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Started by Depreciated, July 24, 2008, 03:18:45 PM

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WYSIWYG Quick Reply v2.3
~{By PaulpBaker}~
(Based on Karl Benson's code)

Link to Mod | My Mods | Support Topic

SMF 2.0

Allows for a WYSIWYG quick reply (tieing into per-user options so they can decide whether they want with/without bbcodes and smilies.)

Have some suggestions to make this mod better? Please let me know in the support topic.


- Puts SMF 2.x WYSIWYG onto quick reply
- 6 Modes to select your preferred from
- WYSIWYG (with bbc buttons and smilies)
- WYSIWYG (with smilies only) (see note)
- Non-WYSIWYG (with bbc buttons and smilies)
- Non-WYSIWYG (with smilies only) (see note)
- Non-WYSIWYG (standard)
- Per user configurable option (set via Profile > Look and Layout)
- Forum-Wide default settable (set via Admin > Current Theme > Member Options)
- For both these links;
  > Configure guest and new user options for this theme
  > Change current options for all members using this theme
- If user nor admin has set the option, it will default to showing the WYSIWYG with bbc buttons and smilies
- Quick reply must be enabled for it to show. [SMF Default setting]
- Supports Languages
- English/English-utf8
- English_British/English_British-utf8
- Brazilian/Brazilian-utf8 support (Thanks to Joomlamz)
- Portuguese/Portuguese-utf8 support (Thanks to Joomlamz)
- Polish/Polish-utf8 support (Thanks to ccbtimewiz)
- Turkish/Turkish-utf8 support (Thanks to [Burak])
- Russian/Russian-utf8 support (Thanks to Bugo)

Any previous versions of this mod MUST be uninstalled BEFORE installing this version.

Install the package on the SMF Default 'Curve' Theme ONLY. Other themes will need manual edits.

Useful Links
SMF Package Parser
Manual Installation Of Mods
How Do I Modify Files?

Please use the modification thread for support with this modification.
(Please don't ask me to do the edits for you)

v2.3 - 25th February 2011: Fixed the quick reply bug again for rc4/rc5 thanks to Bugo
v2.1 - 26th March 2010: Fixed the 'oEditorHandle' bug (Quote not working on quick reply)
v2.0 - 15th March 2010: Fixed for RC3


Very nice karl


Turkish Translation

Code (Turkish) Select

$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply'] = 'Hızlı cevap tipini seç';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply0'] = 'WYSIWYG (Smiley ve BBC butonlarını kullan)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply1'] = 'WYSIWYG (Sadece BBC butonlarını kullan)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply2'] = 'WYSIWYG (Sadece smiley kullan)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply3'] = 'WYSIWYG Only';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply4'] = 'WYSIWYG-Olmadan (Smiley ve BBC butonlarını kullan)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply5'] = 'WYSIWYG-Olmadan (Sadece BBC butonlarını kullan)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply6'] = 'WYSIWYG-Olmadan (Sadece smiley kullan)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply7'] = 'WYSIWYG-Olmadan (standard)';


Nice modification. Here's the polish translation.

$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply'] = 'Wybierz tryb szybkiej odpowiedzi';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply0'] = 'WYSIWYG (Uzyj klawiszy bbc i emotów)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply1'] = 'WYSIWYG (Uzyj wylacznie klawisze bbc)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply2'] = 'WYSIWYG (Uzyj tylko emoty)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply3'] = 'WYSIWYG Tylko';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply4'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (Uzyj klawiszy bbc i emotów)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply5'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (Uzyj wylacznie klawisze bbc)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply6'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (Uzyj tylko emoty)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply7'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (Standardowy)';


Nice work
Update mod

<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese-utf8.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply'] = 'Escolher tipo de resposta r&aacute;pida';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply0'] = 'WYSIWYG (BBC com bot&otilde;es e smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply1'] = 'WYSIWYG (BBC apenas com bot&otilde;es)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply2'] = 'WYSIWYG (apenas com smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply3'] = 'WYSIWYG Somente';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply4'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (BBC com bot&otilde;es e smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply5'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (BBC apenas com bot&otilde;es)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply6'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (apenas com smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply7'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (padr&atilde;o)';
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.brazilian-utf8.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply'] = 'Escolher tipo de resposta r&aacute;pida';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply0'] = 'WYSIWYG (BBC com bot&otilde;es e smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply1'] = 'WYSIWYG (BBC apenas com bot&otilde;es)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply2'] = 'WYSIWYG (apenas com smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply3'] = 'WYSIWYG Somente';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply4'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (BBC com bot&otilde;es e smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply5'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (BBC apenas com bot&otilde;es)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply6'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (apenas com smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply7'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (padr&atilde;o)';

file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply'] = 'Escolher tipo de resposta r&aacute;pida';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply0'] = 'WYSIWYG (BBC com botões e smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply1'] = 'WYSIWYG (BBC apenas com botões)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply2'] = 'WYSIWYG (apenas com smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply3'] = 'WYSIWYG Somente';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply4'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (BBC com botões e smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply5'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (BBC apenas com botões)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply6'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (apenas com smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply7'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (padrão)';

<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.brazilian.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply'] = 'Escolher tipo de resposta r&aacute;pida';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply0'] = 'WYSIWYG (BBC com botões e smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply1'] = 'WYSIWYG (BBC apenas com botões)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply2'] = 'WYSIWYG (apenas com smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply3'] = 'WYSIWYG Somente';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply4'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (BBC com botões e smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply5'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (BBC apenas com botões)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply6'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (apenas com smilies)';
$txt['wysiwyg_quick_reply7'] = 'Non-WYSIWYG (padrão)';


Another very nice and simple mod karlbenson.
Thank you.
SMF Friend (Former Support Specialist) | SimplePortal Developer
My SMF Mods | SimplePortal

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" - Who will Guard the Guards?

Please don't send me ANY support related PMs. I will just delete them.


Thank you very much for the mod! I've been waiting for an enhanced quick reply for a very long time!

Just one question - I want the default view to be non-WYSIWYG. What must I edit to achieve that?

Edit: Never mind, found it. I commented the following two lines in Sources/Display.php:

Quote// To avoid intefering with the wysiwyg for post - we temporarily override the setting, THEN, restore it after we've written the wysiwyg
   //$context['controls']['richedit']['message']['rich_active_original'] = !empty($context['controls']['richedit']['message']['rich_active']) ? 1 : 0 ;
   // Active
   //$context['controls']['richedit']['message']['rich_active'] = in_array($options['wysiwyg_quick_reply'], array(0, 1, 2, 3)) ? 1 : 0 ;
   // End of WYSIWYG Quick Reply
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is - never try.

My mods:
OS & Browser Detection (1.5 is out!) | Skype Profile Field | GTalk Profile Field | AllCaps Blocker | SMF Syntax Highlighter (Beta) + 2 in development!

Personal websites: (and forum) |


Thx everyone.

X3mE, you can change the default settings INSIDE smf.
o Per user configurable option (set via Profile > Look and Layout)
o Forum-Wide default settable (set via Admin > Current Theme > Member Options)

I'd recommend uncommenting those lines (as you'll need them if people WANT to be able to have full wysiwyg)


It works well, but I don't think that its compatible with the Ajax quick reply mod.
SMF Friend (Former Support Specialist) | SimplePortal Developer
My SMF Mods | SimplePortal

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" - Who will Guard the Guards?

Please don't send me ANY support related PMs. I will just delete them.


Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member


I just updated the customize page and front topic (as I didn't include it by default).

Yes there is an issue with Ajax Instant Quick Reply. (it doesn't hide the wysiwyg on posting)


Quote from: karlbenson on July 24, 2008, 06:12:32 PM
X3mE, you can change the default settings INSIDE smf.
o Per user configurable option (set via Profile > Look and Layout)
o Forum-Wide default settable (set via Admin > Current Theme > Member Options)

I'd recommend uncommenting those lines (as you'll need them if people WANT to be able to have full wysiwyg)

Thanks ;)
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is - never try.

My mods:
OS & Browser Detection (1.5 is out!) | Skype Profile Field | GTalk Profile Field | AllCaps Blocker | SMF Syntax Highlighter (Beta) + 2 in development!

Personal websites: (and forum) |


it is working
but it made my template shaky
Like after installation

it looks like this

When i try to read what is written in blank then

it adds 3 lines of codes above the page.
Please answer me what is this problm


It appears something went wrong with the installation of the language files.


then move
right to the very bottom of the file. (no lines, or spaces after it) and on its own line.


yes it works
thanks very much


nice mod. thank you so much . really work & really nice.

but i click to quote button, not working in Wysiwyg.  and this error error log;board=38;preview;xml 
2: preg_replace() [<a href='function.preg-replace'>function.preg-replace</a>]: Unknown modifier '1'
Dosya: /var/www/vhosts/
Satır: 1892 

Subs-AEVAC.php 1892

      // Quote is NEVER replace.  and requires a preg
      if($bbc == 'quote')
         $input = preg_replace(array('~[quote(s|=|])~i','~[/quote]~i'.$context['utf8']), array('[aevac][quote$1','[/quote][/aevac]'), $input);
So Long


are there any javascript errors on the page?

They will prevent it working.


no, but i setup ajax quick reply.
i click quote button and be error.
and you look i write errors.
quote work in basic quick reply and non-Wysiwyg. i click button is working. but in Wysiwyg not working.

I don't know how to speak English very well =)
So Long


Yea .. same with me, the quote function not working :(


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