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Auto Merge Double Post

Started by M-DVD, December 03, 2008, 10:18:25 AM

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MOD Auto Merge Double Post v1.3

  • Author:
  • Version:
  • Release:
21th November 2008
  • Languages:

  • Compatible With:
SMF 1.1.1 - 1.1.X

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  • This MOD Automatically Merge the Double Post and prevent Spam Flood and Bumping the topic.

  • Also is available the Manual Merge.

  • You can enable and disable the Auto Merge or Manual Merge.

  • The attachments are also merge.

  • You can ignore the 'Maximum allowed post size' when try merge posts.

  • Also You can set a text of division in the Merge Post. (allowed $date var)
    Admin > Posts and Topics > Merge Double Posts

  • Auto Merge: You can set a permission and allow the Double Post by members groups.

  • Auto Merge: You can ignore the permissions and always Merge Double Post.

  • Auto Merge: Also you can set the time after which it will allow the double post and bump the topic

  • Manual Merge: You can set a permission and allow Merge the Double Post own or any.

  • Manual Merge: The manual merge double post is logged in the Moderation Action Log.


QuoteLanguages (normal & utf-8)
  • Included in MOD package
  • Included in
  • Translation incomplete

$txt['permissionname_doublePost'] = 'Allow Double Posts';
$txt['permissionhelp_doublePost'] = 'By Enabling this will allow them to double post.';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div'] = 'Add text when merging posts
<div class="smalltext">You can use BBCode and the $date variable</div>'
$txt['AutoMergePost_time'] = 'Time to allow the Double Post and Bump the Topic
<div class="smalltext">Set time in days. Set 9999 days for never allow</div>'
$txt['AutoMergePost_4all'] = 'Ignore Double Post Permission
<div class="smalltext">Always Merge Double Posts, even for administrators</div>'

$txt['merge_button'] = 'Merge Posts';
$txt['AutoMergePost_auto'] = 'Enable Auto Merge Doble Posts';
$txt['AutoMergePost_manual'] = 'Enable Manual Merge Doble Posts';
$txt['AutoMergePost_nomax'] = 'Ignore maximum post size';
$txt['AutoMergePost_reason'] = 'Merged DoublePost';

$txt['permissionname_doublePostmerge'] = 'Allow manual merge double posts';
$txt['permissionhelp_doublePostmerge'] = 'This permission allows users to merge double posts.';
$txt['permissionname_doublePostmerge_own'] = 'Own double posts';
$txt['permissionname_doublePostmerge_any'] = 'Any double posts';
$txt['cannot_merged_replies'] = 'You are not, allowed to merge this posts.';
$txt['modlog_ac_merged'] = 'Merged &quot;{message}&quot; by &quot;{member}&quot;';

$txt['manageposts_automerge_settings'] = 'Merge Double Posts';
$txt['manageposts_automerge_settings_description'] = 'Here you can set all settings involving auto &
manual merge doubles posts.'

I welcome new translations here



  • Con este Mod Automáticamente se unirán los mensajes cuando un usuario intente hacer Doble Post, FLOODEAR o Subir el Tema.

  • También está disponible la Fusión Manual de Mensajes.

  • Puedes activar o desactivar por separado la Fusión Manual o la Fusión Automática.

  • Los archivos adjuntos también son fusionados.

  • Puedes configurar ignorar los 'Caracteres máximos permitidos en los mensajes' al intentar fusionar.

  • También puedes fijar un texto de división entre Post Unidos. (está permitida la variable $date)
    Administración > Mensajes y Temas > Fusión de Mensajes

  • Fusión Automática: Es posible asignar permisos según grupos de usuarios y permitir el Doble Post.

  • Fusión Automática: Puedes activar 'ignorar estos permisos' y siempre Fusionar los Doble Post.

  • Fusión Automática: También puedes fijar el número de días luego del cual se podrá DoblePostear y Subir el tema.

  • Fusión Manual: Es posible asignar permisos según grupos de usuarios y permitir la fusión de Doble Post propios o de cualquiera.

  • Fusión Manual: La fusión manual es registrada en el Log de Moderacción.




QuoteVersion 1.0 - 21th November 2008
   o Initial release
   o Automatically Merge the Double Post and avoid SPAM FLOOD
   o Available permission for allow the Double Post by groups
   o You can set a text of division (allowed $date var)
   o You can set the time to allow the Double Post again
   o The attachments are also merge
   o Compatible with SMF 1.1.X & SMF 2b-RC
Version 1.1 - 09th Diciembre 2008
   !  Fixed bug with Subject without slashes and errors in Log
   !  Fixed bug when the Post Merge exceced limit characters
   ?  Unistall & Update. Isn't neccesary reedit templates files
Version 1.2 - 19th Diciembre 2008
   * Settings Moved to: Admin > Posts and Topics > Post Settings
   * Now the Date in Text Merge is according to your local time
   + You can enable 'Ignore' the Double Post Permissions
   !  Fixed bug with Icon "New" in Merge Post
   ?  Unistall & Update. Isn't neccesary reedit templates files
Version 1.3 - 22th September 2009
   + Now is available the Manual Merge
   + You can enable/disable the auto merge or manual merge
   + You can set permissions for merge double posts own or any
   + You can enable ignore the max lenght in post when try merge
   + The manual merge is logged in the Moderation Action Log
   + Extra: Compatible with Ajax Quick Reply
   + Extra: Compatible with Reason For Editing Mod
   * Settings Moved to: Admin > Posts and Topics > Merge Double Posts
   !  Itwork still if the member not have edit's posts permission
   !  Is ignored the 'Maximum time after posting to allow edit'
   !  Extra: fixed bug in Time BBCode
   * Many changes in languages's files.
   ?  Unistall & Update. You should edit the Display.template.php


!Bug Fixed
?How to Update


Thanks work very good

$txt['permissionname_doublePost'] = 'Επιτρέπετε το ΔιπλοΠοστάρισμα';
$txt['permissionhelp_doublePost'] = 'Με αυτή την επιλογή επιτρέπετε σε αυτο το group το ΔιπλοΠοστάρισμα.';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div'] = 'Πρόσθεσε ένα κείμενο όταν ενώνονται τα ποστ';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div_sub'] = 'Μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις BBC  κώδικα και $date variable';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time'] = 'Χρονος που μετα την παρέλευση του θα επιτρέπετε το ΔιπλοΠοστάρισμα στο the topic';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time_sub'] = 'Με  0 απενεργοποιειται το MOD και με 9999 δεν επιτρεπει ποτε το to ΔιπλοΠοστάρισμα';


Have errors
Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/xxxx/xxx/xxxx/Sources/Load.php(1749) : eval()'d code on line 32

1749 = $file_found = file_exists($filename) && eval('?' . '>' . rtrim(file_get_contents($filename))) !== false;



But 3 questions / ideas:

#1 It seems to me that it does not work for admin, right?  I tested logged as admin and it did not work.  So I tested with another login and it worked.

#2 It would be great if it has the option to ignore/delete the second, third ... posts besides only merge (or it could be another mod);

#3 Also it would be great if it could merge post based in title & author.   So if one post with title "Hi, how are you?" posted twice or more by author "A" the option to merge and/or delete the duplicities!


Nice mod, its perfect for me...!!!

Thanks ..

¡¡NEW MOD: Sparkles User Names!!!


really cool

but this mod cmbinated with ajax reply ..dont work well
unless you refresh the see another post with both merged..but not in the a new one reply


Quote from: matasanos on December 03, 2008, 02:55:38 PM
really cool

but this mod cmbinated with ajax reply ..dont work well
unless you refresh the see another post with both merged..but not in the a new one reply
Yes, it happened to me too but when reload the page it is fixed.


(variable, value)
VALUES ('AutoMergePost_div','[hr][size=1][color=red][b]Post Merge: \$date[/b][/color][/size][hr]'),

At the end of this SQL query is no quotation marks (sorry but i dont know if that word is right :D im chilean)

Do you get it? I use 1.1.7
WwW.ChileDescargas.Com Comunidad de Descargas..... Si no lo tenemos, pidelo y lo traemos.......


FANTASTIC! will download and install it! thank you! :)


Awesome. Installed, but haven't tested yet.
l: simple p: machines


Is there any chance to make when two posts are being merged to show on new posts list?

I hope you understand what I want.


Quote from: villasg on December 03, 2008, 10:40:00 AM
Thanks work very good

Thank  you. Soon upload the language.


Quote from: villasg on December 03, 2008, 11:09:18 AM
Have errors
Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/xxxx/xxx/xxxx/Sources/Load.php(1749) : eval()'d code on line 32

1749 = $file_found = file_exists($filename) && eval('?' . '>' . rtrim(file_get_contents($filename))) !== false;

Are you sure that these errors are due to the MOD?

1.- I have used in SMF 1.1.4, 1.1.7 and SMF 2.0 b4 and I get no error.

2.- I see no relationship between the MOD code and it log errors.

If you want, you can attach the file Load.php.


Quote from: jossanaijr on December 03, 2008, 11:25:46 AM

But 3 questions / ideas:

#1 It seems to me that it does not work for admin, right?  I tested logged as admin and it did not work.  So I tested with another login and it worked.

#2 It would be great if it has the option to ignore/delete the second, third ... posts besides only merge (or it could be another mod);

#3 Also it would be great if it could merge post based in title & author.   So if one post with title "Hi, how are you?" posted twice or more by author "A" the option to merge and/or delete the duplicities!

1.- Correctly. You assign permissions to Membergroup that can do Double Post.

The administrator can, per definition, do anything and see any board. There are no permission settings for the administrator.

If you like Merge for all Membergroup, then:

if (allowedTo('doublePost') || isset($_REQUEST['msg']))

if (isset($_REQUEST['msg']))

2.- Sorry, but not understand. Could you put a image that shows what you want?

3.- Great, complex and would be another MOD XD.

If they are "Post duplicities" in several topics, then it isn't Double Post.

Auto Merge Doble Post

If they are "Post duplicities" in different topics, then... do the merge? ... i think not
Auto Merge Doble Post

Conclusion: is other mod.

Thank you for ideas.


Quote from: 4kstore on December 03, 2008, 01:17:34 PM
Nice mod, its perfect for me...!!!

Thanks ..

Thank for your comments.


Quote from: matasanos on December 03, 2008, 02:55:38 PM
really cool

but this mod cmbinated with ajax reply ..dont work well
unless you refresh the see another post with both merged..but not in the a new one reply

Correct answer:

Quote from: jossanaijr on December 03, 2008, 02:57:15 PM
Yes, it happened to me too but when reload the page it is fixed.

And If you like correct this, then you should edit Ajax Quick Reply.


Quote from: RIGILKENTARUS on December 03, 2008, 05:55:32 PM
(variable, value)
VALUES ('AutoMergePost_div','[hr][size=1][color=red][b]Post Merge: \$date[/b][/color][/size][hr]'),

At the end of this SQL query is no quotation marks (sorry but i dont know if that word is right :D im chilean)

Do you get it? I use 1.1.7

You should download and install the package.

The package parse doesn't show entire php files.


Quote from: pinoypetfinder on December 04, 2008, 12:10:33 AM
FANTASTIC! will download and install it! thank you! :)

Quote from: softcore on December 04, 2008, 12:32:05 AM
Awesome. Installed, but haven't tested yet.

Thanks for use this MOD.


Quote from: AlenNS on December 04, 2008, 02:54:41 PM
Is there any chance to make when two posts are being merged to show on new posts list?

I hope you understand what I want.

Merge Post are a new topics?  :-\



$txt['permissionname_doublePost'] = 'Dozvoliti dupli post';
$txt['permissionhelp_doublePost'] = 'Uključujući ovo dozvoljavate dupli post.';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div'] = 'Dodati tekst prilikom spajanja postova';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div_sub'] = 'Možete koristiti BBC i $date variable';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time'] = 'Vrijeme nakon kojeg se postovi neće automatski spajati';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time_sub'] = '0 za isključivanje MOD-a i 9999 za spajanje postova u svakom vremenskom razdoblju';



QuoteMerge Post are a new topics?
When your mod merge two posts there is no new post link anywhere and when some member write something after himslef there is no sign of new post, no link, no picture, nothing.

I hope that you understand what I want to say.

I had to uninstall your mod untill there is better solution for that. :-[


Quote from: M-DVD on December 04, 2008, 08:29:38 PM
Are you sure that these errors are due to the MOD?

1.- I have used in SMF 1.1.4, 1.1.7 and SMF 2.0 b4 and I get no error.

2.- I see no relationship between the MOD code and it log errors.

If you want, you can attach the file Load.php.


Hi this is the error that i have after mod install.
The Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/xxxx/xxx/xxxx/Sources/Load.php(1749) : eval()'d code on line 32

shows in the first line of my site
After of this line start my site correctly
have this error after mod install .
I upload the file the sunday because i am aout of my base now


realy greate mod, but I can't run the update script, maualy added settings in datebase
Here is russian:
$txt['permissionname_doublePost'] = 'Разрешить отправлять двойные посты';
$txt['permissionhelp_doublePost'] = 'Включая, Вы разрешаете отправку двойных постов.';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div'] = 'Добавлять текст при слиянии сообщений';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div_sub'] = 'Вы можете использовать BB код и переменную $date';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time'] = 'Время, после которого сообщения не будут склеиваться';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time_sub'] = 'Время до которого происходит слияние сообщений. Установите 0, чтобы выключить мод, 9999 чтобы склеивалось всегда, не поднимая тему';



Quote from: AlenNS on December 04, 2008, 09:45:08 PM
QuoteMerge Post are a new topics?
When your mod merge two posts there is no new post link anywhere and when some member write something after himslef there is no sign of new post, no link, no picture, nothing.

I hope that you understand what I want to say.

I had to uninstall your mod untill there is better solution for that. :-[


Is it a bug?
My time zone is +3
And user has -3
So, if his post is merged: i see the correct post date, but the added text time is -3.
