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Français (French) / Maîtriser l'insertion automati...
Last post by bisane - Today at 01:49:52 PM
Hello !

J'essaie de bien expliquer le problème ! C'est pas gagné ! ;D

Il arrive fréquemment que les membres ne mettent pas de point (ou de retour à la ligne) entre leurs phrases.
Cela produit l'insertion automatique d'url qui n'ont aucun sens ! :P

J'essaie de donner un exemple :
gnagna fromage.comme gnagna
donne une url du type :

Je ne parviens pas à trouver quel fichier modifier pour remédier à cet inconvénient ! :P
Une idée ?
Modifications and Packages / Re: SMF Links
Last post by mickjav - Today at 01:37:55 PM
Been working on my links and noticed what may be an error

In both EditLink & EditLink2 links you have a call to is_not_guest, but this may allow a member who has been demoted to edit their links even if their group does not allow it.
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: Posts that require a reaso...
Last post by stoo23 - Today at 01:31:25 PM
QuoteI'm not actually 100% sure, as I haven't tested
No, neither have I,.. (will have to check)  :)

QuoteI'm usually logged in as admin everywhere I post
Same here, ....

Quoteedit reason is completely optional
Well, it certainly seems to be as an Admin'  ;)

Thanks, am waiting on my user to get back to me.
Will post, again if there is an ongoing issue.

cheers  8)
Français (French) / Re: 561 Invités, 1 Membre (0 A...
Last post by bisane - Today at 01:28:02 PM
Pourquoi considérez-vous cela comme du spam ????
Qui se plaint d'avoir "trop" de visites ?
Vous avez dû faire quelque chose pour attirer autant de visiteurs, non ?
QuoteMost Online Ever: 545 (29 April 2024 à 01:59:55)
Sur celui-ci
All guest posts should have an email address associated with them, so requiring it if one doesn't exist makes sense to me.

I'm not actually 100% sure, as I haven't tested and I'm usually logged in as admin everywhere I post, but I've always assumed edit reason is completely optional.
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: Posts that require a reaso...
Last post by stoo23 - Today at 01:16:19 PM
QuoteAnd note that asking for something isn't the same as requiring it.
;)  :)  ... Understood, although with the email section, I have HAD to supply some form of email to continue.

QuoteThere, I'm guessing you are modifying a guest post
Yes, ... NOW a Guest, was an old original member who left.
TBH, I had not previously noticed the email requirement, was for Guests only ....

So, a User,... editing their Own post, should NOT Need to provide a Reason ??

Strange how ones brain can so easily 'filter out' seemingly unnecessary information,..  ;D  :P  ;)
There, I'm guessing you are modifying a guest post, so you have the options to edit all the guest data as well.

And note that asking for something isn't the same as requiring it.
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: Posts that require a reaso...
Last post by stoo23 - Today at 01:04:37 PM
Can I 'Dispense' with that Setting that requires a reason ??
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: Posts that require a reaso...
Last post by stoo23 - Today at 01:00:50 PM
QuoteIt's only controlled by the courtesy edit time as far as I know,

Quoteafter that time editing will ask for a reason for all posts by everyone.

The Email thing must be a 'hang-over' from ages ago with older versions of the software, as it seems to Only be quite Old posts, I have scene this behaviour on.

My current Post settings:

You cannot view this attachment.

Post showing Both Reason for Edit and Email requirement:

You cannot view this attachment.

Please note, that is a very old post.
Nothing recently seems to require Any email addresses to be supplied, so was just wondering how/ what caused it.

NB: the issue of the blank page is by a user based in Brazil and out VPS is in Sydney, so could perhaps be a timing issue ??
Français (French) / Re: Des comptes piratés ?
Last post by bisane - Today at 01:00:28 PM
Quote from: GravuTrad on May 21, 2024, 08:55:33 PMQuelle version de forum ?
SMF 2.1.4
Cela figure dans mon profil...

hébergeur : infomaniak mutualisé
Je ne pense pas qu'il puisse être mis en cause !
Le problème dans ce cas serait bien plus massif ! :P

Et je doute que la 1ère priorité d'un hackeur de comptes mails (hors forum) soit celle de poster sur un forum consacré au surendettement ! 8)

Je pense donc vraiment qu'il y a un petit problème sur le CMS...