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AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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I have manually mod this Version, make some change on Installation for 2.02 and fixed FABridge.js (error with Chrome and Chromium).
Check and verify. For my SMF 2.0.2 works :)


I would like to share a little issue i had with lag. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what happened. Now that its solved, i wanted to pass on this information.

Issue: Lag -  it's almost as if the chat lags and waits til you send something to it to show you what someone before your last message said... if that makes sense

Cause: LiteSpeed Cache added to the server (about a week prior)

Solution: add the following line to the directory's (\chat\)".htaccess" file:-

QuoteRewriteRule (.*) – [E=Cache-Control:no-cache]

This seemed to help but when it came down to it. I had the host disabled LiteSpeed Cache for the whole "forum" directory.

Note: If your forum is in the root you will need to manually change the .htaccess file since the host cannot exclude the root from their controls.

I hope this helps someone one day because i spent hours upon hours troubleshooting possible mod issues. Which ended up being a host issue. You have to prove to them that its not your mods :(


I've installed chat on the new 2.0.2 version, and i've made the manual modifications to my theme, but the chat displays only a blank page, nothing else.
I've followed the FAQ's page regarding blank pages, but it doesn't seem to effect anything.

Any ideas why i'm getting the blank page still?


Quote from: thun88 on January 08, 2012, 02:51:18 PM
I have manually mod this Version, make some change on Installation for 2.02 and fixed FABridge.js (error with Chrome and Chromium).
Check and verify. For my SMF 2.0.2 works :)

Hey that is brilliant, thank you very much.  :)

Life saver.


Quote from: evulness on January 10, 2012, 07:51:45 PM
I've installed chat on the new 2.0.2 version, and i've made the manual modifications to my theme, but the chat displays only a blank page, nothing else.
I've followed the FAQ's page regarding blank pages, but it doesn't seem to effect anything.

Any ideas why i'm getting the blank page still?

Does it work on the SMF default theme?  If so, then you should double check all manual edits you made to files in custom themes, that were made to the default theme.


I am using 2.0.1 can anyone tell me how to get the users to show on the main board? will it work with 2.0 parser codes?


Yes it will.  Make the manual edits for custom themes that were made for the default theme.  BoardIndex.template.php


where can i find the ajax chat integration version 3.2.2 for my 2.0.2 forum? thanks.



Updated FABridge.js file attached in post.  It's the update recently released.  Fixes issue with Chrome users in chat, newer messages don't update at the bottom, forcing most to have to scroll down.

Upload to chat/js folder


Does anyone know how to make the shout box viewable on some themes, but not on others? I would really appreciate some help with this.


I was able to upload ajax chat and it looks fine.. only none of my users can access it.. when they log in they get a "You can't access the chat." message...

I checked eveything in the modification settings for Chat.. is there something else I missed..

I, as administrator, can see everything.. the shoutbox the whole bit...


Quote from: WalrusComix on January 19, 2012, 02:18:14 PMI checked eveything in the modification settings for Chat.. is there something else I missed..

Admin > Permissions >  give permissions to membergroups for chat access


everything seemed to go smoothly for me, until I launched ajax chat

then it hit me with

Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /public_html/forum/chat/lib/class/CustomAJAXChat.php on line 283

any advice?


Same issue as Costner.

Shoutbox works but not chat and if i press chat i get:

Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/nimras/ on line 283

Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/nimras/ on line 283

Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/nimras/ on line 283

Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/nimras/ on line 283

Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/nimras/ on line 283

Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/nimras/ on line 283

Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/nimras/ on line 283

Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/nimras/ on line 283


12:33:18) ChatBot: Error: Connection status: 404
(12:33:24) ChatBot: Error: Connection status: 404
(12:33:26) ChatBot: Error: Connection status: 404



Hi all,

Can someone help me get the chat to work for me for version RC5?

Kind regards,



Quote from: DJMatt on January 27, 2012, 04:54:37 PMCan someone help me get the chat to work for me for version RC5?

I'm confused cause you PM'd me asking for the download for 2.0.2 , and now you're asking in the topic for RC5?

Quote from: Nimras on January 27, 2012, 05:11:54 PM
No one able to help me?

Lets get some details first.

What smf version?  have you modified any chat files?  what theme are you using?  Is it a custom theme?   If so, Have you tested on the SMF default curve theme to see if the issu happens there?
