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Redirection Boards

Started by Oldiesmann, October 18, 2004, 07:01:58 AM

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Link to Mod

This provides the functionality for redirecting users when they enter certain boards. Several new options will appear in the "Modify Boards" section of the admin center.

NEW! Version 2.01 released (September 30th, 2006)!

New features:
No new features in this version. Just bugfixes and compatibility with 1.0.8 and 1.1 RC3

Note: Due to the number of bugs in 2.0, you can't upgrade from it. You will need to uninstall it first and re-install this version instead.

Let me know if you have any problems or questions.

Update (9/30/06): Fixed some more bugs and updated the mod to work with 1.0.8 and 1.1 RC3...

Screenshots attached...
First screenshot shows default "Modify Board" screen.
Second screenshot shows several additional redirection boards settings that show up after you check the "Make this a redirection board" box (ah the fun of Javascript).
The third screenshot shows a default redirection board. The "--" column can be hidden by checking the box next to Hide "topics and posts" for redirection boards in the "Edit Features and Options" section (1.0.x) or "Manage Boards -> General Settings" section (1.1). If you aren't counting clicks, "N/A" is displayed instead of the number of clicks.

Test: /
Michael Eshom
Christian Metal Fans


When I try to install the mod, I get this message:

QuoteFatal error: packageinstall(): Failed opening required '/home/www/web62/html/forum/Packages/temp/RedirectPdb.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /home/www/web62/html/forum/Sources/Packages.php on line 437

My server is in safe mod. What can I do?


Set "Packages" folder at 777  ;)


QuoteSet "Packages" folder at 777
I have the folder at 777. But when I set the "temp" folder to 777, after I run the script, the "temp" turns to 755. Perhaps there is the problem. But how can I fix it?


Can you download the mod onto your server and make sure that redirectdbP.php exists, just incase I missed it. Otherwise you could download it to your PC, edit packages-info.xml to remove the reference to redirectdbP.php, re tar it and upload it again, this should hopefully make the "install" work. You then need to make the SQL changes, which should be easy to do by looking in redirectDBp.php and using phpMyAdmin to do the queries... hope this makes some vague sense :P
I'm only a half geek really...


Now the installation of ...-Core works.

When I want to install ...-Baby, I get this message:
QuoteInstall Actions for archive redirect-baby_v1_2.tar.gz:
There are no installation or uninstallation actions defined!


I have just installed manually.

:D Thx. It works great for me.

Here is the txt for Modifications.german.php:
$txt['redirect_enable'] = 'Aus diesem Board ein Weiterleitungs-Board machen';
$txt['redirect_enable_desc'] = 'Das wird jeden Nutzer, der versucht Zugang zu diesem Board zu bekommen, zu einer URL Ihrer Wahl weiterleiten.';
$txt['redirect_location'] = 'URL, zu der weitergeleitet werden soll';



i've downloaded all the files, and installed them fine.... it says they have installed successfully in the package manager, but when i got into the 'manage boards' section of my control panel.... nothing is different, and i can't find where to use this mod....

am i looking in the right places? there is nothing in the 'modify board' section, or the permissions, or if i click 'modify' on any of my existing boards....  ::)


It should appear in the modify board area, near the option for "Override members theme". If it isn't Check modifications.english.php in your languages directory to confirm the changes have indeed been made. You did hit "Proceed" after the initial list of "Successes" didn't you (i.e the first page of applying is a mod is a test, you have to hit proceed to actually make the changes)
I'm only a half geek really...



Hey grudge,

no nothing is there, and i have the installation saying it's been successful, with all the ticks in package manager etc etc.... i'm thinking of uninstalling it, and then re-installing it again just to see if that does anything..

Just a thought though, i'm not using the normal theme, i'm using 'themesis' downloaded from here.... would that have anything to do with it?? I noticed that when it's installed it has "classic theme extras" and "babylon theme extras".... i'm not using either!!! is that gonna have anything to do with it????  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

I really could do with this mod too  :'(

James   8) 8)


Ummm... if you are using a different theme then you will need to manually edit index.template.php I'm afraid. However, the language file *should* still have been edited. I assume the theme you are using doesn't have a full set of templates in the folder (i.e ManageBoards.template.php doesn't exist in that theme directory!)

Assuming ManageBoards.template.php doesn't exist in your themesis directory then the install definetly didn't work. There is definetly a "green" label next to the mod name in the package manager though? Strange.
I'm only a half geek really...


Hi grudge....

what do i need to manually replace then in the php files?? or is this going to be a nitemare to sort out on my theme  :'( :'( :'(


Download the package for the "Babylonkin" theme, extrac it (it's a tar.gz file) and look at the mod file in the tar.gz file. Just follow the search/replace guide for your theme of choice - it should only be 1 or 2 manual changes. Just make sure you have the mod installed and appearing on Manage Boards BEFORE you make these changes ;)
I'm only a half geek really...


Very nice work on this mod grudge, sorry for activating this topic again. I think maybe instead of the default theme "Extras" , they should be default ;). I also think maybe instead of using off.gif for the image that they could have thier own image. Thats my 2 cents for this mod :P My old board used to have these, thanks!

- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


The reason why are seperate is because if someone has modified either of the themes I didn't want to force it to fail. They could indeed have their own image, but I'll leave that to the board users - as I'm not artist :P
I'm only a half geek really...


lol ok, another question. For the theme extras, is it possible to show how many times that link has been clicked?

- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


Not at the moment Jerry, Could probably be done by using the numViews column on boards, and increasing that every click. I'm just short of time at the moment, someone could probably code it up in 20 minutes though :|
I'm only a half geek really...


Very nice mod Grudge!

Can you make it available for Bloc's Helios PLEASE!!!????  :) ;)
Andy Knifel


what would i have to change to make the redirect open in a new window ?

i have looked and not too sure with php *sigh*

thanks in advance.

