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AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Quote from: zrorox on June 06, 2010, 07:02:53 PM
SMF Type: SMF 1.1.11
Issue: Cannot post in chat, both embedded one and windowed (tab) chat.

I tried some of what you said including moving .htaccess file (already adding the 2 lines you said), but moving it to the selected folders didn't do a thing...

Can someone help me please? I'm close, but don't know what to do... I can attach any files you need.

What Mods you have installed?


Quote from: Mikolak on June 08, 2010, 09:22:47 AM
Thanks for the archive tip, but my users can't enter the logs - it just sends them to the chat login page and won't even let them login

You have to be admin in order to view the logs


That's exactly my point... users tend to miss out something on the chat and then they aren't able to find out what it was


Quote from: Mikolak on June 08, 2010, 03:54:37 PM
That's exactly my point... users tend to miss out something on the chat and then they aren't able to find out what it was

Simply play with this setting /chat/lib/config.php

Change 24 to 72 (will leave the chats up for 3 days). Change 10 to 75 (Will retrieve the last 75 chats whenever a user logs in).  Or change it to your liking, there is no need for everyone to view the logs.

// Max time difference in hours for messages to display on each request:
$config['requestMessagesTimeDiff'] = 24;
// Max number of messages to display on each request:
$config['requestMessagesLimit'] = 10;


after changing the language to english only for the mod
when i log into chat while the forum using a language other than english
this error still shows, and the chat freezes, does any one have any solution to this, or have a similar problem? :-\

Notice: Undefined variable: scripturl in /home/xxxx/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php on line 138

Notice: Undefined variable: scripturl in /home/xxxx/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php on line 139

Notice: Undefined variable: scripturl in /home/xxxx/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php on line 262


Quote from: sattninja on February 24, 2010, 02:16:40 PM
well i have been using firefox i decided to try IE and when i type it is giving me an error maybe this will help

(13:14:47) ChatBot: Error: Connection timeout. Please try again.
(13:14:50) ChatBot: Error: Connection timeout. Please try again.
(13:14:53) ChatBot: Error: Connection timeout. Please try again.
(13:14:56) ChatBot: Error: Connection timeout. Please try again.
(13:14:58) ChatBot: Error: Connection timeout. Please try again.
was there an aswer to this?
I get the same thing when I first login to my site. after I click on home or anyother button then shoutbox & chat will work
but on the first login they both don't work and i get the same error.
I checked the file permisions on all files & folders in soutbox/chat to 755 as thats what my server supports but still the same thing.
apart from that it's a bit slow but works ok.
I notice as well if a change my theme back to default it all works perfect, it's only with my blackrain theme that I have this problem


Did you read the FAQ?

On, there's a big link in purple with many interesting pieces of information in it...


yes i did. i have been reading posts for about 3 weeks & now I ask the question as I can't find my answere.
allot of boards go over more then 20 pages like this one and trying to read and find an answere i'm finding
is very hard, along the way I have found out alott of things but not my answere as yet


Hi, I've been trying to install this mod on my SMF 2.0 RC3 Forum:

And, it downloads fine, but when I install it, it shows:

What's wrong?


The mod works perfect on 2.0 RC3

Below where the mods list is there is a link which says advanced.

Click there and emulate your forum.


Feriscool: which version of the mod did you use? If you use the RC3 / Curve Friendly one on the site it should work.


Thank you Feriscool for finally posting on the correct board, Arantor is correct it seems you have downloaded the wrong package. You need the one for RC3


Quote from: techno489 on June 08, 2010, 09:12:02 PM
yes i did. i have been reading posts for about 3 weeks & now I ask the question as I can't find my answere.
allot of boards go over more then 20 pages like this one and trying to read and find an answere i'm finding
is very hard, along the way I have found out alott of things but not my answere as yet

Did you do the custom edit for your theme?


mrtrc266, I contact with my host and finally I can upload to that two folders. I upload the .htaccess to chat and shoutbox but still is blank :(, what is wrong?


Quote from: omega008 on June 08, 2010, 11:05:43 PM
mrtrc266, I contact with my host and finally I can upload to that two folders. I upload the .htaccess to chat and shoutbox but still is blank :( , what is wrong?

Taking a look now

Was going to take a look LOL. PM me the FTP details again.


You're all set

There was an error in your Modifications.spanish_es-utf8.php file on line 559 so I simply commented it out. I don't know Spanish so you can correct what it supposed to be LOL

I changed...
$txt['pcomments_acomment'] = 'Comentario';
// END Profile Comments Text Strings

$txt['pcomments_acomment'] = 'Comentario';
// END Profile Comments Text Strings

Finish this string to whatever it's supposed to be $txt['comentario']; and remove the comments //


Quote from: mrtrc266 on June 08, 2010, 11:48:54 PM
You're all set

There was an error in your Modifications.spanish_es-utf8.php file on line 559 so I simply commented it out. I don't know Spanish so you can correct what it supposed to be LOL

I changed...
$txt['pcomments_acomment'] = 'Comentario';
// END Profile Comments Text Strings

$txt['pcomments_acomment'] = 'Comentario';
// END Profile Comments Text Strings

Finish this string to whatever it's supposed to be $txt['comentario']; and remove the comments //
O.o sure it hapened when I was translating, i never would found this problem. thanksss, you're great! you really are the support helper of the month!


Glad it's sorted for you Omega, enjoy the Mod :)


Quote from: Arantor on June 08, 2010, 09:42:27 PM
Feriscool: which version of the mod did you use? If you use the RC3 / Curve Friendly one on the site it should work.
I just did a fresh uninstall of the mod & reinstall of RC3 / Curve Friendly one
and I still get the error ChatBot: Error: Connection timeout. Please try again.
on my first login, after i click on home profile members or any other button then the chat and shout box will work
and still slow but not to slow just have to wait about 4 seconds before it shows or for your message to show after
clicking on the shout button


Quote from: techno489 on June 09, 2010, 12:30:07 AM
Quote from: Arantor on June 08, 2010, 09:42:27 PM
Feriscool: which version of the mod did you use? If you use the RC3 / Curve Friendly one on the site it should work.
I just did a fresh uninstall of the mod & reinstall of RC3 / Curve Friendly one
and I still get the error ChatBot: Error: Connection timeout. Please try again.
on my first login, after i click on home profile members or any other button then the chat and shout box will work
and still slow but not to slow just have to wait about 4 seconds before it shows or for your message to show after
clicking on the shout button

Please see my last post in regards to your last post....

Quote from: techno489 on June 08, 2010, 09:12:02 PM
yes i did. i have been reading posts for about 3 weeks & now I ask the question as I can't find my answere.
allot of boards go over more then 20 pages like this one and trying to read and find an answere i'm finding
is very hard, along the way I have found out alott of things but not my answere as yet

Did you do the custom edits for your theme?

You mentioned that it works fine in the default theme but not your custom theme, some manual edits may be required.
