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SMF 1.0.9 and patch for 1.1 RC3 released

Started by Compuart, October 29, 2006, 05:57:14 AM

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Three years from 1.0.0 to 1.0.9 and you have one click automatic installer. It hardly sounds like phpBB ::)


Its not as bad as phpBB what with their 21 patches for their 2.0...

Gary M. Gadsdon
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Quote from: AwwLilMaggie on October 29, 2006, 11:45:32 AM
Its not as bad as phpBB what with their 21 patches for their 2.0...

Yeah, at this rate they will reach 2.0.30 by the end of 2007 if they don't have 2.1.12 already. :P


Quote from: anonim on October 29, 2006, 11:35:42 AM
a little error found when I tried to post a new topics on chit-chat board

action was:;start=0;board=5

result was:

Fatal error: Argument 1 passed to notifyMembersBoard() must be an object of class �)&/8n)��5H�3��2�շ�շ�շ�շ�շ�շ �շ �շ(�շ(�շ0�շ0�շ8�շ8�շ@�շ@�շH�շH�շP�շP�շX�շX�շȱ)ȱ)h�շh�շp�շp�շx�շx�շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ, called in /home/simple/security/Sources/Post.php on line 1782 and defined in /home/simple/security/Sources/Post.php on line 1996

but, the topics is right there, so maybe you want to check to this

I had the same issue but in another board .....


I'm seeing that when I post here too.

Happened just now on the bridges board.


yes, there are few boards where we cannot start new topics without errors, but the topics are inserted. I hope they are looking on it.
I think is related with develop version; it is sure is not related with this patch because, at least,  on the few forums I apllied the patch (2 RC3, and 1 RC2-2) I did not get this issue.
but the team will solved this, just give them some time


For those of you who are getting those errors on your site, are you running eaccelerator or a like product?



I'm struggling with learning this system, but upgrading from the version my web-host provided (1.07) to 1.08 was one-click simple.  And the same goes for the upgrade to 1.09!!

It's nice to know that I don't have to struggle with this aspect of the program!!


Quote from: Thantos on October 29, 2006, 12:46:03 PM
For those of you who are getting those errors on your site, are you running eaccelerator or a like product?

These errors are on, not our websites. notifyMember function gives an error. (I hope we are talking about the same thing)

:: [nofollow] :: [nofollow] ::


I just downloaded the updater-package manually from the website, the one for 1.0.9 and an error (old files) occurs, in the included upgrade.php the version has been set to 1.0.8...


I hate to even ask, so flame away
I am still on RC2 because I have so many mods and custom themes I was waiting till the final release so I do not have to do all the changes 2 times.
Is this a patch that Really needs to be done ?


I can't install the updated_files_SMF_1-1-rc3-1

The package you tried to upload either is not a valid package or has become corrupted.


Request clarification re: Recent.php

I need to apply the changes manually using the '' file.

File 'Recent.php' Software Version is labeled SMF 1.1 RC3 in the zip file.

My questions:

Is this the actually the SMF 1.1 RC3-1 file, and can I just edit the version number?

Is this the old SMF 1.1 RC3 file, and if so, will the new version be made available?

Thank you.


Quote from: xtremecruiser on October 29, 2006, 01:36:27 PM
I hate to even ask, so flame away
I am still on RC2 because I have so many mods and custom themes I was waiting till the final release so I do not have to do all the changes 2 times.
Is this a patch that Really needs to be done ?
That depends on the degree of security you would like. The vulnerability that's being fixed by this patch is not very severe, but it's only the weakest link that counts when it comes to security.

As said in a previous post, you can apply the changes manually by opening the modification in a text editor.

Quote from: olti on October 29, 2006, 01:41:40 PM
I can't install the updated_files_SMF_1-1-rc3-1

The package you tried to upload either is not a valid package or has become corrupted.

That's just an archive containing the files that are being changed. If you would like to use the package, download smf_patch_1-0-9_1-1-rc3-1.tar.gz from the first post and upload it to the packages directory.

Hendrik Jan Visser
Former Lead Developer & Co-founder
Personal Signature: -> / / WieIsDeMol.Com


Quote from: azc on October 29, 2006, 01:47:23 PM
Request clarification re: Recent.php

I need to apply the changes manually using the '' file.

File 'Recent.php' Software Version is labeled SMF 1.1 RC3 in the zip file.

My questions:

Is this the actually the SMF 1.1 RC3-1 file, and can I just edit the version number?

Is this the old SMF 1.1 RC3 file, and if so, will the new version be made available?
The version of this file is indeed not correct. You can safely change it to 1.1 RC3-1.
Hendrik Jan Visser
Former Lead Developer & Co-founder
Personal Signature: -> / / WieIsDeMol.Com


Have updated too.
Hendrik Jan Visser
Former Lead Developer & Co-founder
Personal Signature: -> / / WieIsDeMol.Com


Thankyou for the notification via email. I just upgraded to RC3 last night. Perfect timing



Quote from: Compuart on October 29, 2006, 02:06:54 PM
Have updated too.

Thank you, Compuart. Much appreciated.
