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AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Your control panel.



Quote from: Brack1 on October 09, 2011, 07:54:04 PM
To set default template just change "Default style" to what you want.

You need to edit this in FTP of SMF file manager if SMF file manager will install on your forum without errors as it's not updated for 2.0 yet.


This is but one of a few edits found within the FAQs in the mods first post.


Quote from: Brack1 on October 09, 2011, 09:20:32 PM
This is but one of a few edits found within the FAQs in the mods first post.
ohhh, so i need file manager to change the files,no wonder why i couldnt change the codes,all i could do is highlight would have been nice if i was told to download  the file manager in order to change codes of a mod.


SMF  file manager to me is a last option kind of thing, if the user doesn't know how to ftp or doesn't know how to cPanel ftp, then use file manager. but be careful with what you edit. if you bugger something up then file manager will not work anymore and you will need to ftp it. But your safe with Ajax chat. if you edit goes wrong then uninstall chat and reinstall it and try again.

I would advise never do any edits in /source/ or /themes/ unless you can ftp it to fix it.


Quote from: T3CHN0 on October 09, 2011, 09:54:25 PM
SMF  file manager to me is a last option kind of thing, if the user doesn't know how to ftp or doesn't know how to cPanel ftp, then use file manager. but be careful with what you edit. if you bugger something up then file manager will not work anymore and you will need to ftp it. But your safe with Ajax chat. if you edit goes wrong then uninstall chat and reinstall it and try again.

I would advise never do any edits in /source/ or /themes/ unless you can ftp it to fix it.
what's ftp and  cPanel ftp?


What is FTP and What is cPanel and look at Youtube how to use FTP and Download FileZilla FTP
simple things like this helps if you just Google or youtube search it


Hi guys,

I´m running 2.0.1 with Bright Forest Theme. My problem is, that I cannot find the right spot the parser tells me to insert the new code parts. The replacment should be ok. I find that part.

But what to do with the rest. find:
   echo '
         <p class="last smalltext">
ok, where?
and find:
      echo '
               <li>', $context['current_time'], '</li>

I´ve attached the php-files so the topic doesn´t get overloaded.
I´d be really grateful guys!


Hi ghorkimkh
Interesting theme you must be using, coding is very different to most
Try this after installing mod

Your boardindex.template.php
   echo '
                  <hr class="hrcolor" />
                  <div class="smalltext">

Add before
   // users in chat
   if (isset($context['chat_links'])){
      if (count($context['chat_links']) == 0 )
        echo '<br />' . $txt['chat_no_user'];
      elseif (count($context['chat_links']) == 1 )
        echo '<br />  1' . $txt['chat_aUser']. ':<br />', implode($context['chat_links']);
        echo '<br /> ' . count($context['chat_links']). $txt['chat_users']. ':<br />', implode(', ', $context['chat_links']);

and your Index.template.php
echo '
            ', $context['current_time'], '.

add before

      if (!empty($modSettings['enableChatBelowPM'])){
         $count = count(chatOnlineUsers());
         if ($count == 0 )
            echo '<li>' . $txt['chat_no_user'] . '</li>';
         elseif ($count == 1 )
           echo '<li>1' . $txt['chat_aUser'] . '</li>';
           echo '<li> ' . $count . $txt['chat_users'] . '.</li>';

~FAQ~ for any connection errors


Wow. With your help this was so easy to do. Suddenly.

Thx T3CHN0!


OK, I've got a quick question, I've been running SMF 2.0 RC3 for almost a year now and haven't been able to get Ajax Chat to work (I think I messed up SSI.php during an edit, might be the cause), but that is neother here nor there.  I'm rebuilding my site to 2.0.2, very carefully installing all my mods and then porting the database over.  I've gone through this entire process, from creating SMF from scratch in a new directory and ne databse, many times over.  I've got about 15 mods on my site (which ones will have to come in a later post as I'm not on the PC that I'm doing the rebuild on which has the list of mods in a spredsheet).

This mod is very important for my site, and the members have missed it since my site went live in December.  What is happening though is I install new themes (blank themes off of the core theme, to be used for color changes only in the future), then simple portal, then ajax chat.  I test chat (I use the SP shout, not this one) and it works fine.  I then go through my list of mods, installing each one (I have gotten the latest version of each one, all compatible with 2.0.1), but somewhere along the line chat stops working.  I have it set to open in a pop-up, and it does, but the user doesn't get logged in.

My question is this: What would the best practice be, installing Ajax chat first, before all other mods, or installing it last, after all other mods are installed?  Or should it be installed somewhere in the middle, if the list of mods is necessary to answer this question I can provide that later today when I get to my other PC.  Help on this would be greatly appreciated as I have tentively scheduled to take my site offline and move to the upgrade tomorrow, I'll be working on getting the shell setup most of today, so when I take my site offline I just have to port the database.

Thanks in advance for all the hardwork and help from all of the volunteers here.
SMF 2.0.1
SimplePortal 2.3.3


1. Where are you looking for the latest download of the chat?

2. You should be looking at upgrading to 2.0.1 by now.

3 Forum link?


Quote from: Brack1 on October 15, 2011, 10:32:23 AM
1. Where are you looking for the latest download of the chat?

2. You should be looking at upgrading to 2.0.1 by now.

3 Forum link?

1. I got the latest download of the chat a few posts back, version 3.2.2b

2. I thought I explained, this is happening during the process of upgrading to 2.0.1
SMF 2.0.1
SimplePortal 2.3.3


Well, I'm still in the rebuild testing phase, but I think I found what my problem is.  I created copies of the default curve theme, then I added the chat mod, and one by one I added my other mods, testing the chat after each one.  After I installed SMF Shop3.1.7 chat stopped working.  So I deleted the database and directory on my server I had the install in and started from scratch once again.  This time I added SMF shop 3.1.7 first (after making the theme copies), then added the chat mod.  Chat is working now.  After that I added the rest of my mods, again testing chat after each addition.  These are the mods I've added in the order they were added, and chat is still working at this point.

1. Simple Portal 2.3.3
2. Bookmarks 2.3
3. Karma Description Mod 2.7.1
4. Member Awards 2.2.3
5. Member Color Link 3.1
6. Order Custom Profile Fields 1.1.1
7. Post Unapproval 1.1.4
8. SMF Links 2.3.2
9. SMF Staff Page 1.7
10. Stars and Badges 2.2
11. Switch Permissions 1.0
12. Tapatalk SMF 2.0 RC3 Plugin 1.3.0
13. Topic Solved 1.1.1
14. WYSIWYG Quick Reply 2.3

I still have to add Aeva Media 1.4w, but since I have a large gallery (nearly 20,000 submissions) on my live site, I need to copy the directory over from my live site, as well as the databse tables for Aeva before I install the mod so I don't lose anything in the transfer.  After that I have a couple of avatar packages to install, then the meticulous task of copying the database from the live site to this test one. 

As of now, chat is working, as I get further along I'll post an update.  I think its well worth mentioning once again that it looks like installing SMF shop AFTER Ajax Chat breaks the chat.  I'm not sure what code was changed that caused the break, but it would be nice if someone else was able to track that down and post it in here.
SMF 2.0.1
SimplePortal 2.3.3


Ok, that didn't work, once I installed Aeva Media chat was broken again.  So I redid the whole process, installing Aeva Media first, then SMF Shop, then following the order listed above, all seems to be working now.
SMF 2.0.1
SimplePortal 2.3.3


This is so frustrating.  I tested and tested and the chat was working right up until the point where I took the site live, now the chat room loads, but it doesn't log anyone in, and I've looked in my error logs but I don't see anything that points to the chat room.  The menu link says I have people in the chat, but everyone only sees an empty room.  What do I do?
SMF 2.0.1
SimplePortal 2.3.3


cloksin I clicked on your URL tag but took me to some site with no registration on it. I would like to try help you if I can. please PM me details. cheers

So I have been looking for 2 days now, and I can't find what I'm looking for. I have read almost 100 pages of this thread and still couldn't get it to work. Seeing that everyone on here is more knowledgeable than me and helping, I will post my problem here with as much detail as possible.

My site, [nofollow], is hosted at bluehost. They use cpanel. I just recently installed the latest version of SMF to my site, [nofollow] I have not done anything to it yet. I want the shoutbox to be integrated into the forum on the front page. I don't really care about thread/topics all that much. The main reason for choosing SMF and this mod was to make my site look like this, [nofollow] So now you know what I want. I'll tell you what I've done.

I downloaded the latest version of this mod and uploaded it via Filezilla. I uploaded it to public_html/forum/chat. The forum folder is where SMF is located and I created the chat folder myself. I don't know if these are the correct steps or not. The mod file is currently sitting in the chat folder now with all its files. I feel like I am close but I cant get it to install and I don't know if I uploaded it to the right place. If anybody could give me some help I would really appreciate it. Again, this is what I want my SMF forum and shoutbox to look like, [nofollow]

Thanks again in advance!


I d/loaded the package and it is called "AjaxChat" extension. To be able to upload to SMForum it has to be an archive. Then I renamed to [nonactive]...I did upload but won't install - it says it cannot be installed on my version (2.0) of SMF. What am I doing wrong ? I had a quick look but this thread runs for over 400 pages....a bit too much!


Quote from: oggie62 on October 17, 2011, 02:03:28 PM
I d/loaded the package and it is called "AjaxChat" extension. To be able to upload to SMForum it has to be an archive. Then I renamed to did upload but won't install - it says it cannot be installed on my version (2.0) of SMF. What am I doing wrong ? I had a quick look but this thread runs for over 400 pages....a bit too much!

Hi oggie, try to use this one

make sure to backup your files before making changes. :)
