
Started by Depreciated, July 24, 2008, 03:18:45 PM

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ok, problem is here

getXMLDocument(smf_prepareScriptUrl(this.opt.sScriptUrl) + 'action=quotefast;quote=' + iMessageId + ';xml;pb=message;mode=' + (oEditorHandle_message.bRichTextEnabled ? 1 : 0), this.onQuoteReceived);


Any joy getting this to work?

I'm trying it with the Theme "SkyFall" but it doesn't appear above the Quick Reply box... :-/


How can i center quick reply box? Thanks ;D


Hi guys!

Is there any chance to disable 'Toggle view' by default? I like this mod but I want to have BBC code shown in message field instead, not smileys, bold, and italic fonts.


Sorry for double post.

I see what's the problem. I have installed theme and Croatian language. In admin panel - theme settings - member options there is no option for non-wysiwyg. In other themes, that option is there.

What file should I edit, and which code I should insert?

Edit: Found it ;D I had one extra blank line in Settings.template.php.

Anyway, thanks for this great mod! 8)


Hi Friends,
I've just had this installed on my 2.13 2.0.13 version SMF with Tiny Portal (and a lot of other mods)  It seems to be working properly, but I'm a little confused with a couple of things.  (Didn't see this mentioned in last couple of pages, but didn't read the entire 30-something page topic.  But I have read as much documentation as I can find.)

In the dropdown menu where you can choose which configuration you want, there are a couple of blank options.  Do those have any significance?  Or are they just for making it easier to read?

I don't quite understand what the option "WYSIWYG only" is.  How is it different from "non-WYSIWYG (Standard)"?

The problem is probably because I'm not understanding the context for wysiwyg.  I consider the full editor to be wysiwyg, and originally had my forum set up to use it.  That's because I thought non-wysiwyg would be a plain text editor, like NotePad or plain text email.

So then I learned that wysywyg in this case (as far as I can tell) automatically applies whatever bbcode button you clicked.  So instead of putting the bold tags with your text in between, it makes the text automatically bold and without any tags.  But I discovered there were some problems with it, and when I reported it, I was advised it was broken and they were hoping to fix it by version 2.0, and to disable it until then.  And ever since I've disabled it, things have been fine.

But now that I see the options for this Quick Reply mod, I don't understand how it can be wysiwyg, even in this context, if the buttons aren't there.  Yes, I know there's an option that provides the buttons.  But I'm just curious how it can be wysiwyg in this context without the buttons.

The option I was really hoping for probably isn't there, which is bbcode buttons only.  I was hoping that might be what wysiwyg only meant, but it doesn't seem to be.  But I'm still curious how it's different from non-wysiwyg standard option, in case I'm missing something.

Thank you very much for comments.  And thank you very much for making the mod too!

All best,


Well, I guess my question isn't worth answering, or too hard maybe.  Don't worry about it.

But I do want to report that it's not possible to stretch the text field.  I see that the area where you put the mouse, is in the center of the bottom edge.  But it just won't drag.  Every time I try, I end up highlighting the tiny space between the Post button and the Preview button.

And for a feature request - Would it be possible to add an option for buttons only and no smileys?

Thank you very much,


How can I fix this?

I disabled the val. in server setting and the error message changed to the following image:


Worked with 2.0.15 without editing..it failed the tests for core theme but installed fine on the Curve variation theme that I am using, Siyah_V4


I am getting a few Errors
WYSIWYG Quick Reply reply 1 and WYSIWYG Quick Reply 5
The log is showing up these two errors and they are both the same line (For me) 1547

<option value="'.$i.'"', ($i == $j ? ' selected="selected"' : ''), '>', $txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply'.$i],'</option>';

Nothing that I actually see but shows up in the error log.

SMF 2.0.18 / Blackjack theme / WYSIWYG Quick Reply 2.3


For @Dr Web : How to add this mod to the SMF 2.0 core theme.

Tip: As you will have to manually revert these changes if you uninstall this mod you should make/keep a backup copy of the Display.template.php file from before you install the mod.

In ./Themes/core/Display.template.php
', $txt['quick_reply_desc'], $context['is_locked'] ? '<p><strong>' . $txt['quick_reply_warning']Replace With:
', $context['is_locked'] ? '<p><strong>' . $txt['quick_reply_warning']
echo '
<textarea cols="600" rows="7" name="message" tabindex="', $context['tabindex']++, '"></textarea><br />
Replace With:
// Start of WYSIWYG Quick Reply

// Only show bbcode bar if BBCodes are enabled, AND if its a quick reply mode with bbcode bar
if ($context['show_bbc'] && (in_array($options['wysiwyg_quick_reply'], array(0, 1, 4, 5))))
echo '<div id="bbcBox_message"></div>';

// Only show smilies if smiliesare enabled AND if its a quick reply mode with smilies
if (!empty($context['smileys']['postform']) && (in_array($options['wysiwyg_quick_reply'], array(0, 2, 4, 6))))
echo ' <div id="smileyBox_message"></div>';

// Show the quick reply (WYSIWYG vs NON-WYSIWYG dealt with already decided in source file)
echo  template_control_richedit($context['post_box_name'], 'smileyBox_message', 'bbcBox_message'), '';

// End of WYSIWYG Quick Reply

echo '
<div id="qr_buttons">

<input type="hidden" name="seqnum" value="', $context['form_sequence_number'], '" />Add After:

To prevent the errors reported here add the following lines to the end of your language file (eg, ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php)
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply1'] = '';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply5'] = '';

To make the resizer bar line up with text edit box add the following lines to the end of ./Themes/core/css/index.css
#quickReplyOptions #quickReplyContent form#postmodify div#message_resizer { margin: 0 15% 5px 15%; }
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas

Dr Web

Quote from: GL700Wing on October 13, 2021, 09:19:53 PMTo prevent the errors reported here add the following lines to the end of your language file (eg, ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php)

When you say in the end is below ?> of right above it?

I already tried above and below, oh this file and also on the portugiese language that I installed, and I got this error: Call to undefined function template_control_richedit()

I attached a screenshot.
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or an idiot from any direction ;D


never add anything AFTER the ?>

the error you report has nothing to do with the language file. It means that you forgot to add the template_control_richedit function into the code

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Dr Web

But I replaced exactly the code that the other member told me, and it wasn't to add any file with this name, template_control_richedit.

I didn't touch any other code, only what he told me to do.
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or an idiot from any direction ;D


you ALSO have to apply ALL the other code as part of this mod. The code that was listed is in addition to the core code  of the mod.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Dr Web

Oh, ok, I didn't understand that. So I needed first to install the Mod and only then apply these changes.

Ok, I will install the Mod now. Let's see if it resolves the problem. Thanks  :)
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or an idiot from any direction ;D

Dr Web

Installed and it looks like all is well.

Only one question. How can I align left or center?

And the three buttons below a little more to the left to be aligned with the box.
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or an idiot from any direction ;D



Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Dr Web

Quote from: Kindred on October 14, 2021, 03:27:15 PMcheck your CSS...

I know very little about code :)

That's why I ask many things here. Is it possible to let me know what should I do?
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or an idiot from any direction ;D
