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SMF 1.1 Release Candidate 2 is available!

Started by Grudge, December 29, 2005, 04:53:27 AM

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Calendar.php was updated in the archives already. Don't worry about it.
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."


Quote from: roxpace on May 10, 2006, 07:09:14 PM
I cant agree with you on that list, not wow for AJAX and even more Javascript garbage, it would be wonderful if the default SMF could be completely without Javascript to be most compatible and fast. Javascript is often disabled on company networks, and there is often troubles with it for people who doesnt know how to use their settings. Also Javascript mostly only creates longer download times, a page without graphics shall never be bigger than 30 Kb. AJAX itself offers nice features, but it's more hype than realistic worth so much attention due to Javascript role in the company spheres.
All JavaScript/AJAX features in SMF are either redundant (ie there's an easy other way to do it) or also implemented for browsers with javascript disabled. Besides, most of the AJAX features in SMF actually improve load times and reduce bandwidth because a page refresh is no longer needed.
Hendrik Jan Visser
Former Lead Developer & Co-founder
Personal Signature: -> / / WieIsDeMol.Com


Is it possible to regulate the posts using this forum software. So if someone signs in and posts an item can that item go through an approval process before it is posted on the live forum/message board?


whats the difference between 1.0.7 and 1.1 rc2? thanks



my spologies if this isnt the place to say this but i just wanted to say

please please pleaseee include the following in the 1.1 stable release:

- ability to auto-merge double posts
- users online today (with on/off ability)
- custom profile feilds
- a table format for the "pop up smileys" right now as they are they look very untidy!
- a graphical interface for the "karma" as opposed to just having a + and - and some sorta rep power system

Please :D



akulion: sorry, but SMF 1.1 has been feature frozen for many many months.
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."


oh well im happy with smf so im sure ill be around for 1.2 release too :D

thanks anyways


I'm waiting the final release, this is gonna be release soon?
sorry for my english.


The final release is not far off, due to the bug fixing and international support issues we will have a third release candidate but after that the final version of 1.1 shall be out and from RC3 to Final probably wont be aslong as RC2 to RC3 has been.


Is this RC2 to RC3 a urgent bug fix upgrade or what? I thought they were not going to bother with a RC3?  :o
Skipdawg's Community

Powered by SMF 1.1.3

J. Williams

Skipdawg,unfortunately they have had to. Do remember the world is always growing and making new problems.
Joshua Jon Williams
Back in Action.


RC2 had a LOT of new features. You may have noticed them, with new features come changes to the code and more room for bugs, we got a few bugs. Also UTF-8 support is being added to SMF, this is a huge change to some boards that will affect every single post. To try anf fix all these bugs and leave room for any extra bugs that appear due to UTF-8, RC3 will be released after that will be the final :) We would rather give out a stable final release than a buggy one.

J. Williams

Hmm then it'd remind me how buggy phpbb is :D
Joshua Jon Williams
Back in Action.


Yes phpbb have a lot of bugs, but outputs a better HTML result for the visitor with its standard templates for those with lower bandwidth.
Always keep an eye on the latest from me at ...


Quote from: roxpace on May 21, 2006, 08:06:29 AM
Yes phpbb have a lot of bugs, but outputs a better HTML result for the visitor with its standard templates for those with lower bandwidth.

We're constantly working on speed and things like this, theres already very early work in progress to try and move as much as possible to css, therefore reducing the ammount needed to download a page. But sadly this wont be availble for some time. Some other themes use CSS better than the default, also theres always imode :)


I am curious is there any approximate timeline as to when the final release for 1.1 will be made public? I mean are we probably looking at another few months or what? :)

J. Williams

Nope,that would harm development since they'd rush and boom SMF would fall apart. :(
Joshua Jon Williams
Back in Action.


Well then knowing that UTF-8 support is being tossed in that is indeed great.  ;D

But it just caught me off guard after just a few months ago someone say there would not be a RC3 when some else had brought it up. But to make sure we don't have a buggy final all power to it.

Just hope it dose not break the RC2 Mods. Willing to fix stuff for the final but not another RC ya know!  ;)

Got so tired of fixing stuff with broken mods in the 1.0.x line updates :(

That is why I went to RC2 with all my boards, which fixed allot of issues that 1.0.6 and 1.0.7 had messed up.  >:(
Skipdawg's Community

Powered by SMF 1.1.3


I just upgraded to 1.1 RC2 from 1.0.7 and now it won't let me add packages
Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong?

It keeps telling me:

You cannot download or install new packages because the Packages directory or one of the files in it are not writable!

The package folder and everything in it is set to 777 for permissions except smf_patch_1.0.7_1.1-RC2-1.tar which is 755

I've tried to change it to 777 but it won't take, it just stays at 755



Do you have access to your server error log? You may find out more information there.

Also have your tried running repair to see if that fixes the issue?
Skipdawg's Community

Powered by SMF 1.1.3
