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Highslide Image Viewer

Started by digger, October 07, 2008, 09:37:35 PM

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Quote from: luismanson on May 05, 2010, 03:26:18 PM
Error: The stylesheet was not loaded because its MIME type, "text/html", is not "text/css".
Source File:
Line: 0

any ideas on this?

It's not Highslide Image Viewer mod. Use support topics for mods you are using.



Quote from: falken on April 19, 2010, 10:25:24 AM
How can I install this mod in RC3??

I read about emulation, where or how can I do it?

I just test this with simple adjustement, it sembly run perfectly in smf 2.0 RC3

To process adjustements do:
1- unzip
2- open package-info.xml with an simple text editor (notepad++ is pefect for that)
3- modifications
<install for="1.1 - 1.1.99, 2.0 RC2">
replace with:
<install for="1.1 - 1.1.99, 2.0 RC2, 2.0 RC3">
  <uninstall for="1.1 - 1.1.99, 2.0 RC2">
  replace with:
  <uninstall for="1.1 - 1.1.99, 2.0 RC2, 2.0 RC3">
4-save package-info.xml and replace it in in zip file
then install package.

You can also use the joined file already modified.


If you're using emulate... in both 1.1.x and 2.0 you don't even need to leave the admin panel.

For 1.1.x you can do it through modifying the URL or Version Emulate Dropdown, for 2.0, Admin > Packages > Browse Packages > Advanced > enter the version of SMF you want to emulate.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: budun on April 11, 2010, 09:58:06 AM
By the way Nikan, please post the link to your new mod's topic here as soon as it is approved. Thanks.  :)

This is the link to the support topic of my Highslide BBCode and Image Viewer mod.
Budun you are welcome to modify it as you like.


I'm a kind of noob, but i have to ask. how do i use Highslide BBCode and Image Viewer


Quote from: vinum on June 10, 2010, 05:55:48 PM
I'm a kind of noob, but i have to ask. how do i use Highslide BBCode and Image Viewer

You can ask about it in the Highslide BBCode and Image Viewer support topic.


I have some questions and hopefully you can help me, using this mod along with aeva, it works well, for example:

aeva gallery in this link if you work with the HS "index.php?action=media;sa=media;in=38;preview"

But in the same gallery, this link does not work with HS "index.php?action=media;sa=media;in=38" opens a new window.

Without the mod Highslide Image Viewer both links work well using  Highslide

I think the code that is added to source subs str_replace (array ('; preview', '; thumb') support for urls ending with "preview" for example "media, in = 38; preview" but with the urls of the images that end with "preview", but with that end in "media, in = 38" does not work

sorry my bad english, i hope hope I have explained well


Thank you, great mod.

Croatian Translate.



Hi everyone,

We are using SMF 1.1.12.
Since we have some cyber attack to our forum, we have problems with "Highslide Image Viewer". The forum act, like there is no Highslide Image Viewer mod installed, but there should be.  We try almost everything. We un-install all mods except "Highslide Image Viewer",  reinstall whole forum, We manually install mod "Highslide Image Viewer" by the book (change 4 files, copy dir), but still nothing happened. Seems like "Highslide Image Viewer" is not installed.
There is NO error in logs. We also upgrade our CPanel from version (WHM 11.28.45 CENTOS 5.5 x86_64 standard on he01) to

Also pics uploaded before attack work properly (if You click on picture, picture open in pop-up window) , but only new pictures, uploaded after attack act like there is no "Highslide Image Viewer" installed.

Any hint or help how can we repair that?

Theme. SMF Default Theme - Core

Installed mod:
Mod Name  Version
1.  Attachments Positioning  1.2
2.  Reason For Editing Mod  2.3.2
3.  Unread and Replies Tabs in Main Menu  2.0.1
4.  Remove SMF Logo  1.301
5.  Enhanced Profile Header  1.2.3
6.  Watermark.light  1.5
7.  AddThis Social Bookmarks  1.0
8.  YouTube BBCode  2.6
9.  Users Online Today Mod  1.4.0
10.  Ad Managment
11.  Pretty URLs  1.0
12.  RedoPackageAction  1.3
13.  nCode Image Resizer  1.3

BR Bozo


Quote from: bozo13 on November 22, 2010, 06:30:45 AM

Since we have some cyber attack to our forum, we have problems with "Highslide Image Viewer". The forum act, like there is no Highslide Image Viewer mod installed, but there should be.  We try almost everything. We un-install all mods except "Highslide Image Viewer",  reinstall whole forum, We manually install mod "Highslide Image Viewer" by the book (change 4 files, copy dir), but still nothing happened. Seems like "Highslide Image Viewer" is not installed.
There is NO error in logs.

Can I see your forum?


Forum adress is [nofollow]

But i think, that You would like to see in details. If so, pls contact me in PM, to give u details.

Thank You.

BR Bozo



Problem was on "hosting".

Our hosting "forgot" to install GD modul while upgrading cPanel...



OK. I found the solution for the issues between this mod and Aeva's HS.

Find in your index. template.php the Highslide code and replace it with it:

// * Highslide mod
echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="', $settings['default_theme_url'], '/aeva/highslide-2.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="', $settings['default_theme_url'], '/aeva/hs.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
    hs.graphicsDir = "', $settings['default_theme_url'], '/aeva/hs/";
    hs.outlineType = "rounded-white";
    hs.captionEval = "this.thumb.alt";
    hs.transitions = ["expand", "crossfade"];
    hs.align = "center";
    hs.creditsText = "";
    hs.creditsHref = "";
    hs.creditsTitle = "";
    if (hs.addSlideshow) hs.addSlideshow({
        interval: 5000,
        repeat: false,
        useControls: false,
fixedControls: true,
        overlayOptions: {
        opacity: 1,
        position: "top right",
        hideOnMouseOut: false
// Highslide mod *

Be carefule to set the right path to aeva directory (I use Aeva media 2.10). And to set  useControls to false.

This way, it loads the same js file with Aeva and there is no major confict between the two mods.


Vincent Volmer


Maybe it isn't necessary for SMF2.0RC5 but is this mod compatible with SMF2.0RC5?




Why doesn't the mod work? I've installed it, changed settings in ACP and it doesn't work at all!
While the instalation there weren't any problems etc, everything was fine.

I cannot find these parts in Sources/Display.php
$replace .= '
<a href="'. $attachment['href']. ';image" id="link_'. $attachment['id']. '" onclick="'. $attachment['thumbnail']['javascript'] .'"><img src="'. $attachment['thumbnail']['href']. '" alt="" id="thumb_'. $attachment['id']. '" border="0" /></a><br />';

  // thumbnail
                    $inlinedtext = '<a href="' . $attachment['href'] . ';image" id="link_' . $attachment['id'] . '" onclick="'. $attachment['thumbnail']['javascript']. '"><img src="'. $attachment['thumbnail']['href']. '" alt="" id="thumb_'. $attachment['id']. '" border="1" class="outsb" /></a>';

What's wrong?


Anyone running into problems with Highslide Image Viewer and  Chrome 10.0.648.133 beta version?
edit: it seems to do the same thing with 10.0.648.133 non beta as well.

If i clear the cache the image shows nicely and is scaled to the size of the window but when I close it end click it again it looks like the attached pic. Same goes for any other image viewed after the first successful one. The version of SMF is 1.1.13 and Highslide viewer is 1.6

the image in the sample can be viewed here:

The mods installed are:

1.   Ad Managment    2.3 
2.   Aeva ~ Auto-Embed Video & Audio    7.0 
3.   Anti-Spam Verification Questions    1.02 
4.   Custom Profile Field Mod    3.16
5.   Custom Profile Field Mod    3.17
6.   Highslide Image Viewer    1.6
7.   Ignore user    1.4
8.   Inline Attachments
9.   Lots_o_Smileys    1.0
10.   Skype Name Mod    1.0
11.   SMFBlog    1.0   
12.   SSI Topics and Replies    1.4   
13.   Streaming 3    4.2.2b 
14.   Users Online Today Mod    1.4.0 Beta 2

Biology Forums

How do I configure this so that if a guest is not allowed to view images, this mod becomes deactivated to the guest. But, as soon as the guest logs in, the mod becomes active to them. Current I have a mod installed so that if a guests clicks a thumbnail, a warning window pops up saying, you must log into to view image.

What should I do?
