AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Quote from: fiorello on July 28, 2009, 04:43:15 PM

judging by the look of the theme ( looks nice too) would I be right in saying the shoutbox is white?

My forum uses the blackrain v2 theme and our shoutbox is also white.


I want the shoutbox to be black, how to do it?
Dark shoutbox would look alooot better


Unfortunately that is where I would have to let the experts step in.

Sorry I can't help any further.


It's not good, the big one's style can be easly edited, but is the on-forum shoutbox uneditable? impossible :(


   Quote from: ScottDB on Today at 08:11:43 AM The only file in Darkster theme that was in the lists of edits. Compleated the changes as shown in instructions for theme/default/index.template.php thinking that I could just use this for the darkster theme. Got the following error message:...
Never seen that error before. Not much to go on. I've attached the index.template if someone can figure it out.

Did you do exactly as said in parser, taking care on "put after/put before/replace" instructions?? 

I had no time to debug your file, try this file, I installed Darkster to my test site and implemented changes manually, and it works for me... [/q][/t]

Thanks so much that did the trick. Hopefully one day I can have the knowledge to pass on and help others out as much as you.
Thank you,

If at first you don't succeed. post and post again.

Bernard T.

Quote from: ScottDB on July 28, 2009, 05:13:08 PM
Thanks so much that did the trick. Hopefully one day I can have the knowledge to pass on and help others out as much as you.
hehe, great Scott, I'm happy that it works! This one really didn't involve a lot of knowledge, just reading the instructions ;)

P.S. If you had any other Mods integrated in this file they're now lost (as this file's concerns) I hope you're aware of it..
://#  Orion | Federation Servers | Info Sector


Thanks again and and no problem with anything else on the temp. I need to do this to other themes and would like to know where I messed up. Would like to know where the instructions says to edit the default files do I just edit the theme files instead of the default files?  This is what I thought I had done before. Also at the end of the instructions it has a section for tables with queries in it. Excuse me for I am very new to this and have heard of them and know what they are but do not know what a query is used for or how they work. Do I need to load that up as well? Just trying to figure this out before I start the next one.

Thank you,

If at first you don't succeed. post and post again.


Awesome mod by the way :).

Is there anyway in the channel part, I can have custom channels? Or it would be awesome if I can password protect some channels or only some users under a member group can access this channel?


Nevermind, I found it.



I just installed this on my site
SMF 2.0 RC-1

Other mods:
Simple Portal

I (the admin) am the only person who can see it.


Quote from: Ampix0 on July 28, 2009, 11:32:27 PM

I just installed this on my site
SMF 2.0 RC-1

Other mods:
Simple Portal

I (the admin) am the only person who can see it.
Look permissions
Former Lead Support Specialist

Tarvitsetko apua SMF foorumisi kanssa? Otan työtehtäviä vastaan, lue:http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=375918.0


Actually didn't see anything about password protecting some channels, is it possible? Or allow certain member groups to access the channel?

One channel would be for everyone, another channel would be for a selected few.

Bernard T.

Quote from: ScottDB on July 28, 2009, 08:34:08 PM
I need to do this to other themes and would like to know where I messed up. Would like to know where the instructions says to edit the default files do I just edit the theme files instead of the default files?  ....

Just read the instructions and pay attention to "Find->Replace With", "Find->Add Before", "Find->Add After" instructions, that should be self-explanatory. If you already have running installation of Mod you don't have to do any queries or change other things, just modify appropriate custom Theme files. If you're willing to learn more use http://docs.simplemachines.org/index.php?board=45.0;sort=subject

Quote from: ClassicX on July 29, 2009, 01:47:48 AM
Actually didn't see anything about password protecting some channels, is it possible? Or allow certain member groups to access the channel?

One channel would be for everyone, another channel would be for a selected few.

Owdy just answered your question - look at members permission, there is section added to it that enables you to do just that.
://#  Orion | Federation Servers | Info Sector


I am getting this error to install this mod:

The package you are trying to download or install is either corrupt or not compatible with this version of SMF.

plz advice what to do?

smf version is 1.1.10 and SIMPLE PORTAL VERSION IS 2.2.2 and theme is dilber MC.

Bernard T.

Quote from: Baloch on July 29, 2009, 02:51:55 AM
I am getting this error to install this mod:
plz advice what to do?

read this topic a few pages back from here.... and do the manual installation
://#  Orion | Federation Servers | Info Sector


Thanks for the link. I read the information there and it helped explain a lot. I thought I had followed the instructions as far as find, replace, add before. Must have messed up somewhere. Will try again on the next theme.

One question - For board.index.php there are two in the instructions. One is Source/board.. the other is default/board... Which one do I edit my custom theme board.index with?
Thank you,

If at first you don't succeed. post and post again.

Bernard T.

Quote from: ScottDB on July 29, 2009, 10:15:38 AM
One question - For board.index.php there are two in the instructions. One is Source/board.. the other is default/board... Which one do I edit my custom theme board.index with?
/Sources/.. is dir with sources
/Themes/default/.. is default theme -> this is what has to be changed in all other themes
://#  Orion | Federation Servers | Info Sector


Thought that was the case just wanted to make sure.
In editing the index.template it shows to replace the code         // But, let's always show minutes - Time wasted here: 0 minutes.
         echo $context['user']['total_time_logged_in']['minutes'], $txt['totalTimeLogged4'], '<br />';
      echo '            </span>';

The only code that I found that came close is
        // Show the load time?
    if ($context['show_load_time'])
        echo '
        <p align="center"><span class="smalltext">', $txt['smf301'], $context['load_time'], $txt['smf302'], $context['load_queries'], $txt['smf302b'], '</span></p>';

Can I just forget about editing that code or what?

the index is attached
Thank you,

If at first you don't succeed. post and post again.


Right now I have a channel for every single board I have.  How can I delete all of them.  I just want 2 boards.  One public, and one private.


OK, I don't mean to be a pain in the rear or take up a lot of anyone's time but I am really getting frustrated here. I moved on to the next theme and the edits were strait forward. Found all items and performed edits as told in the post. Don't understand what I am doing wrong. The last time you said that you just followed the instructions to get mod to work. That is what I did that time as well. I have not had this big a problem with other mods where all edits were found. Can someone look over my edits and see what I am doing wrong?

Helios_multi theme
Thank you,

If at first you don't succeed. post and post again.
