AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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i finally got it to work is what i meant :). Im really happy with it now. Just that before i thought i could just slap in top of the dozens of other mods that's why it was really frustrating. I would advise ppl like me to install this as one of the first mods to get it to work easier. beginners like me tend to go nuts and get greedy with everything we see being released or updated lol



Nice. i had 75 and i can prob go as high as over a 100 now but im trying to resist the temptatation and start getting into trouble again haha. i noticed conflicts between mods are rare as long as they do not do the same functions or use similar table data, BUT i have to select ones that i install each time have to reinstall/install/uninstall everything properly and avoid mods that are just so terrible with edits during uninstall.


Hello All
I have a problem with ajax chat.
I will try to define  no  messages are shown which have been sent before the user entered the channel:
$config['requestMessagesPriorChannelEnter'] = false;
But if i set the value from true to false, i can't see any messages in my chat, then i typing them.
I have tryed to set it to true again and now i can type messages and see them, but now i see the messages there are typing before i logged in.
I hope there is a solution to my problem.
Best regards


Hey, there I know people have been beating the upgrade to RC4 to death but I'm another poor soul trying to get the ajax to work on it. I tried some of the previous peoples fixes but they haven't helped.

Here's the error i get before install:     
9.     Execute Modification     ./Themes/default/index.template.php     Test failed
      1.    Replace    ./Themes/default/index.template.php    Test successful
      2.    Add Before    ./Themes/default/index.template.php    Test failed

echo '
<li>', $context['current_time'], '</li>

Add Before[Select]
if (!empty($modSettings['enableChatBelowPM']))
{ $count = count(chatOnlineUsers());
if ($count == 0 )
echo '<li>' . $txt['chat_no_user'] . '</li>';
elseif ($count == 1 )
echo '<li>1' . $txt['chat_aUser'] . '</li>';
else echo '<li> ' . $count . $txt['chat_users'] . '.</li>';

Error Message after install..

Warning: require(/home/neotoon/domains/neotoonami.com/public_html/forums/chat/lib/custom.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: Not a directory in /home/neotoon/domains/neotoonami.com/public_html/forums/chat/index.php  on line 17

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/neotoon/domains/neotoonami.com/public_html/forums/chat/lib/custom.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/neotoon/domains/neotoonami.com/public_html/forums/chat/index.php on line 17


Hi i have an error in ajaxchat, i had to install it manually but that is not the cause, because i checked it over and over. Everything correct, far as i know. And the BD tables created.

I get this connection error:
(23:08:19) ChatBot: Error: Connection status: 0



Quote from: ksharks on January 01, 2011, 07:43:09 PM
Hey, there I know people have been beating the upgrade to RC4 to death but I'm another poor soul trying to get the ajax to work on it. I tried some of the previous peoples fixes but they haven't helped.

Here's the error i get before install:     
9.     Execute Modification     ./Themes/default/index.template.php     Test failed
      1.    Replace    ./Themes/default/index.template.php    Test successful
      2.    Add Before    ./Themes/default/index.template.php    Test failed

echo '
<li>', $context['current_time'], '</li>

Add Before[Select]
if (!empty($modSettings['enableChatBelowPM']))
{ $count = count(chatOnlineUsers());
if ($count == 0 )
echo '<li>' . $txt['chat_no_user'] . '</li>';
elseif ($count == 1 )
echo '<li>1' . $txt['chat_aUser'] . '</li>';
else echo '<li> ' . $count . $txt['chat_users'] . '.</li>';

Error Message after install..

Warning: require(/home/neotoon/domains/neotoonami.com/public_html/forums/chat/lib/custom.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: Not a directory in /home/neotoon/domains/neotoonami.com/public_html/forums/chat/index.php  on line 17

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/neotoon/domains/neotoonami.com/public_html/forums/chat/lib/custom.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/neotoon/domains/neotoonami.com/public_html/forums/chat/index.php on line 17

The three errors before install means you have to manually add the required edits.


Quote from: rudeboy1991 on January 02, 2011, 06:24:42 PM
Hi i have an error in ajaxchat, i had to install it manually but that is not the cause, because i checked it over and over. Everything correct, far as i know. And the BD tables created.

I get this connection error:
(23:08:19) ChatBot: Error: Connection status: 0


The answer can be found if you do a search with this topic.


I have done a search in this topic, the only thing i found was the one that says "if you get error connection 0 from time to time its harmless just do this..."

The point is, that i cant send anything, nothing of nothing.


Try the FAQs in the very first post.

The answer is there.


ok, i have read the FAQS.
-I checked my permissions, folder permission are set to 755, and index.php in chat and shoutbox too.
-Pretty Urls, i desactivated it, and nothing.
-Added the line on htaccess (with and without pretty urls activated.)

But still getting same... Cant talk, just getting that "connection error: 0" eveytime i click on the green/orange light (it changes in between them colours)


If you get a Connection  Status: 0 error from time to time it's harmless and you can stop it from showing
Open chat/js/chat.js

this.addChatBotMessageToChatList('/error ConnectionStatus '+this.getHttpRequest(identifier).status);Replace with


if (this.getHttpRequest(identifier).status != 0) {
this.addChatBotMessageToChatList('/error ConnectionStatus '+this.getHttpRequest(identifier).status);


anyone know where to edit this to appear below the forums and not on top of them?


Quote from: Brack1 on January 02, 2011, 11:15:03 PM
If you get a Connection  Status: 0 error from time to time it's harmless and you can stop it from showing
Open chat/js/chat.js

this.addChatBotMessageToChatList('/error ConnectionStatus '+this.getHttpRequest(identifier).status);Replace with


if (this.getHttpRequest(identifier).status != 0) {
this.addChatBotMessageToChatList('/error ConnectionStatus '+this.getHttpRequest(identifier).status);

Like i said earlier it wasnt that.
Anyway i fixed it, the problem was the google analytics code was blocking it for some reason. aS sone as i deleted the code out of index.template, it worked.


I am sorry, I didn't read through hundreds of pages, and the search delivered no similar questions. Maybe I have used the wrong words?
Sorry if the problem is known already.

Well, anyway.
I have updated to AjaxChat 3.2.1 recently.

I appreciate some new features and anything works fine.

Yet there is a strange little issue: sometimes single posts are not shown to some people.
E.g. I see the others laughing about a joke, while I wonder, how that comes. When I ask, I get a copy of the according post, which is not displayed in my chat window.

Other case is, that suddenly a user chats, who wasn't announced to me by the chatbot.

These gaps occur several times a day. None of the posts is totally gone, but it is not shown to all of the users.
While most of the time, users don't even notice, that there should be a referring post, it causes some irritation.

This problem is not reproducible, occurs to admins, chat mods and normal users.
I thought, maybe there is a maximum rate of chat messages shown to a user, but I couldn't find an according parameter.

Would be great if anyone of the experts had an idea, where and what I could check.
Thanks a lot



Quote from: jjzx2sr on December 05, 2010, 01:13:49 PM
I reinstalled it on the default theme and did the manual edits again and it now works. Well i had to change the chat/index.php and shoutbox/index.php to 755 and all is well with the world. I am editing my custom theme as well.

In the public html folder find  /Themes/default/index.template.php

Find around line 200-203

echo '
               <li>', $context['current_time'], '</li>

Add before

if (!empty($modSettings['enableChatBelowPM'])){
         $count = count(chatOnlineUsers());
         if ($count == 0 )
            echo '<li>' . $txt['chat_no_user'] . '</li>';
         elseif ($count == 1 )
           echo '<li>1' . $txt['chat_aUser'] . '</li>';
           echo '<li> ' . $count . $txt['chat_users'] . '.</li>';

Find around line 400

function template_menu()
   global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt;

Replace with

function template_menu()
   global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings;

That should get this working with your SMF 2.0 RC4 i made this the first mod i installed.

I figured it was that. I have tried making the modifications but without success.. The section highlighted in red wasn't quite clear on where I put it before.. or my forums just have more issues than I first thought.. Well here is what I've got and thank you for all your help Brack1 for helping out all of us php newbies.

   // Display user name and time.
(I'm assuming he ment add it right here and I've done so and still have no change in the error messages i get when trying to lauchn the forum.)
echo '
      <ul id="greeting_section" class="reset titlebg2">               
                 <li id="time" class="smalltext floatright">
            ', $context['current_time'], '
            <img id="upshrink" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/upshrink.gif" alt="*" title="', $txt['upshrink_description'], '" align="bottom" style="display: none;" />


how can i get ajaxchat integration work with my smf 1.1.12.thanx


Quote from: Brack1 on January 03, 2011, 06:04:00 PMwas it the curve version you installed?
Hi Brack1,
We use SMF 1.1.12
As I understand from quick google search, "curve" is the default theme in R2.0 - we don't use that.
Our default theme is "minerva", main chat skin "core".
Sorry I didn't tell earlier.

Ok, and as I checked I see, that Ajax Chat 3.2.1 is not compatible with SMF 1.1.12 (we updated Chat before SMF).
That may cause the problem, do you think so, too?


AjaxChat 3.2.1, is compatible with smf 1.1.12, that is exactly what i have installed.
