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SMF Likes Lite

Started by Nibogo, June 08, 2011, 05:35:20 PM

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SMFPacks Lite Likes Mod v1.0.2 - NIBOGO
Advanced Likes System for SMF, including easy navigation and a lot of options to configure.

Link to Mod | PRO VERSIONWebsite | Donate

o Like First Post.
o Show Total of Likes in Topic Header.
o Show List of Likes in Topics (in same page using Ajax is only available in PRO Version).
o Hide any of above lists easily.
o Total of Likes each People Received can showned (or hide) in Posts and Profile.
o Likes Permission in included.
o Data is cached, so there won't be big issues with performance.
o Fully Curve and 2.0 RC5 Compatible.
o Works on MySQL, Postgresql and SQLite.

Below Options are only available in PRO Version
o All these features can be enabled or disabled in Admin Panel.
o Preview List of Likers in each post, configurable in Administration.
o Unlike Posts.
o Like Individual Posts not only Topics.
o Show Total of Likes in Posts.
o If member already liked, Like button would be hidden.
o Show List of People Who Liked each Post in same using Ajax.
o Total of Likes each People Received can showned (or hide) in:
     o Posts.
     o Personal Messages.
     o Member List.
     o Profile.
o Likes can be enabled per board.
o Show Top 10 Liked Topics and Users.
o Optionally only allow first post to be liked.
o Optionally Allow Owner to Like his own posts. (Total Likes received won't be increased).
o Anti-Spam Measure: Allow Likes for same users every X seconds.
o Show Total of Likes received by a Topic in Message Index.
o If last option is enabled, you can sort topics by Likes.

Manual Edit:

Simple database installer just upload the db_likes.php file and browse it using your web browser:

- English/English UTF8

- 2.0
- 2.0 RC5
- 2.0 RC4


Muchas gracias  :) Muy buen mod.


Nice stuff man! Looking forward to more awesome mods from ya!

PortaMx is probably the best SMF portal!



Any news on a 2.0 release?


I tried and even under emulation it failed to accept ???


Maybe there's a conflict with some other mod.


Clarifying, lite will NOT show total number of likes in post/profile?

Just tested and although it shows, count is still 0.



For me the same, I was trying to fix it, but the updateMemberData() of the "liked"(smf_members table) value don't works correctly.
The error I think is located on the 106 line of the "$sourcedir/Likes.php":
updateMemberData($author, array('liked' => '+'));
It's the code for add one more to the total value of "Likes" to the autor profile.

I tried to fix it, but for me.. it's impossible =(

Someone can fix it, please? [nofollow]
ToTaL Pc (Con Errores De Shop)

Nuevo, Se Buscan Admins y Moderadores


Great mod :) Saving up for Pro now :D


I installed it on my board but only Admins can see it.  The regular members don't seem to have access to it.  Is there a reason for that?

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

GRRRREAT! Congratulations for creating this outstanding mod Nibogo. I am sure this gonna be a very popular mod.

The Lurker


I have a couple of questions:

1) Can this mod enable "likes" for a specified board to apply to existing topics in it?
For example, a board has 100 topics in it.  I'd like to add/enable "like" buttons to all of them at once.

2) Can this mod disable or lock likes as above?
For example, I'd like to enable likes for two weeks and then disable them and publish the results.

3) Can this mod hide the count of likes until they are disabled as above? (similar to showing the results of polls only after they close).

Reasons for asking.

Thank you!

Edit: Questions apply to both the Lite and Pro versions.



1. You don't need to enable likes per topic

2. Not yet

3. Not yet

I think you need a more custom solution for your forum, if you've all the details about what you want please PM me


I have installed on my web, but the like button does not appear..
I use MysticJade theme,.. and SMF 2.0

please help me on this case, thanks



Why is the username displayed in Liked by list ? shouldn't it be Display name ?
