Share user database for 2 (or more) different forums.

Started by Spaceman-Spiff, September 03, 2004, 09:14:44 PM

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Quote from: Spaceman-Spiff on September 03, 2004, 09:14:44 PM
This probably won't work if the forums are in different domains or subdomains.

will it work if, for example, the first forum is here:
and the second forum is here:



I would imagine that is the way it would work Harvester. As long as they are on the same domain. You can't have SMF installed twice to the same location.
IchBin™        TinyPortal


Quote from: starbois on June 03, 2006, 11:18:16 PM
Did some tweaking and managed to get it to work on 1.1RC1. No guarantee

I have shared users between 2 forums with method described in this thread. I also made the changes described in quoted message to get registered user statistics for both forums.
There is problems with this change (click "Quote from"). After this change MANY setting changes goes to both forums.
If you want this change to affect only total and latest members, you should have this kind of if:
if (($variable != 'totalMembers') && ($variable != 'latestMember') && ($variable != 'latestRealName'))
    use old code
    use new code with 2 SQL statements

Also unapprovedMembers could be in this list but approval is not used in my forums


Quote from: janilxx on January 07, 2008, 07:41:42 AM
Quote from: starbois on June 03, 2006, 11:18:16 PM
Did some tweaking and managed to get it to work on 1.1RC1. No guarantee

I have shared users between 2 forums with method described in this thread. I also made the changes described in quoted message to get registered user statistics for both forums.
There is problems with this change (click "Quote from"). After this change MANY setting changes goes to both forums.
If you want this change to affect only total and latest members, you should have this kind of if:
if (($variable != 'totalMembers') && ($variable != 'latestMember') && ($variable != 'latestRealName'))
    use old code
    use new code with 2 SQL statements

Also unapprovedMembers could be in this list but approval is not used in my forums

janilxx does this fix work?
Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life


Quote from: RunicWarrior on January 27, 2008, 04:01:51 PM
janilxx does this fix work?

At least it works in my tests. Unfortunately I still have to keep my other forum closed so at the moment I am using only one forum. Another forum opens after a while and then I will see how this really works.


Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life


I think both these allow to share user database and create more smf forums in one database.


I have done the merger of the user base. I just have -one- 'small' problem.

I know that there is no easy way for this - but I figured I'd give it a shot and see what you all would suggest first hand.

I have a a few categories on Board1, and we shall say Board1 is just for random stuff, games and etc. Now on Board2, is going to be for more of the basic kind of RP online - board based of course.

Now, on Board1 (which was the original board to begin with) has a "category" with the RP board. I am wanting to move that RP board over to Board2..

I figure that it will require fooling with the SQL for smf_posts, smf_messages, & smf_topics -- though I thought I'd ask before diving into that headache.

Thanks in advance!
- David


Quote from: falguni1 on January 28, 2008, 10:46:37 PM
I think both these allow to share user database and create more smf forums in one database.

smfmultiforums will not do this

A few different people gave me the same options
So I asked and here's what they said

QuoteHere is the response made to your ticket. Please do not reply to this email directly, use the link aboveto reply. Our script is aimed to provide different forums for different people, so I afraid it will not help you to manage many your own forums, unless they all will be different one from another - with different users and all posts and topics.

City Builder

Do my users have to login to every forum that I have seperately even though they are all sharing the same database as done in post 1 of this thread and all forums have been given the same cookie name.  Is that normal, I was under the impression that they could pass between forums without having to relogin on each forum

City Builder

The only problems with this is they only support the upcoming 2.0 which Im still using tinyportal as my portal system which according to tiny portal they don't know when they will support 2.0 SMF, perhaps after a final has been released, so even if I setup my system with the beta versions of smf 2.0 I lose all portal functionality which we need right now unfortunately.  Personally I would have liked to have seen a built in portal function in SMF 2.0 AS An option.  Oh well, one can dream anyway.

Quote from: falguni1 on January 28, 2008, 10:46:37 PM
I think both these allow to share user database and create more smf forums in one database.

City Builder

I'll ask this again, perhaps a bit clearer to see if I can get an answer
QuoteDo my users have to login to every forum that I have seperately even though they are all sharing the same database as done in post 1 of this thread and all forums have been given the same cookie name.  Is that normal, I was under the impression that they could pass between forums without having to relogin on each forum

As it is now, when a user registers on one of our forums, they are registered on all forums since they are using the common database.  However, if a user logs in on our main site (let's call it and then goes to our subdomain forum at they need to login over there too.  Is there a way to make it so that no matter which site (either the main site or any of the subdomain forum sites) that they login to it will carry across to all the rest of the forum sites that we own.

Our structure can be looked at like this:

Main forum site:
Subdomain forum
Subdomain forum

We would like it so that if they login at and then move over to they are still logged in or if they move then over to they are still logged in as themselves, or if they start at and login there, and then move over to the site that they should still be logged in.

We have followed the instructions in the first message or two so things are working in the sence that no matter which site they attempt to register or login to, it will allow them to do so since it's using the same table.

I hope that's a bit clearer on what we're struggling with and need help with as our users are asking us why they have to login to each one of our subdomain forums when they already logged into one of the other ones.

Thanks very much for your time and help.


Can u say me how can i set up two forums on a single server ..... like member should not resignup for the other one ...... the same id must be able to use for both ....... like on on******.com and onther on******.com ...... but both should be different

City Builder

I got a PM from a user on one of my forums, and it took me a while to find what forum it was on since we have 12 of them running, and coincidently her PM was about not finding her Private Message even though at the top of all the different forums pages it said that she had one.  Turns out it was in our main forum.

So...  We need a way so that no matter what forum a user is on (we use one main forum at our domain name and 12 forums at subdomain names of the main domain), when they send out a PM to another user it needs to go to the main domain forum, and no matter what forum they are on when they have a PM, when they go to check it, it needs to take them to the main domain forum so that they can actually see their message instead of hunting around the 13 forums trying to find where they have a new PM at.

Can somebody please explain to me how this can be accomplished?

Thank you for your time.


Dont know how you xxl mod works but you can share the personal messages as
you share your member db.

I use one shared forum ( currently 5 forums ) same userdb and pm's...
but i missed the permissions ....damnd... ;)

City Builder

Does anybody running more than one forum have any users complaining about the "show unread" not working properly on some of the forums?

I've got one particular user who keeps telling me that on one of our forums there are new posts but when she goes to the show unread for that forum it doesn't list any of the new messages.

Im not sure how that show unread actually works to begin with, Im guessing cookies and last visits but I don't know for sure, but is it possible that having all these sub domain forums that it could mess up the show unread from being accurate like if she logs into the main site for a visit, and there are new posts on our RPG forum but she doen't visit it, then comes back tommorrow and goes to the RPG forum and now it shows no new messages.  Is that possible because she didn't visit the RPG forum on the last visit so the messages are no longer considered new to her?


I'm guessing this is caused by the value of 'last_login' column in members table. It will record your last login in any of the 2 forums, not separately. If the user goes from one forum to another right after, it won't be a problem. But when visiting the 2nd forum at a different time (example: the next day), SMF thinks he/she already visited the forum the day before, and only shows new posts in the last day.

A temporary solution is to create 2 fields and keep records for each forum separately.

Anyone has better idea?


I just thought of a workaround for this issue. You should edit in the templates and replace the link to "action=unread" to "action=unread;all;start=0".

What this does is show all unread posts by that user.

The only drawback is that it may be a bit slower, uses 2 extra queries, but it's almost unnoticeable.


I have had a forum for a long time and have added quite a few mods and manual modifications. So I couldn't update it further than 1.1.3 as it gave errors.
Now I look forward to installing  new forum with the same member base. So do you reckon there will be a problem if I use 1.1.5 for the new forum.
what are the tables that can not be shared between these versions.


Hi anguz why is your script even on the mods. There isnt even a download link. I should report. [nonactive]
