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AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Quote from: .HuNTeR. on January 25, 2009, 01:50:32 AM

when you select cargo and then going to chat you see this error?

a bad question: are you sure you are using Ajax chat by ??

YES when i select cargo theme it appear an xml parsing error
and the second answer YES this is the ajax chat site where i downloaded..

i am attaching a snapshot of both on the left side is with cargo and on the right is working with default theme it let me enter in the chat room...

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Maybe you could do so there is clickable smilies? :)
Just a suggestion. By the way, when Ive added this mod, it made a CHAT link at the link bar.
Where do I do that it doesnt show that CHAT link?


Open chat/js/chat.js
this.addChatBotMessageToChatList('/error ConnectionStatus '+this.getHttpRequest(identifier).status);
replace with:
if (this.getHttpRequest(identifier).status != 0) {
this.addChatBotMessageToChatList('/error ConnectionStatus '+this.getHttpRequest(identifier).status);

if you want change the style of your shoutbox you should edit these files:

go to:
$config['contentType'] = null;
and replace with:
$config['contentType'] = 'text/html';

if this solved your problem check this page for more information.

if you mean adding smilies to shoutbox?
this will be in next version
and for removing chat button
open Themes\[your theme]\index.template.php
and remove these lines:
// the [chat] button
$chatPath = str_replace("index.php", "chat/index.php", $scripturl);
$num = count(getChatOnlineUserIDs());
echo $context['browser']['is_ie4'] ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '', '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_back">
<a href="', $chatPath, '" target="_blank">', $txt['chat'], ($num > 0) ?  ('('.$num.')') : '' , '</a></td>';


Quote from: .HuNTeR. on January 26, 2009, 02:19:45 AM

go to:
$config['contentType'] = null;
and replace with:
$config['contentType'] = 'text/html';

if this solved your problem check this page for more information.

thanks Hunter ! ok when i put this code my chat let me enter but i can't see there anything in online users and when i went to this page that you wrote the link i really don't know what to do next. so i just save the ajaxchat page as an xml file and tried to validate but its not validating missing many things. and one thing i notice i don't know if it is the correct problem when i saved the index page of ajaxchat i see there thi line of code :

[size=1]<select id="language_select" name="language" onchange="this.form.submit()" class="smalltext">
<option value="dutch">Dutch</option>
<option value="italian">Italian</option>
<option value="english" selected="selected">English</option>
<option value="spanish_es">Spanish Es</option>
<option value="russian">Russian</option>
<option value="greek">Greek</option>
<option value="french">French</option>
</select><input name="changelang" value="1" type="hidden">&nbsp;<noscript><input type="submit" /></noscript></form>[/size]

ok i have installed these language packages on this forum.. maybe this language option and the languages in ajaxchat which ate built-in options i think these are conflicting with each other..i am not sure so is it possible to remove this option when entering in the chat will just load built-in or mine language option..thanks
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Ok I have this all working great, except when you click on Chat, it launches in a new window/tab. How do I get it to appear integrated within the site like so many of you show in your screenshots?

I'm using 1.1.7, default theme.

I must be missing something obvious... but I've poured over the help files and docs.

EDIT: Also, "enable shoutbox" doesn't seem to have an effect... the "Chat" button/tab appears even with this unchecked.


Quote from: sremick on January 26, 2009, 04:57:37 PM
Ok I have this all working great, except when you click on Chat, it launches in a new window/tab. How do I get it to appear integrated within the site like so many of you show in your screenshots?

I'm using 1.1.7, default theme.

I must be missing something obvious... but I've poured over the help files and docs.

with my best guess in your index.template.php find this line:
directory:  ./Themes/default/index.template.php

<a href="', $chatPath, '" target="_blank">', $txt['chat'], '</a></td>'

Replace with this:

<a href="', $chatPath, $txt['chat'], '</a></td>'

EDIT: Also, "enable shoutbox" doesn't seem to have an effect... the "Chat" button/tab appears even with this unchecked.
and the shoutbox you will enable from admin control panel>Feature and options>Basic Feature>

i attach the file watch it
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Quote from: mraza on January 26, 2009, 05:09:33 PM
with my best guess in your index.template.php find this line:
directory:  ./Themes/default/index.template.php

<a href="', $chatPath, '" target="_blank">', $txt['chat'], '</a></td>'

Replace with this:

<a href="', $chatPath, $txt['chat'], '</a></td>'

Not quite. What you really meant was:

<a href="', $chatPath, '">', $txt['chat'], '</a></td>'

But all that does is replace the entire forum window with the chat window. I don't want it to just not open in a new window, I want it to look like:;topic=257973.0;attach=83215;image

Snow Keld

i hope this comes across as a simple question with a simple answer, but the way we use your VERY AWESOME MOD on my forum is we go to the /chat/index.php file (rather than using it as a shoutbox that sits on the index page, i put it in an iframe on a simple portal block) which shows all the diff channels which are all based off the forum sections it seems, is there a way to change that (delete channels and make new, permanent ones) ?

this info would be a HUGE help, and again, i LOVE this mod, makes it all so very easy to use and setup :D, i've been looking into the whole ajaxchat idea for awhile but i dont have the skills to integrate it with SMF, which is what i wanted.


hy everybody, how to add shoutbox?
maybe is stupid question, but to ask :)

i have 1.1.7 smf

Snow Keld

oh, you go to features and options on the admin menu, the page it brings you to on auto (first one) has an option about half way down to enable shoutbox, theres a screen shot on the first post here., a bit small though..


when try to install this mod, i got this msg

10.     Execute Modification     ./chat/css/shoutbox.css     Test failed
11.    Execute Modification    ./chat/lib/template/shoutbox.html    Test failed
12.    Execute Modification    ./chat/lib/class/AJAXChatDataBase.php    Test failed


Snow Keld

did you get Ajax chat for SMF [nofollow], uncompress it, and upload it to your hosting, then go to the install.php  ?

if not then that would be why, or you placed it in the wrong location, it needs to go in the root directory of your forum, if you go to the forum index, the root directory is the URL upright before the index.php end. would be in the very root directory of your hosting.  you would put the chat into shomething-or-another folder.

then go to your index again on your forum, and replace index.php with chat/install.php

then install this mod.

(if this mod is already installed then uninstall it before you upload the chat, then install it after)

d@mn, i come here with a question and i end up answering other peeps questions, so odd...


Installed the mod and the chat...

But something is very wrong.. .

At all the chat channels (drop down menu), I can choose all my boards as chat channels... wtf..

And noone shows online in the chat, nor is it possible to write anything into the chat...

Please help :)


Quote from: runebergen on January 28, 2009, 03:23:58 AM
And noone shows online in the chat, nor is it possible to write anything into the chat...
Ha! And I thought I were the only one with this problem. I already had a look into the help section of the chat (support) forum but did find nothing!
It seems that it has something to do with a server configuration. I tested the chat on another webspace and it worked fine. Hm...  ::) Strange...

PHP version:                4.3.10
MySQL version:                4.1.10a

Should work fine but it doesn't...

Snow Keld

Quote from: Snow Keld on January 27, 2009, 02:51:53 PM
i hope this comes across as a simple question with a simple answer, but the way we use your VERY AWESOME MOD on my forum is we go to the /chat/index.php file (rather than using it as a shoutbox that sits on the index page, i put it in an iframe on a simple portal block) which shows all the diff channels which are all based off the forum sections it seems, is there a way to change that (delete channels and make new, permanent ones) ?

this info would be a HUGE help, and again, i LOVE this mod, makes it all so very easy to use and setup :D, i've been looking into the whole ajaxchat idea for awhile but i dont have the skills to integrate it with SMF, which is what i wanted.

ok... well i still really want this answered please :D


Quote from: runebergen on January 28, 2009, 03:23:58 AM

Installed the mod and the chat...

But something is very wrong.. .

At all the chat channels (drop down menu), I can choose all my boards as chat channels... wtf..

Please help :)

Quote from: Snow Keld on January 27, 2009, 02:51:53 PM
which shows all the diff channels which are all based off the forum sections it seems, is there a way to change that (delete channels and make new, permanent ones) ?

You can limit the boards that are listed as channels....

Find in chat/lib/config.php:

// Defines an array of channelIDs (e.g. array(0, 1)) to limit the number of available channels, will be ignored if set to null:
$config['limitChannelList'] = null;

change to something like this ...

// Defines an array of channelIDs (e.g. array(0, 1)) to limit the number of available channels, will be ignored if set to null:
$config['limitChannelList'] = array(33,);

(this is for my forum, the only channel available is "Public" and my board #33). In my forum board #33 is only accessible to me and my Mods so in the chat it is only visible to me and my Mods as well.
Nobody else can see it.

Be sure to change array(33,); to whatever board numbers you want to be available.

EXAMPLE: array(123,456,789);

Hope that helps.

Snow Keld

thank you so much!

your awesome :D


I am getting this message.

XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </html>.
Location: [nonactive]
Line Number 385, Column 3:


Any ideas what is wrong?


Quote from: mrtrc266 on January 28, 2009, 03:42:57 PM

Be sure to change array(33,); to whatever board numbers you want to be available.

EXAMPLE: array(123,456,789);

Hope that helps.

Yeah I figured out how to fix that part .. :) And thax for the array tip....

But still not working at all...
Noone shows as logged in, noone can post anything

Quote from: Lemming on January 28, 2009, 10:33:26 AM
Quote from: runebergen on January 28, 2009, 03:23:58 AM
And noone shows online in the chat, nor is it possible to write anything into the chat...
Ha! And I thought I were the only one with this problem. I already had a look into the help section of the chat (support) forum but did find nothing!
It seems that it has something to do with a server configuration. I tested the chat on another webspace and it worked fine. Hm...  ::) Strange...
Should work fine but it doesn't...

Yeah, wonder what it can be.... hum ..  server configuration. Thats going to be a needle in the haystack

Robert F

Quote from: Snow Keld on January 27, 2009, 10:49:32 PM
did you get Ajax chat for SMF, uncompress it, and upload it to your hosting, then go to the install.php  ?

if not then that would be why, or you placed it in the wrong location, it needs to go in the root directory of your forum, if you go to the forum index, the root directory is the URL upright before the index.php end. would be in the very root directory of your hosting.  you would put the chat into shomething-or-another folder.

then go to your index again on your forum, and replace index.php with chat/install.php

then install this mod.

(if this mod is already installed then uninstall it before you upload the chat, then install it after)

d@mn, i come here with a question and i end up answering other peeps questions, so odd...

I go to that link and download the file. But it downloads as a GZ file - ajax_chat-

Which my computer doesn't recognise. You say to uncompress it? There's nothing to uncompress. It doesn't download as a folder but as a GZ file! Is this normal because my computer can't open the file at all. I've tried searching the web to find software that will open the file but i've found nothing!!
