AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Hello, I have RC4 and installed ajax chat but i cant post anything on it, actually nobody can even me as a forum admin

the chat appears to be on, i can change settings in admin menu, on index page there are upperframe, roundframe and lowerframe, but contain nothing, i cant post anything as i said

thanks for any help


Works good on RC4 with 14 themes installed  i just ignored ALL the errors on install  and it works like a charm.

Note: try it on a test site first b4 doing the above


There is an apparent bug in this mod. When a user has a username (real_name) starting with foreign characters such as ä or ß they show up as invisible in the chatroom and their userName in the ajaxchat_messages and ajaxchat_online tables is blank. If the suspect characters are in the middle of the name, the remaining characters are dropped.

This bug is not present with AjaxChat, just the SMF integration mod. Users with these characters in their name show up just fine the forum as well as the unmodified AjaxChat such as the demo here: https://blueimp.net/ajax/ [nofollow].



Is there any way to make it so when you click on someones name in the shoutbox it takes you to that members forum profile page ?



Little problem here. When i join the standalone chat(not the shoutbox) my index.php goes off(when anyone clicks home button during that period - he sees blank page).

Is there rc3 post/reply notification fix?


Anyone know how to remove extra lines in the Users Online? See attachment (highlight in yellow)


Quote from: seanxyooj on February 08, 2011, 03:40:22 PM
Anyone know how to remove extra lines in the Users Online? See attachment (highlight in yellow)

It looks as though there may be double the required code on the file.



Autor of this is manix i am developer
this is for HTML block
block will be refreshed every 30 sek.

<iframe src ="../online.php" style="margin:0; padding:0;" width="96%">
  <p>browser not support iframes.</p>

and save online.php in root of the forum


I've tried to port it for RC4... No one takes 5 minutes to do it i don't understand..

It works fine for me, there is no error but warn, use it as your own risk it's not an official port..

It only works for RC4..

Here it is : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=34YHL6V0 [nofollow]

Or in attachement.


Where can i change these little things?
Click on username in shoutbox causes Username, - not Username
And aaaaaaaaaaa​aaaaaaaaaa -> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - fixed

Jeet Chowdhury


Quote from: nCogNeato on August 15, 2010, 12:21:28 PM
Quote from: greg04 on August 12, 2010, 04:25:18 PM
how would i go about getting the "Chat" link to open in a new tab, but NOT a popup?  if you uncheck the pop-up box in the preferences and users click the link, it just replaces the main SMF forum window.


I'm also having pop-up issues.

Using SMF1.1.11.  I've managed to install Ajax and it's working great.  However, the "CHAT" button always opens in a new window.  Toggling the "chat in popup page?" Admin option has no effect.  Any ideas?

Hello everyone, I have been looking all over the place and i am just not finding a solution. Like the 2 above me, i am trying to find the code to have the chat button open in a new tab like it did when i was using SMF 1.1.13.

Users didn't like the idea of having to do a wheel click to open in a new tab, but i gave it a shot anyway :).
I tried this is subs.php

'chat' => array(
'title' => $chatButton,
'href' => 'http://www.mysite.example/chat"target="blank" ',
'show' => true,
'sub_buttons' => array(

When using this solution the chat button doesn't show in IE, but did work for FF and Chrome

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

AjaxChat Integration_3.2.1 RC3_Curve_Friendly


Anyone help me with a doofus question?

Have got the Ajax Chat running sweetly on 2.0RC5 - everything working just fine.

Been trying to change the Channels from the Boards to specific Channels. Have followed the instructions, no probs, edited the files as stated, no probs, uploaded them to the server via ftp, hit refresh on the chat, no change, the channels are still showing the boards.

What have I missed?

Having a mad moment and I know I've overlooked something stoopid  :)




S'ok, sussed it - I WAS having a mad moment - was editing the config example, no wonder nothing was happening.

Mark walks off muttering under his breath................................


If I unistall this shoutbox, whole my site is down  ???

I have tried manual but it's the same.

I get a HTTP-fout 500 (Internal Server Error)  :-[


Any hope for this package to be updated for 2.0 RC5? I am a little scared to try and install it due to the errors i am seeing when I try and install it.


Quote from: SAW_Cracker on February 16, 2011, 06:36:47 PM
Any hope for this package to be updated for 2.0 RC5? I am a little scared to try and install it due to the errors i am seeing when I try and install it.

Can you explain what the errors are?


Execute Modification ./Themes/default/index.template.php Test failed
  1. Replace ./Themes/default/index.template.php Test successful
  2. Add Before ./Themes/default/index.template.php Test failed


As with all mods this means a manual edit is required.

Which theme do you use? Default or another?


It fails on all themes I use Gamerz from Blocweb
