AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Hey great mod dude, well appreciated :)

i have one problem though, sometimes when i click the shoutbox area i will get bombarded with download file screens then i get this message  "Error: Failed to load sound file (Flash IO Error). " about 5 times in shoutbox..

any ideas?

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


Quote from: johncccccc on April 05, 2009, 01:38:19 AM
Hey great mod dude, well appreciated :)

i have one problem though, sometimes when i click the shoutbox area i will get bombarded with download file screens then i get this message  "Error: Failed to load sound file (Flash IO Error). " about 5 times in shoutbox..

any ideas?

Yes that is a known issue that occurs with FireFox only, don't worry about about it. It's harmless and the sound will kick in shortly.


Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 05, 2009, 01:46:51 AM
Quote from: johncccccc on April 05, 2009, 01:38:19 AM
Hey great mod dude, well appreciated :)

i have one problem though, sometimes when i click the shoutbox area i will get bombarded with download file screens then i get this message  "Error: Failed to load sound file (Flash IO Error). " about 5 times in shoutbox..

any ideas?

Yes that is a known issue that occurs with FireFox only, don't worry about about it. It's harmless and the sound will kick in shortly.

ok thanks, but is there any way around this, no quick fixes :)

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


Not that I'm aware of but it only happens the first time you log into the Chat Room or type in the shoutbox, then it won't appear again until the next time your log into your forum and once again it only happens if you're using FF

I keep checkin @ https://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=214758 but haven't found a quick fix yet.


Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 05, 2009, 02:33:28 AM
Not that I'm aware of but it only happens the first time you log into the Chat Room or type in the shoutbox, then it won't appear again until the next time your log into your forum and once again it only happens if you're using FF

I keep checkin @ https://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=214758 but haven't found a quick fix yet.

yea i noticed the pattern eventually, but since the smf software logs you out after 15 minutes it happens quiet frequently, well anyways I hope you find a fix soon, thanks anyway, i will be checking, make sure to post if you find a fix :)

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


Quote from: dextrous on March 31, 2009, 01:17:26 PM
hmm, installed it...now...Warning: require(.../cricketforum2/chat/lib/custom.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: Not a directory in ..../cricketforum2/chat/index.php on line 17

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/.../cricketforum2/chat/lib/custom.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /.../cricketforum2/chat/index.php on line 17

running SMF 2.0 RC1

I think this is a similar error to the one your getting, couldn't hurt to give this a shot.....


Quote from: johncccccc on April 05, 2009, 02:41:43 AM
Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 05, 2009, 02:33:28 AM
Not that I'm aware of but it only happens the first time you log into the Chat Room or type in the shoutbox, then it won't appear again until the next time your log into your forum and once again it only happens if you're using FF

I keep checkin @ https://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=214758 but haven't found a quick fix yet.

yea i noticed the pattern eventually, but since the smf software logs you out after 15 minutes it happens quiet frequently, well anyways I hope you find a fix soon, thanks anyway, i will be checking, make sure to post if you find a fix :)

You can change the amount of time your users are inactive before they are timed out, just foloow the instructions here along with many more tweaks.



Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 05, 2009, 12:37:29 AM
Quote from: madfiddler on April 04, 2009, 08:06:45 PM

I've got an install failure on this with BoardIndex.php. These are the mods I have installed...

1.  Paid Subscriptions  0.18   [ Uninstall ]  [ List Files ]  [ Delete ]
2. Ad Managment 2.3 [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
3. Users Online Today Mod 1.4.0 [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
5. reCAPTCHA for SMF [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
7. SMF 1.0.16 / 1.1.8 Update 1.0 [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]

Any thoughts?



Attatch your BoardIndex.php file please

Hey, Sorry I didn't do this. I uninstalled the "users online today" mod, and it worked. I guess that makes sense if a mod alters a line another mod installer is looking for?




@ Sunking

Try this, open yourforum/chat/index.php

// Path to the chat directory:
define('AJAX_CHAT_PATH', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).'/');

Replace with
// Path to the chat directory:
$script_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'];
define('AJAX_CHAT_PATH', realpath(dirname($script_path)).'/');

If that doesn't work try replacing it with this
// Path to the chat directory:
$script_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'];
define('AJAX_CHAT_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/');

It's a couple fixes I found @ Sourceforge for users with similar issues.

Cross you fingers :D


I'm trying to download the modz for quite a few try now but I think the link is DL broken..?

Can someone check it out or is it in my browser?




Neither one worked.  ;D I am trying your idea in the PM. We'll see how that goes.

EDIT: Apparently, it's a hosting/server issue. I set up another vanilla, and installed the 8.1.2 version to see if I could get the chat part working. No such luck.
« Next Edit: Tomorrow at 08:34:45 PM by SunKing »   <---- « someone stole my sig... :o »


Thanks again for the mod, I have another problem, well the shoutbox is too high and the tab buttons go over it slightly, look at image

on install all tests passed except board index template, which I edited myself.

any ideas?

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


mrt - any suggestions on my question about a  input box and roll button  embedded in the chat page?

Gul Ducat

Well folks, at least the mystery of my server errors is now solved and Chat seems to be working for now.

I am co-located on an Apache based server and the errors created are usually reported in GeekSpeak v2.0  >:(  Which normal folks with a life outside of the binary world (like me) cannot understand.

My problem was resolved by changing via ftp the chmod properties of all five files in the \chat directory from a 666 to a 644.  Wala! It works.

Simply put, instead of the Apache errors simply stating: Hey... Dummy... these five files have the wrong permissions!  (which I would understand), It instead comes up with file not found errors which are very difficult to troubleshoot, especially when you know the files are indeed where they're supposed to be.

I hope this helps.


@ bigloutx Damn I was close


Glad to see hat you got it sorted and might possibly retract your statement...

Quote from: bigloutx on April 01, 2009, 02:44:13 AM
Sorry to rant, but it was a piece of $$IT mod that I blew up my 1.18 installation and had to resort to RC1.

I hope you and your members enjoy the Mod.

Gul Ducat

Is there a way to auto-logout an inactive chat session that is online inactive for more than 15 or 30 minutes?  I guess it could be done by the smf login time restrictions but some users like to stay logged in to smf but forget to log out of chat.

Users that are actually not active in the forum still show up as being in chat long after there gone.


@ bigloutx

Not sure if this is exactly what you're lookin for but read the FAQ's and you can set how long you want the users to be inactive before they are logged/timed out.


Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 03, 2009, 01:35:15 PM
Hey EclecticHoobajoo, sorry about your frustration on getting this going, I think the problem might be where you installed the chat first and then this intergration Mod which also installs the chat for you as it clearly states on the Download page.

It didn't clearly state any of the like when I first downloaded it, who knows how many versions ago.  There is also no changelog that I can see, so I can know which versions have what on them and what was done/added and why.

Quote from: .HuNTeR. on August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM
note if you already have previous version of this mod after uninstalling the previous version delete the entire chat folder too. new version install the chat by self.
I already tried that.

Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 03, 2009, 01:35:15 PM
It seems as though you have installed AJAX Chat twice which could lead to serious problems on getting this to work.

If you would like to try it again I would drop all the Ajax Chat tables in your database from MyphpAdmin. Delete the chat and shoutbox folders and then upload this Mod via your package manager and install again.

Or like you said, wait for the next release to see if that helps. It should be coming soon ;)

If I have to do any database editing, then I am totally screwed on this.  My host has lost my control panel for some reason, and I can't get into phpmyadmin.  After I upgraded to SMF 1.1.7, my host's control panel for SMF disappeared.  I'm currently on 1.1.8, and still nothing.  They have acknowledged that it has indeed disappeared for me, but have done nothing to get it back for me.  They say that uninstalling and reinstalling SMF "may" get it to show up again, but I'm not going through all that unless I know for sure that it will work.

I'll try to install this on a test server and if it works, I'll probably just switch to a different host.  However, another reason I don't want this installed is because I haven't seen the answer to the question posted on page one or two of this:  what kind of a load does this add to your server?  How much slowness can I expect if I put this on a shared server?  I'm already getting some bad slowness and connections timing out, possibly from the arcade mod I have installed, possibly from a craptacular host, or most likely a combination of the two.

Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 03, 2009, 01:35:15 PMAs you can see from the 59 pages of the support board ALMOST everyone has got this to work. .....

It's not the Mod it's self nor is it the author of the Mod. I have it going on 3 sites and 3 different versions on SMF and have never had any problems with it. Also I have assisted at least 100 people on getting it going on their site and it's working perfectly for them now too. The only problem I had was when I was using it on a free hosting site and I requested support from the host, they did something and then it worked fine.

Don't be so modest.  I see you had a whole lot of problems when you first installed this as well. 
And just because there are thousands of downloads and "only" 59 pages of support questions, that doesn't mean most have it working.  I'd imagine most people try to install it, can't, and simply give up without asking for support help.  There needs to be a rating system on here so we can know just how good the mod is.  A thousand people's votes would mean more to me than a few people's posts on the support thread.  It would be nice to see the rating for the three or four chat mods out there to try to find the best one.  I just picked this one because it looked like a fairly easy one to install. 

Like I said before, I appreciate seeing all your support help on this, mrtrc.  It gives me at least a glimmer of hope that some day, maybe I'll get this installed.


@ EclecticHoobajoo

Sorry to hear about the loss of your control panel, that must really suck (acutally unthinkable) if you want to run a forum. Sounds like it's about time to switch host...and fast!

Yes I did have "A" problem (not a whole lot of problems) in the beginning when I was on a free host but then I forked out the $36 a yr for a domain and services and got the issue resolved (actually they fixed it before I forked out the $36 while it was still free). No problems since. (it was a hosting issue, it had nothing to do with the mod. I didn't start callin it a piece of crap before giving it a chance.) Please show me ALL the problems I had? As I recall it was one "real" problem when I first installed it.

Yes you may have downloaded it many versions ago but you never expressed any concerns about it until http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=257973.msg1993863#msg1993863 (just a about a week ago) at which time the front page clearly stated "new version install the chat by self"

I'm not being modest at all, I was just pointing out that for most of the people who have asked for support have got this going on their site, so to come out and say "this is a piece of crap" before asking for help or expecting it to be resolved in a day or 2 not being very understanding of what it takes to make a mod of this nature.

As you can see the AJAX Chat Intergration Mod is ranked #2 out of  ALL Mods as the "Most Popular Mods" and then search for "Chat" on the Mod site and see that it has the least amount of downloads compared to the other chat Mods. I'm not sure exaclty how they rank it but that seems pretty good to me.

Common sense says that if you download a Mod and have a problem that you should go ahead and post the error on the support thread (that's what they are for). So I doubt that many people have installed it, couldn't get it working and just moved on without asking for support. If that's the case then a lot of people have missed out on a great Mod, but once again I doubt that's the case.

To answer your question, it takes a small hit on your server (or atleast mine) it's barley noticable.

There is hope in everything that I have found on SMF just please be patient and the issue will be tackled and resolved by someone eventually, thank you for your understanding.


Quote from: jhd_20 on April 05, 2009, 03:36:28 PM
I'm trying to download the modz for quite a few try now but I think the link is DL broken..?
Can someone check it out or is it in my browser?

Seems to work fine for me...
