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Simple Audio Video Embedder

Started by Team, August 09, 2010, 10:42:47 PM

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Thank you for trying, @Steve.

@vbgamer45 are you aware of this problem?

Quote from: Steve on October 22, 2023, 01:14:59 PM@FragaCampos - if you click the 'Share' button under any of the videos and then post everything to the LEFT of the question mark in the url that pops up, they'll show up normally.

Edit: apparently that doesn't work either. You can delete my test post and my account please.


I am not currently very busy no time to look.
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When I post Youtube links they always result "not available" in the player, I don't know why.
How can I resolve the problem?


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Are they literally 'http:www' or are you using 'http://www' in the actual forum post? Might be a stupid question, but sometimes solutions are simple.


the links are obfuscated by this site as an anti-spam measure.   the links in that post are correct/valid links

Any time you see "not available" - it usually indicates that YouTube has blocked you from seeing it, for some reason...   maybe regional, maybe the link was taken down, maybe the owner doesn't allow sharing.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Steve on October 22, 2023, 01:14:59 PM... if you click the 'Share' button under any of the videos and then post everything to the LEFT of the question mark in the url that pops up, they'll show up normally.
For example, your first link would be

Then post

Which would give you:

DO NOT pm me for support!


Quote from: Steve on October 27, 2023, 12:37:03 PM
Quote from: Steve on October 22, 2023, 01:14:59 PM... if you click the 'Share' button under any of the videos and then post everything to the LEFT of the question mark in the url that pops up, they'll show up normally.
For example, your first link would be

Then post

Which would give you:

Unfortunately the problem persists.


Quote from: Kindred on October 27, 2023, 10:53:45 AMAny time you see "not available" - it usually indicates that YouTube has blocked you from seeing it, for some reason...   maybe regional, maybe the link was taken down, maybe the owner doesn't allow sharing.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I managed to resolve the problem casually.
I noticed that I couldn't login if I typed "localhost" instead of "" in the URL bar.
So I edited the file "settings.php" and at the string "$boardurl =" I modified "" to "localhost".
Now I can login when I type "localhost" or "" and, at the same time, all videos appeared.
Thanks for all your answers, anyway.

Sorry my bad english.


Hello eveyone.
I downloaded Simple Audio Video Embedder and I checked all websites (Youtube, Streamable, TikTok ans so on) but only Youtube videos work.
I don't know why.

Please, help me to resolve quickly the problem, because the users of my forum often want to embed videos from these websites and they're starting to complain...


Can you post the example links.
Embeding varies from each site depending on the format used.
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Attaching a screenshot is better than just posting one so we can see the full size image.
DO NOT pm me for support!


That last one works just fine for me if you right click on the video and get its url.

I don't have a Tik Tok account so I can't test the other two.
DO NOT pm me for support!


Quote from: Steve on November 06, 2023, 03:29:50 PMThat last one works just fine for me if you right click on the video and get its url.

I don't have a Tik Tok account so I can't test the other two.
None of those three links work for me.
When I copy the url and paste it in the messagge, it remains just a simple url, without a video, like in the image that I posted before.
I repeat that I already checked all the possible sites in the settings.  :(


As I said, the third link you posted does not show when posted as but when you right click on the video and get the url (notice the difference) then it displays just fine.

Or are you saying the second url I just posted also does not work?
DO NOT pm me for support!


I looked at the formats
This one doesn't look possible

This one should be supported next update

This one take everything past ? in the url. Haven't found a way to ignore the query string.
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Forgive me but I'm encountering a more critical bug...
when someone posts something from Instagram this happens and I don't know what to do to resolve it.
You cannot view this attachment.

These are my settings.
You cannot view this attachment.

I had to disable Tik Tok because more or less the same thing happened when someone posted something from Tik Tok in the shoutbox and the graphics became completely distorted.
When I have time maybe I'll show you this too.
