...but I'm also trying to do a better fix in any case.


I have removed the last error, and been chatting with a couple of fellows for a while now and everything seems to be running just fine. Assuming the problem was simply the php, and looking over the code, guest have the session variable set as their name. Rather than screw with anything happening there since the names for logged in members since the name was displaying properly, I elected to just declare the variable empty.

Right before the members logged in html document <?php


Everything seems good
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 I'm having problems with that fix...just in case I'm missing something silly (wouldn't be the first time by a  long way) would you mind attaching the entire modified file please?

Thanks in advance...


There's a couple of extra comment lines added and I made a table to hold the members chat stuff but anyway, here it is.
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Just like Space Quest, King's Quest, and Leisure Suit Larry!


 Thankyou...the extra comment lines do make the code better documented and the rest looks good to me...I'll test it pretty thoroughly tomorrow and unless I find something untoward, or you say otherwise, I'll make it part of a new package on Tuesday...hope that's OK with you?

BTW before I package it I'll change the room title.

Thanks again.


Oh yeah, I forgot I changed that too.

Unless someone knows something this interfers with, over a couple of hours of constant chatting to which I was a part, and not a single error in the log. So it seems to be a sufficient fix, feel free to add it, figure if the error before was undeclared variable, whatever it was supposed to do before wasn't working anyway so...

* you may want to address the width of the textarea, drop it to 99 or 98%, it displays differently in all op,ff,and ie, but on ie it's noticebly slightly too big if your leaving the table edits in, also those edit have'nt been applied to both cases, only recognised members.

Also I might add, Changing the form to a you must be signed in bit of text should be sufficient for keeping the average guest out of the area, it eliminates the necesary step of giving themselves a name.

Simplest solutions, those are the ones I'll figure out :P
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Where we make adventure games using the Sierra Creative Interpreter.
Just like Space Quest, King's Quest, and Leisure Suit Larry!


 I might have a go at those items some time but right now I'm rushed off my feet...just finding time to check in here is pushing it. If you get a chance would you mind having a go at them yourself?

Hopefully I will be less rushed soon...mind you it's a pity that the original developer isn't here helping the rest of us out isn't it...(heavy hint.)


does anyone know how u can turn the chat direction around so instead of it going from top to bottom it goes bottom to top like MSN


is there an update for achat to use it with smf 1.1.2?


Quote from: Thee Hacker on March 18, 2007, 08:31:27 PM
From Author or End-Users - any further developments? :(
I could easily package up cloudee1's bug fix (works perfectly and I've tested it quite a bit...thanks for that...much appreciated) but save for that I've let sleeping mods alone...don't know about anyone else though...


ok hi guys!
it is my first post here and I am a kind of newbie in SMF since I used it since few weeks. I warn you right now, I don't write english very well  ;)

But whatever..

I had a very accurate idea of the kind of shoutbox I'd liked since I already coded one for my previous board (IPB 1.3).
So I get this shoutbox and begin to add many modifications in order to fullfill my needs and integrate it in a better way with SMF.

So here is a list of modifications I already made :

  • Add support of smf bbcode. Every options allowed in posts are enable.
  • The smileys are ones of the board
  • Use of smf functions to deal with special character processing
  • Functions clean up

And now the issues still appending but that a friend of mine is coding :

  • A much better refresh => perform a refresh only when there is new posts
  • Display a list of connected users

Here is a screenshot of the actual version without the online users list.

I will publish the mod when all issues discussed above will be done. And when I will have time for it. So....hum.. count 1-2 months.   :P

So, does it interest someone ?


Yes...very interested and if you want a beta tester I'd be willing to help.
