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View/Enter Board Permissions

Started by Arantor, December 15, 2009, 08:08:21 PM

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This mod allows you to convert ability to see a board and ability to enter a board into a true permission - meaning you can deny access to boards.

You are strongly advised to make this change whilst the forum is in maintenance mode. By default, no boards are visible or enterable except to admin!

View board allows the board to be seen on the board index, enter board allows viewing of topics therein. This way you can set up boards that require a higher post count to actually enter, but visible on the board index to see the description.

IMPORTANT: There are currently no plans to build any kind of importer/exporter for this. Meaning that you will have to transfer access manually. However, for many cases this will be pretty painless, since in many cases you will be using the Default board template, for which it's a case of adding view/enter (both) permissions to the main usergroups.

This is NOT transferrable to 1.1 (well, it could be rewritten, but I'm not going to do it), and a converter is not being built due to the impracticalities of trying to do it on a generic basis.

To apply this permission to specific boards, you can create a new permissions profile (Admin > Permissions > Edit Profile > the bit at the bottom), assign that profile to the boards you want

1.1 - 29 December 2009
Added Spanish support courtesy of 130860.

1.0 - 6 December 2009
First public release.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


This is what I have been talking about few months back...thanks for the Mod dude.


i've been waiting for this mod for rc2!! thanks a lot! :D


Could you please explain how to set a number of post requirement to enter the board.


Same way you'd grant any other permission to a post count group, create a profile for that board, and grant that permission to post counts.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Nice mod! I wonder where i could set those permissions..

Not at the 'board / board edit in the acp.
One Day, Two Many


It's a permission - in the regular permissions area.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Nice..  I was just looking for a mod like this..


good mod but very buggy. When you install this mod you wont be able to edit certain groups who are allowed to access the board through the admin panel -->boards. The author needs to fix that bug.


Quote from: scenerip2k on December 17, 2009, 11:35:47 PM
good mod but very buggy. When you install this mod you wont be able to edit certain groups who are allowed to access the board through the admin panel -->boards. The author needs to fix that bug.

You know, maybe that's entirely intentional? It adds *permissions* through the permissions area. Permissions are not controlled through the manage boards area, which is why I removed it.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Dude..I would request you to post few steps on how actually one can enable to allow members with certain post count. I smacked my head but still couldn't find the solution. Please don't mind :).


Same way you grant any board-specific permission to a post count group.

You create a profile for those boards, and modify the permissions for the post count groups and the main groups from there.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


i tried creating a new profile and only allowing certain groups to enter the board it wont even do that. It keeps saying access denied or something like that for the groups i assigned access to.


Did you set that profile to the relevant board?
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


A humble suggestion

The mod is very good and perfect. and, if necessary.

but I think instead of being designed to assign permissions in the categories of members should be on the board.

Easy on the board there is a line selection that category are the board members. serious issue of creating another line of who gets to read with these two columns of the mod will be perfect choice.


Una humilde sugerencia

El mod esta muy bueno y perfecto.  y si hace falta.

pero creo que en vez de estar diseñado para asignar permisos en las categorías de miembros debería ser en los board.

Fácil en los board hay una linea de selección de que categoria de miembros ven los board . seria cuestión  de crear otra linea de quien entra a leer y con esas dos columnas de selección el mod estará perfecto.

Asi quedaria
board selection permissions
1- check only view  board index   2- check see post


Quote from: Calcricho on December 23, 2009, 01:18:26 AM
Easy on the board there is a line selection that category are the board members. serious issue of creating another line of who gets to read with these two columns of the mod will be perfect choice.

No it wouldn't be the perfect choice, because you'd have to add four columns, not two.

The whole point of this mod being true permissions was so that you could actually ban users from individual boards with deny permissions, something not possible otherwise since without this mod you cannot actually stop someone entering a board if the rest of their groups allow them to enter.

Splitting view and enter is actually a side bonus.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Sorry but the translator does not help me express myself.

As I understand it can assign permissions to a category that you can see the board and could deny a specific user?

if not mastered so well the mod

Thanks great mod and very useful


Perdona pero el traductor no me ayuda a expresarme.

Según entiendo puedo asignar permiso a una categoría a que pueda ver el board y pudiera denegar a un user en específico ?

si es así pues no domino bien el mod

Gracias excelente mod y de gran utilidad


QuoteAs I understand it can assign permissions to a category that you can see the board and could deny a specific user?

You cannot ban an individual user from a board without a mod. This mod will let you ban entire groups, meaning you can set it up to ban people from boards.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I hope the translator or interpreter pocible best jeje

I used a similar mod that gave only passing wings categories of members who see the board in the index and those who enter and can read, and only wanted a private board that nobody read, but if everybody could see in the index, believing na class that if he could read only the user that I wanted to read were already added in your profile that category and have already read the board but only the ones I wanted they could read no matter the category

It pocible this with this mod?

once again forgive the poor translation that must be annoying

bien espero el traductor lo interprete lo mejor pocible jeje

Yo usaba un mod similar que solo le daba paso alas categorías de miembros de quienes ven el board en el index y quienes entran y pueden leer,  como solo querían un board privado que nadie leyera pero si todos lo pudieran ver en el index,  pues cree na categoría que si pudiera leer y solo a los user que yo queria que leyeran les adicionaba esa categoría en su profile y ya tendrían lectura de el board pero solo los que yo queria que pudieran leer sin importar la categoría

Es pocible esto con este mod ?

una vez mas perdona la pobre traduccion que se debe de ser molesta


It is possible with this mod. Just it does a lot more. for example lets you control a group being able to see and enter the board - but that's all it does. It doesn't allow you to stop people entering boards if one or more of the groups they have access to would allow them in.

Mine allows you to set up whether a group can view and enter the board, and additionally (what it was made for) stopping people entering boards.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.
