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RHTAMI - Remove Hot Topic And Message Icons (Fully Hook!)

Started by Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail, August 20, 2010, 04:03:47 AM

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I believe you should make your mod strictly compatible with only SMF 1.1.12 and SMF 2.0 RC4. Start by the former. Any other variations in the 1.1.x and 2.0 branch should NOT be considered, to avoid wasting the potential of this mod.

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

Thanks for the advices. I will look into it, when I am a little bit freer.


Your mod seems to have worked perfectly for RC5. :) Thanks very much.

I take that back. It works for the unread/new replies and when you click on the forum to view topics, but it messed up the inside of the topics. Meaning the signature is now about 75% instead of 100% of the width.  I've included screenshots. Hopefully you can help as it's a very lovely mod.


Maybe it's finally time to fix this mod as 1.1.13 and RC5 is out.


Interesting mod.. ever thought about making it a user-option? Those users that prefer to not see hot/message icons could simply turn it off.


Yep, Bloc is already using this as a custom feature in his themes, but it would be great if this mod would enable these features across all themes.

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

I am looking into this and hopefully I will return the user choices for it in next update and rectify the highlighted problems. Again, this mod is nothing fancy. Just a simple mod for those who dislike the unnecessary icons there. A separate zip for each version of SMF is a maybe. ;D


Yes, np. :) The reason I asked was that I am thinking of this as an option in my themes.

But of course, it won't work across themes.

awww... RC5 broke this mod.  damn.


Quote from: on February 17, 2011, 10:27:37 PM
awww... RC5 broke this mod.  damn.
Looks like ahrasis is going to have to work faster as i haven't yet upgraded from RC4 to RC5 due to that same fear of ending up with heaps of incompatible mods.
Back to this mod, it is certainly a great way of maximizing space on the forum screen, by getting rid of any unnecessary (according to each individual SMF forum's admin) columns.

Quote from: sharks on February 17, 2011, 11:38:30 PM
Quote from: on February 17, 2011, 10:27:37 PM
awww... RC5 broke this mod.  damn.
Looks like ahrasis is going to have to work faster as i haven't yet upgraded from RC4 to RC5 due to that same fear of ending up with heaps of incompatible mods.
Back to this mod, it is certainly a great way of maximizing space on the forum screen, by getting rid of any unnecessary (according to each individual SMF forum's admin) columns.
i only use about 8 mods... but of those 8, this was the only one broken by the upgrade to RC5... sooo, it wasn't too terrible as far as breaking mods goes.

i really like this mod because i think all of those little icons make the forum look too busy, and i think most users have no idea wtf those icons mean.  they're pointless, and they look rather 1998.


I found that if I didn't apply the MOD to any themes just the default that it worked fine. :)


Quote from: on February 18, 2011, 11:35:39 AM
i really like this mod because i think all of those little icons make the forum look too busy, and i think most users have no idea wtf those icons mean.  they're pointless, and they look rather 1998.

I couldn't agree more. :)
I have been trying to get rid of those annoying hot topics columns for a long time. Hopefully a proper (working) version for 1.1.13 and RC5 is released soon.


useful mod
In my forum it doesnt remove the icon from title. In a next version maybe you can update this also.
please look at the attachment

I have $10 for the mod author when this one is updated to RC5. anyone want to match me?

i forgot to mention that this mod does still work on RC5 if you apply it to the default theme and THEN enable your custom theme.  i saw someone else had mentioned this workaround earlier in the thread... and i finally got around to trying it... and whatta ya know!  it worked.


im running 1.1.14

tried emulating 12, but i get errors on both file edits.

mind you i as well parsed the files, but could not find the text that needed edited.

probably due to the fact i have made a ton of edits to my default theme.

so i have attached both files that need edited,

and was hoping someone would be so gracious to point out the edits i need to make

or are even willing to make the changes themselves?

thank you in advance.

.Org, .Net, .Com


This mod is actually buggy and has never been fixed, as "i don't have time" is a very common line around here. Sorry to read about time management issues, Ahrasis, but i think this mod should be removed as it's comparable to a beta release.

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

Quote from: sharks on July 08, 2011, 12:56:35 AM
This mod is actually buggy and has never been fixed, as "i don't have time" is a very common line around here. Sorry to read about time management issues, Ahrasis, but i think this mod should be removed as it's comparable to a beta release.
You can suggest that to the Customizer Team. I'm fine with it.

ahrasis... i think this mod is great.  it worked wonderfully on previous RC versions of the software, but i can't get it to work in 2.0 gold.  i sure do hope you'll consider updating this mod.  it made my forum look so good and clean.  either way, thanks for your contributions to SMF.
