AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Quote from: johncccccc on September 30, 2009, 10:45:50 PM

I meant to say that as a test, that would determine if it was a timeout problem or not.


I've done some testing, and I'm pretty sure that this is the problem.

Any idea for solving it?


This is a Bump - Hoping for assistance!

QuoteSMF 1.1.9
Chat version 3.2.1
Theme Custom

Installed the Chat using the Package Manager - Only error I get is the following"

Execute Modification     ./Themes/default/index.template.php     Test failed

No Problem - I know I have the Parse that File after applying the mod but every time I try to apply the mod I lose my site to a:

500 Internal error. L

uckily I have both SQL and File backups and it restores fine - I just dont get why I can not apply the mod??

Any assistance?


That is a server issue.
Contact your host and get them to check their logs to sort it out.
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)

I national

I keep getting a

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

When going to the url where the shoutbox is at. What's going on >_>


Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
2: unlink(/public_html/chat/index.php) [<a href='function.unlink'>function.unlink</a>]: Permission denied
Apply Filter: Only show the errors from this file
Line: 1488


i uploaded the files in my forum root directory and when i open the forumdirectory/chat like it sais in the readme it gives me this

Query: SELECT userID, userName, userRole, channel, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateTime) AS timeStamp, ip FROM `b22_4046318_CommunityBox`.smf_ajaxchat_online WHERE NOW() <= DATE_ADD(dateTime, interval 2 MINUTE) ORDER BY userName; Error-Report: Table 'b22_4046318_CommunityBox.smf_ajaxchat_online' doesn't exist Error-Code: 1146 

what should i do?
Check out this:
http://firecit.mybrute.com [nofollow]


Just uploading the files isn't enough. You also have to create the databases; there should be an install script there.



I have the chat installed perfectly on one forum....but on another, when I go to install I get a lot of failed tests in themes, except for Default Core.

QuoteClassic YaBB SE Theme 
   Execute Modification ./Themes/classic/BoardIndex.template.php Test failed
  1. Add Before ./Themes/classic/BoardIndex.template.php Test failed

   Execute Modification ./Themes/classic/index.template.php Test failed
  1. Replace ./Themes/classic/index.template.php Test successful
  2. Add Before ./Themes/classic/index.template.php Test failed

   Babylon Theme 
   Execute Modification ./Themes/babylon/BoardIndex.template.php Test failed
  1. Add Before ./Themes/babylon/BoardIndex.template.php Test failed

   Execute Modification ./Themes/babylon/index.template.php Test failed
  1. Replace ./Themes/babylon/index.template.php Test successful
  2. Add Before ./Themes/babylon/index.template.php Test failed

   Execute Modification ./Themes/Prof/BoardIndex.template.php Test successful
  1. Add Before ./Themes/Prof/BoardIndex.template.php Test successful

   Execute Modification ./Themes/Prof/index.template.php Test failed
  1. Replace ./Themes/Prof/index.template.php Test successful
  2. Add Before ./Themes/Prof/index.template.php Test failed

   Execute Modification ./Themes/GreyNight20/index.template.php Test failed
  1. Replace ./Themes/GreyNight20/index.template.php Test successful
  2. Add Before ./Themes/GreyNight20/index.template.php Test failed

So I haven't installed it. Can anyone tell me what I will need to do to fix things after I install?


well, you just need to make the manual edits on those files. on the failed files you will see the icon like this
Click that icon to see instructions on where to make the edits

If you will be only using one theme, you will not need to make all of those edits, just the one on the theme your using

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


Quote from: johncccccc on October 02, 2009, 12:07:45 AM
well, you just need to make the manual edits on those files. on the failed files you will see the icon like this
Click that icon to see instructions on where to make the edits

If you will be only using one theme, you will not need to make all of those edits, just the one on the theme your using

Well, I went on and installed. And it installed, but gave a 500 error on all themes...including Default Core, which all tests passed on. So, obviously I have more problems than I originally thought.


Quote from: johncccccc on October 02, 2009, 12:07:45 AM
well, you just need to make the manual edits on those files. on the failed files you will see the icon like this
Click that icon to see instructions on where to make the edits

If you will be only using one theme, you will not need to make all of those edits, just the one on the theme your using

What the heck is this ''request iso.com''??????

Some sort of virus or what? I tried to go there..and when I got there it started opening one after another of IE pages...and the more I tried to stop it..the more it opened. When it got to 16 pages I manually shut my computer down. >:( >:(


sorry the image came out really long for some reason ???

500 error, I had that error before when installing various mods, you may want to contact your host, especially if its what i suspect it may be, I had to change host, but we have not got enough information to determine whats causing the problem

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


Quote from: johncccccc on October 02, 2009, 12:34:32 AM
sorry the image came out really long for some reason ???

500 error, I had that error before when installing various mods, you may want to contact your host, especially if its what i suspect it may be, I had to change host, but we have not got enough information to determine whats causing the problem

:( I am more concerned at the moment about what happened when I went to ''get more at requestiso.com''

As for the chat vs my host...well..I have 2 other forums on my site, and both have the chat..no problem.


Quote from: Sabre™ on September 29, 2009, 03:52:43 PM
Quote from: leowife on September 29, 2009, 03:47:00 PM
If anyone can offer suggestions, I would be most appreciative!!

So in your permissions section in your admin panel, you have already set the membergroups permission?
Scrolled down and ticked the box which approves :  Access to chat
It should be grouped like this in your permissions section

Access to chat     
Moderate chat    
View shoutBox    
Can shout    
Moderate shoutBox

I don't have any of the above in my permissions section.  That's what I was expecting to see....something, anything, with regard to "chat" or "shout box"  There's nothing there.


Even the selection boxes for them?
If atleast they are there, then it is merely a language file issue, in which you may need to add the language strings to the language you use, or a utf8 language.
So it would be added to  Modifications.{your language}.php  and/or  Modifications.{your language}-utf8.php found in your default themes Languages folder

If this isn't the case, then check to see if this was added to your  ManagePermissions.php  located in your Sources folder. This is for smf 1.1.10
'chat' => array(
'chat_access' => false,
'chat_mod' => false,
'shout_view' => false,
'shout_access' => false,
'shout_mod' => false,

or for smf2

'chat_access' => array(false, 'general', 'view_basic_info'),
'chat_mod' => array(false, 'general', 'view_basic_info'),
'shout_view' => array(false, 'general', 'view_basic_info'),
'shout_access' => array(false, 'general', 'view_basic_info'),
'shout_mod' => array(false, 'general', 'view_basic_info'),
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


Quote from: Kat-2 on October 02, 2009, 12:42:17 AM
:( I am more concerned at the moment about what happened when I went to ''get more at requestiso.com''

Update your AV definitions, then run a scan through your system.
It may have been a little script for annoyance rather than harm.

If it ever happens again, rather than hard booting your system, open your Task Manager and end the browser session.
The "No script" addon for FF may come in handy if you choose to use it after reading about it.
Whatever makes you feel more comfortable :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


Thats just another illegal website where people can download illegally obtained computer games and programms etc. Kind of ironic that he comes on here asking for help.....


just out of curisoty , how did you end up going to requestiso, nobody said to go there, and I happen to know there is no harmful things on the site at all not even any annoyance script.

all that haappened is the hotlink protection, I was just hot-linking an image of something from the site and the link came up, sorry about that.

@mcgovery, go back to school and learn to read, then you will know who was helping and who was offering help.

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


The hotlink protection says "get more at RequestISO.com" for which they assumed you meant they had to visit to get advice.
