Prijavite greške u prijevodu - OVDJE

Started by Excalibur!, July 14, 2006, 11:34:45 AM

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Administracioni centar »Pretraga » Podešavanja - u poslednjem redu


Popravljeno, kad budu ažurirali jezički paket biće dostupno i preko admin panela.Provjeravaj povremeno.
Hvala za info!  :)
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.


Admin > Podrška i zasluge, 2 greške  :)

Prikažio sam sliku... "Support Resources" nije ni prevedeno, a ispod ima "Vaše Onlajn Priručnikpruža"... trebalo bi "Vaš Onlajn Priručnik pruža", dakle prazno mjesto između priručnik i pruža; i Vaš umjesto vaše :)

DODATAK: U istom tekstu:

SMF Podrška Zajednica se može koristiti za podršku, prilagođavanje, i mnoge druge stvari kao što su SMF diskusije, pronalaženje hosta, i diskutujete o administrativnim pitanjima sa osatlim administratorima foruma.


Taj ceo paragraf je očigledno ubačen...nemam ni sam pojma kako, google translate prevodom? o.0
Evo tražim pa ću prepraviti sad.


Quote from: Dzonny on April 10, 2012, 05:35:29 PM
Taj ceo paragraf je očigledno ubačen...nemam ni sam pojma kako, google translate prevodom? o.0
Evo tražim pa ću prepraviti sad.

Ima još :) Tražim ove greške ;D

Uređivanje (Mod CP) > Opšte > Upozorenja > opis nije preveden...

From this section you can see which warnings have been issued to members of the forum. You can also add and modify the notification templates used when sending a warning to a member.

Također na istoj stranici, u "Prilagođeni šabloni", nije prevedeno: No warning templates have been created yet


Quote from: Dzonny on April 10, 2012, 05:35:29 PM
Taj ceo paragraf je očigledno ubačen...nemam ni sam pojma kako, google translate prevodom? o.0
Evo tražim pa ću prepraviti sad.
Ipak prenaglih, nije google translate, ali malo sam preuredio.
Inače, Branko je preveo već "Support Resources" samo što ti nisi ažurirao jezički paket :)
@Branko, samo sam malo preuredio tekst, možeš videti Revision u Admin.serbian fajlu, u LE na stranici br. 7.


Quote from: phaenomeN on April 10, 2012, 05:43:29 PM..Ima još :) Tražim ove greške ;D

Što god nađeš, tu smo...prevedeno je 99,5%.Kad već tražiš obrati pažnju na help u admin panelu (pop-up znakovi pitanja) tu bi se moglo naći...

Quote from: Dzonny on April 10, 2012, 05:50:49 PM
@Branko, samo sam malo preuredio tekst, možeš videti Revision u Admin.serbian fajlu, u LE na stranici br. 7.

Sigurno je ok i bez gledanja.. ;)
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.


U Podrška i zasluge, kad se klikne na Help ikonicu kod Podrška za česte probleme, nije prevedeno, stoji tekst

This panel shows you some of the most common problems and questions on your server configuration. Don't worry, this information isn't logged or anything.

If this stays as "Retrieving support information...", your computer probably cannot connect to

Zatvori prozor

isto tako u Vesti i infodopisi, kad se klikne na Help, nije prevedeno

    This section allows you to set the text for news items displayed on the Board Index page. Add any item you want (e.g., "Don't miss the conference this Tuesday"). Each news item is displayed randomly and should be placed in a separate box.
    This section allows you to send out newsletters to the members of the forum via personal message or email. First select the groups that you want to receive the newsletter, and those you don't want to receive the newsletter. If you wish, you can add additional members and email addresses that will receive the newsletter. Finally, input the message you want to send and select whether you want it to be sent to members as a personal message or as an email.
    This section contains a few settings that relate to news and newsletters, including selecting what groups can edit forum news or send newsletters. There is also an setting to configure whether you want news feeds enabled on the forum, as well as a setting to configure the length (how many characters are displayed) for each news post from a news feed.

i u Najsvežiji paketi (na Paketi stranici), Help nije preveden

Here you can see some of the most popular and some random packages or mods, with quick and easy installations.

If this section doesn't show up, your computer probably cannot connect to

Zatvori prozor

u Osnovne mogućnosti, pored Mod anketa, isto tako nije preveden help

This selects whether polls are enabled or not. If polls are disabled, any existing polls will be hidden from the topic listing. You can choose to continue to show the regular topic without their polls by selecting "Show Existing Polls as Topics".

To choose who can post polls, view polls, and similar, you can allow and disallow those permissions. Remember this if polls are not working.

Zatvori prozor

na istoj stranici, opcija Dozvoli gostima da pregledaju forum , na help:

Unchecking this box will stop guests from doing anything but very basic actions - login, register, password reminder, etc. - on your forum. This is not the same as disallowing guest access to boards.

Zatvori prozor

Dozvoli ne-administratorima da sakriju svoj status prisutnosti

With this option enabled all members will be able to hide their online status from other users (except administrators). If disabled only users who can moderate the forum can hide their presence. Note that disabling this option will not change any existing member's status - it just stops them from hiding themselves in the future.

Zatvori prozor

Omogući prilagođene nazive

Switching Custom Titles on will allow members with the relevant permission to create a special title for themselves. This will be shown underneath the name.
For example:
Cool Guy

Podrazumevani lični tekst

Sets the default text a user will have as their "personal text."

Ovdje nije ni opcija prevedena.. na istoj je stranici, odmah ispod Podrazumevani lični tekst

Meta keywords associated with forum
For search engines. Leave blank for default.

a tu je Help preveden...

PomoćPodrazumevani format brojeva

Number Format
You can use this setting to format the way in which numbers on your forum will be displayed to the user. The format of this setting is:

Where ',' is the character used to split up groups of thousands, '.' is the character used as the decimal point and the number of zeros dictate the accuracy of roundings.

Opšti vremenski pomak
(dodaje se onom koji postavi član.)

Not all forum administrators want their forum to use the same time zone as the server upon which it is hosted. Use this option to specify a time difference (in hours) from which the forum should operate from the server time. Negative and decimal values are permitted.

Vremenska zona servera

The server timezone tells PHP where your server is located. You should ensure this is set correctly, preferably to the country/city in which the city is located. You can find out more information on the PHP Site.

Omogući spisak "Ko je prisutan"

This option allows you to turn on or off the ability for users to see who is browsing the forum and what they are doing.

Prag vremena za utvrđivanje prisutnosti

Set the number of minutes to show people are active in X number of minutes on the board index. Default is 15 minutes.

Prati dnevnu statistiku

This will allow users to see the latest posts and the most popular topics on your forum. It will also show several statistics, like the most members online, new members and new topics. Page views:
Adds another column to the stats page with the number of pageviews on your forum.

Dozvoli korisnicima da onemoguće obaveštenja

This will allow users to opt out of notification of topics you announce by checking the "announce topic" checkbox when posting.

Onemogući tekst poruke u obaveštenjima

This option removes the option to receive the text of replies and posts in notification emails.

Often, members will reply to the notification email, which in most cases means the webmaster receives the reply.

To je sve sa stranice Mogućnosti i opcije... boldovano je opcija, a iskrivljeno je tekst u Help... izvinjavam se ako je ovo već prevedeno :)
I ostavljam ovako tekst jer vjerujem da vam je tako lakše naći u fajlovima, nego da idete na svoje forume pa tražite... ako je problem, kažite :) Budem danas još ovog tražio, a prije toga ću updejtovati jezik..


Zelite poptpuno besplatno reklamirati svoj server?
Ocekujemo Vas!


Pohvalno, ali morate navesti i na koji jezik ili pismo se odnosi....
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.



Ja sam juče hteo isto pitanje da postavim, morate davati detaljnije informacije o verziji prevoda.
Bitno je da li je za 1.1.x ili 2.x verzije, da li je latinica ili ćirilica (mada se to i vidi, ali svejedno), da li govorite o srpskom, hrvatskom ili nekom trećem prevodu. Molim vas da u buduće budete malo detaljniji, da ne jurimo mi po fajlovima i jezicima bzv. :)


Administracioni centar » Podrška i zasluge

Podrška za česte probleme

SMF 2.0.2
A few vulnerabilities and bugs have been fixed in this new release. Please try it before requesting support.

Jezik serbian_latin-utf8


Quote from: Misa95 on April 13, 2012, 05:24:49 PM
Administracioni centar » Podrška i zasluge

Podrška za česte probleme

SMF 2.0.2
A few vulnerabilities and bugs have been fixed in this new release. Please try it before requesting support.

Jezik serbian_latin-utf8

To sam i ja vidio ali mislim da se to učitavaju neke vijesti sa ovog sajta, tako da se to ne može prevesti... jer da može onda bi se za svaku vijest morao updejtovati prevod :D


Baš tako, učitavaju se sa SMF-a....
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.



ima par gresaka.....
sta je s prevodjenjem tih "help" delova ,koji se otvaraju klikom na "?"


To je u startu ostavljeno za kraj, ali se radi i na tome.Možeš povremeno osvježavati Help.serbian_latin.php
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.


Primetio sam da kada odem na Administracioni centar » Jezici » Dodaj jezik i stisnem na Pretraga jezici koji pocinju na slovo S nemaju to slovo.
Evo slike:

I takodje u Admin panelu Podešavanje ovo:

Osnovne mogućnosti
Mogućnosti i opcije...

ima slicicu ispred, a ovo

Bezbednost i uređivanje..

nema. To ima na vise takvih menija, da negde ima slicica, a negde nema.

PS. Skinuo sam najnoviji paket jezika, danas sam ga skinuo. Jezik mi je serbian_latin-utf8


To nije greška u prevodu a nije ni do SMF-a, nešto je kod tebe...i nije samo taj naziv, svi na slovo "s" su.
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.
