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Started by Arantor, November 04, 2013, 06:27:18 PM

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Ok, and well, I took everything out of the /other directory and placed it in the root directory as I believe I'm supposed to do right?  So, there was no Settings_bak.php file in there that I've seen.

Also, how come the installer wants to know my FTP Server information now?  What is the reasoning behind this?


The installer should generally create it, if it can't it will ask for FTP details because the folder isn't writable...
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


hmmmm, so I've 755'd the entire root directory and all sub-directories, so strange as it seems, but now I'm getting 403 Forbidden error... argg!  Guess I need to start all over and low and behold, doope, there's the Settings_bak.php file that was the only file that was not copied to the, how'd that appear?


Odd, very odd. If 755 causes permission issues, I dread to think what your server is configured as.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


A bug.

When making a copy of Default theme,  [actual_images_url] => /home/www/blabla and not http://www.blabla
Same problem with [images_url]


Please report any bugs on Github, with full details of how to reproduce if possible.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Ok, so, noticing some problems right off the bat here with the install.  1 Whatever is supposed to be up top on install.php doesn't show (<div class="news normaltext"></div>).  2, when going to step 2, and step 3 of install (after putting in proper information), I get white page after hitting Continue button, and after getting to Step 3, I'm unable to see step 3's page and not able to finish installation.  Again, this could be something wrong on my end of things, but this is my first experience so far with SMF 2.1 and just thought I'd share this.  Not able to go to install.php since it tells me that SMF is already installed, and trying to go to my actual index.php page on that site produces an empty white page.  So, the last thing I did was put in my database information and click on next and got an empty white page and am unable to finish installation because of white page and empty white page on actual index.php.  Going to install.php again gives me SMF is already installed and if I continue than I will need to put in the same information again for database.

Anyways, I give up!


Quote from: Arantor on November 12, 2013, 10:01:10 PM
Please report any bugs on Github, with full details of how to reproduce if possible.
Well, it's when you make the copy that the wrong path is enabled. You can just make a copy of the Default. When viewing the new theme's settings (paths), they are wrong for the copied one.


Quote from: Arantor on November 12, 2013, 10:01:10 PM
Please report any bugs on Github, with full details of how to reproduce if possible.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.
