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Timed Out

Started by KahneFan, December 04, 2008, 10:09:02 AM

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I'm not sure if this is a 2.0b4 issue or if it's also on 1.x, but I just happen to be noticing it on my 2.0b4 board, as well as here sometimes. After typing a message I receive the following error and have to click post again. It's not a big deal, but I can see how it may frustrate board members. The post I created to get this was: Subject: Test, (body): Test, so I only had my window open for maybe 4 seconds before I clicked post.

The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
Your session timed out while posting. Please try to re-submit your message. 

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It just happend on this forum, below is the screenshot...
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Sorry for the late response.

Are you choosing to stay logged in forever?
Former Support Team Lead
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#eric_on_twit| (video) Creating Themes for SMF | Reset Your Forum
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Quotebut I just happen to be noticing it on my 2.0b4 board, as well as here sometimes.

If im right this happens on your forum and here on the smf site sometimes ? Have you disabled cookies in your browser or set it to high so as not to accept third party cookies? If this is the case it may be why your getting a time out issue.

Have you tried another browser to see if the result is the same?


I'll try another browser for a while and see what happens. Since I'm the only one experiencing this, I'll mark this as solved, unless it happens in another browser as well.
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I have this too. Both here on SMF forum and users experiencing on my own board. Thought it was some sort of feature but seems random...

Tends to happen when using IE7



I use IEbeta8
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I use IEbeta8                      

Can you try with FF3 please so it is not a microsoft based browser.


Will do. I'll try browsing with FF3 for a while to see if I see it again.
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I've been using Firefox, Chrome, IE6 and IE7 which is generally what my users have.  All reports on my board have come from IE7 users and my own experience of the message is with that browser. Those who have responded are set as logged in 'forever', as am I.




On the I post you post forum I have selected the 'stay logged in forever' every time I have logged in and never has it kept me logged in. It has to be something with the cookie not being set as this is what allows you to stay logged in forever (the forum sets a none expiring cookie in the browser).

Why this only happens to me on IPYP I have not figured out and I know my settings are correct.
PM at your own risk, some I answer, if they are interesting, some I ignore.


What browser are you using? It does this to me too on IE (sometimes), but not FF.
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Attaced is my feature configuration, should I change any of this?
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KahneFan, is this issue resolved yet?

If not, I see a discrepancy there that may cause a problem. You didn't select either of the below options:

Enable local storage of cookies
Use subdomain independent cookies

If your whole site is based on a single directory only (no subdomain navigation), then check the box for local storage of cookies only. Otherwise, if you do use subdomains and have your members navigate between then, check the second option only.


Ever since I used FF, I have not had the issue.
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