Google Member Map

Started by Spuds, December 12, 2007, 01:49:12 PM

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Quote from: Spuds on March 02, 2012, 12:32:34 PM
All of that was for the previous version of the mod, I had to make updates when things moved to Google Map V3 api.

I have not tried this, but you should be able to do something similar to what was put above ...

find the section of googlemap.php
// Begin the XML output

Above that add the $data[] = array( ... stuff but instead of calling it "data" try calling it $memberContext = array( .... 

Again untested so YMMV ;)

Quote from: 3fifty on March 02, 2012, 03:08:27 PM

It briefly tries to load the map then errors with
Unable to read the map pin data, result was - 500

Any further help on this?


I looked but could not find anything on these errors, can anyone point me in the direction of a fix for the following
using version 2.0.2 of SMF
8: Undefined index: googleMap
Apply Filter: Only show the errors from this file
File: /home/nick/public_html/Themes/default/GenericMenu.template.php (edit_options sub template - eval?)
Line: 2881

8: Undefined index: googleMap_Disclaimer
Apply Filter: Only show the errors from this file
File: /home/nick/public_html/Themes/default/GenericMenu.template.php (edit_options sub template - eval?)
Line: 2881


turn off eval to find that actual point of the error...   and then look at the line numbers for that file.

However, I suspect that there is a missing text string or two...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Found out how to do that and the errors are below thanks for the help

8: Undefined index: googleMap_Whereis
File: /home/nick/public_html/Themes/default/Profile.template.php
Line: 323
8: Undefined index: googleMap_Where
File: /home/nick/public_html/Themes/default/Profile.template.php
Line: 323
8: Undefined index: googleMap_Disclaimer
File: /home/nick/public_html/Themes/default/Profile.template.php
Line: 2881
8: Undefined index: googleMap_PleaseClick
File: /home/nick/public_html/Themes/default/Profile.template.php
Line: 2881
8: Undefined index: googleMap
file: /home/nick/public_html/Themes/default/Profile.template.php
Line: 2881


and what are lines 323 and 2881 in profile.template.php?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I have looked and there are text entries that match in GoogleMap.english.php
   <dt><strong>' . $txt['googleMap_Where'] . ' ' . (preg_match('~\s(and|&|&amp;)\s~i', $context['member']['name']) ? $txt['googleMap_Whereare'] : $txt['googleMap_Whereis']) . ' ' . $context['member']['name'] . ':</strong></dt>

<dt><strong>', $txt['googleMap'], '</strong><br /><span class="smalltext">'. $txt['googleMap_PleaseClick'].'<br />' . $txt['googleMap_Disclaimer'] . '</span></dt>


We are currently using this mod. Thanks for the great mod!
Everything installed and seems to work fine.

I'm unclear exactly what a few options are for in the admin panel.

1. Enter text for use with a member text pin

2. Enter text for use with a cluster text pin

I have them left blank now. What are some example of what one might put in for them two options?


Edited to add: I see how it all works now. ;)


Quote from: kwolf on January 06, 2012, 05:14:39 AM
I think you're right.  If you go to the screen where you place the pin (in your profile) and zoom really far out like that, the pin looks like it's in a much more accurate place compared to the member map.  That is why I thought there might be a bug.  That probably has something to do with the image it's using for the icon though since it uses the red google one and not the custom one.

Edit: Changed the pin size from 25 to 40 to closer match the pin on the profile page and it is pretty much accurate at all zoom levels.  Simple solution for my nitpick :)

This seem to help, thanks.


Quote from: Scooby on April 15, 2012, 01:29:04 PM
I have looked and there are text entries that match in GoogleMap.english.php
   <dt><strong>' . $txt['googleMap_Where'] . ' ' . (preg_match('~\s(and|&|&amp;)\s~i', $context['member']['name']) ? $txt['googleMap_Whereare'] : $txt['googleMap_Whereis']) . ' ' . $context['member']['name'] . ':</strong></dt>

<dt><strong>', $txt['googleMap'], '</strong><br /><span class="smalltext">'. $txt['googleMap_PleaseClick'].'<br />' . $txt['googleMap_Disclaimer'] . '</span></dt>

Which suggests that, perhaps the langauge file is not actually being loaded in profile.template.php

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: ApplianceJunk on April 15, 2012, 03:36:27 PM
Quote from: kwolf on January 06, 2012, 05:14:39 AM
I think you're right.  If you go to the screen where you place the pin (in your profile) and zoom really far out like that, the pin looks like it's in a much more accurate place compared to the member map.  That is why I thought there might be a bug.  That probably has something to do with the image it's using for the icon though since it uses the red google one and not the custom one.

Edit: Changed the pin size from 25 to 40 to closer match the pin on the profile page and it is pretty much accurate at all zoom levels.  Simple solution for my nitpick :)

This seem to help, thanks.

Aha! This certainly fixes the problem for me. I changed the size to 35 as the icon looks crisper than 40. Thanks for the fix! I think several members have been fiddling with their positions wondering why they kept moving!


Quote from: mint on April 16, 2012, 10:48:04 AM
Quote from: ApplianceJunk on April 15, 2012, 03:36:27 PM
Quote from: kwolf on January 06, 2012, 05:14:39 AM
I think you're right.  If you go to the screen where you place the pin (in your profile) and zoom really far out like that, the pin looks like it's in a much more accurate place compared to the member map.  That is why I thought there might be a bug.  That probably has something to do with the image it's using for the icon though since it uses the red google one and not the custom one.

Edit: Changed the pin size from 25 to 40 to closer match the pin on the profile page and it is pretty much accurate at all zoom levels.  Simple solution for my nitpick :)

This seem to help, thanks.

Aha! This certainly fixes the problem for me. I changed the size to 35 as the icon looks crisper than 40. Thanks for the fix! I think several members have been fiddling with their positions wondering why they kept moving!

After reading your post I also changed it to 35 and unchecked, 'Add a drop shadow to the member pin'.
Looks better yet, thanks!



I have the map installed and found permissions for all to see however used dont have a place to add themselves?


Noticed that if a Member amends any details in their profile on the Modify Profile --> Forum Profile page, then the date that the pin was set gets changed again.

Obviously this is because the map appears on that page and the mod is intetrpreting the "save" as a the date that the pin was added or moved.

However, the outcome of this is that on the main map the members name appears in bold again as "recently added/moved". On some of my forums members have moaned that they haven't just added themselves to the map (they are a grumpy lot lol ! ) which I suppose is true.

Because the map is on the same profile page as the avatars (which some members change frequently) then this issue reoccurs quite often.

Maybe the code needs an additional tweek to prevent this in a future release. Another option would be to give it it's own tab within the members profile?



Nice mod.

I have a question? How to add personal message into pop up bubble?
If this option is not there, here's suggestion for further development mode

Sorry for my bad English


what do you mean?

"How to add personal message into pop up bubble?"

huh?   do you mean an icon that links to "send this user a PM"?
in that case, it would require modifications to the code....   I'm not sure how easily it could be done.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."



How to add some own text into pop up bubble.  eg Text with a description of some


The info bubble already shows the custom title.  If you want to show the personal text from the members profile, then in GoogleMap.php find:

Code (find) Select
$datablurb .= '

and replace it with

Code (replace) Select
$datablurb .= '

// Show their personal text?
if (!empty($settings['show_blurb']) && $marker['blurb'] != '')
$datablurb .= '
<br class="clear" />' . $marker['blurb'];

$datablurb .= '


This is OK, but i want add own text, not text from signature

Sorry for my bad English


Can't help you on that ... and FWIW thats not from the signature, but the personal message text in their profile.
