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Generic Avatars

Started by Deprecated, November 06, 2008, 12:59:52 PM

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That's odd - mine all are about 65x65 or so (depends if they're uploaded), but it looks great either way.  If the file itself is 67x67 or so, the theme won't make it larger if it's set to larger...  You could always just throw the instructions for your "public" to resize to appropriate size for their forum and perhaps make a suggestion on the program to use (I just use my HP Photoshop and do a custom resize).  But either way, this mod is useful since a lot of people don't bother to go to their profiles and pick an avatar for some reason!


Thanks for the comments Lobo.

I'm an engineer and we engineers think mathematically. To me, smaller would be like a half, a third, two-thirds, etc. The 67x67 size is simply 2/3 rounded off.

However, I just looked at the SMF default avatars, and they're 65x65 so that's what I'll use. In fact if I haven't got it up on the site in a few days, somebody please remind me.

So little time, so many mod packages.... :D


Please be advised that I have upgraded this modification for the following:

  • Added new, smaller 65x65 pixel image set for those who prefer smaller avatars.

  • Added British and British UTF-8 language strings.

    Enjoy! :)



Quote from: AlenNS on November 24, 2008, 07:55:50 PM
Is this possible to make?

I'm not aware of any reason why my modification would be incompatible with SP. I know virtually nothing about SP I can't really say.


No i didn't say it's not compatible.
I am asking is it possible to integrate this mod to SP Top 5 and New member block. :)




 :o Very Good MOD, Good Work, Congratulations  ;)

I was doing the same thing  :'(  :D


Here are the translations for Spanish, Spanish_es, Spanish_latin

$txt['generic_avatars'] = 'Avatares Genéricos';
$txt['generic_avatars_cat'] = 'Avatares Genéricos';
$txt['generic_avatars_settings_title'] = 'Avatares Genéricos';
$txt['generic_avatars_member_enable'] = 'Activar el MOD Member Generic Avatars:';
$txt['generic_avatars_banned_enable'] = 'Activar Avatar Genérico para Baneados:';
$txt['generic_avatars_gender_enable'] = 'Activar Avatar Genérico basado en Género:';
$txt['generic_avatars_guest_enable'] = 'Activar Avatar Genérico para Invitados:';
$txt['generic_avatars_banned_image_url'] = 'Avatar de Baneados - URL de la Imagen:';
$txt['generic_avatars_neutral_image_url'] = 'Avatar Neutral - URL de la Imagen:';
$txt['generic_avatars_female_image_url'] = 'Avatar Femenino - URL de la Imagen:';
$txt['generic_avatars_male_image_url'] = 'Avatar Masculino - URL de la Imagen:';
$txt['generic_avatars_guest_image_url'] = 'Avatar de Invitados - URL de la Imagen:';

And UTF-8

$txt['generic_avatars'] = 'Avatares Genéricos';
$txt['generic_avatars_cat'] = 'Avatares Genéricos';
$txt['generic_avatars_settings_title'] = 'Avatares Genéricos';
$txt['generic_avatars_member_enable'] = 'Activar el MOD Member Generic Avatars:';
$txt['generic_avatars_banned_enable'] = 'Activar Avatar Genérico para Baneados:';
$txt['generic_avatars_gender_enable'] = 'Activar Avatar Genérico basado en Género:';
$txt['generic_avatars_guest_enable'] = 'Activar Avatar Genérico para Invitados:';
$txt['generic_avatars_banned_image_url'] = 'Avatar de Baneados - URL de la Imagen:';
$txt['generic_avatars_neutral_image_url'] = 'Avatar Neutral - URL de la Imagen:';
$txt['generic_avatars_female_image_url'] = 'Avatar Femenino - URL de la Imagen:';
$txt['generic_avatars_male_image_url'] = 'Avatar Masculino - URL de la Imagen:';
$txt['generic_avatars_guest_image_url'] = 'Avatar de Invitados - URL de la Imagen:';


nice mod,but where i setup the size like i did for avatar setting (external+ upload)..


Umm... for the n00b, I've tried finding desperately installation instructions.

Can someone tell me where these files are supposed to go? Are they in separate folders, all in the board, or what?

BTW, I uploaded "add_default_settings.php" in the root of the board, ran it, said it installed successfully... but I don't see anything in the admin. I installed everything inside the generic avatars folder on the root folder...



Really like the mod, anyone know how i would go about setting a different generic avatar for each membergroup? That would help a lot.


will it work on 1.1.9?


Here is the Translation in ITALIAN  and Italian-UTF8

$txt['generic_avatars'] = 'Avatar Generico';
$txt['generic_avatars_cat'] = 'Avatar Generico';
$txt['generic_avatars_banned_enable'] = 'Abilita Avatar Generico bannato:';
$txt['generic_avatars_banned_image_url'] = 'URL per avatar bannato:';
$txt['generic_avatars_female_image_url'] = 'URL per avatar femmina:';
$txt['generic_avatars_gender_enable'] = 'Abilita avatar basato sul sesso (maschio/femmina):';
$txt['generic_avatars_guest_enable'] = 'Abilita Avatar Generico per Visitatore:';
$txt['generic_avatars_guest_image_url'] = 'URL per avatar Visitatore:';
$txt['generic_avatars_male_image_url'] = 'URL per avatar maschio:';
$txt['generic_avatars_member_enable'] = 'Abilita Avatar Generico per Utente Registrato:';
$txt['generic_avatars_neutral_image_url'] = 'URl per avatar neutro:';
$txt['generic_avatars_settings_title'] = 'Avatar Generico';


Have this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ModifyGenericAvatarsSettings() in Sources/ManageSettings.php on line 221

Forum is 2.0 rc1.2

Attachment included.

Chas Large

Installed this mod on SMF 2.0 RC2. It reported a problem with the mod to the Display.template.php file - replace. I went ahead with the mod and then modified the Display.template manually and all is well. It may well have been due to other mods I have installed but it does work OK on SMF 2.0 RC2.

Thanks Deprecated for yet another great mod. :)
My Modifications :)  My Forum

Please DO NOT PM me with support requests. Post the problem in the appropriate Support Board so everyone can benefit from the advice given.


Using SMF 2 RC2.0, got a problem in display.template.php.. (replace)

Please post an updated version.  :)


working fine for me on RC2

but can anyone tell how to make these 2 mods compatible (i mean they work together)
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thanks for this mod.

here's the french translation :
$txt['generic_avatars'] = 'Avatars génériques';
$txt['generic_avatars_cat'] = 'Avatars génériques';
$txt['generic_avatars_banned_enable'] = 'Activer l\'avatar générique pour les membres bannis :';
$txt['generic_avatars_banned_image_url'] = 'URL de l\'image pour l\'avatar des membres bannis :';
$txt['generic_avatars_female_image_url'] = 'URL de l\'image pour l\'avatar féminin :';
$txt['generic_avatars_gender_enable'] = 'Activer la sélection par genre :';
$txt['generic_avatars_guest_enable'] = 'Activer l\'avatar générique pour les invités :';
$txt['generic_avatars_guest_image_url'] = 'URL de l\'image pour l\'avatar des invités:';
$txt['generic_avatars_male_image_url'] = 'URL de l\'image pour l\'avatar masculin:';
$txt['generic_avatars_member_enable'] = 'Activer l\'avatar générique pour les membres :';
$txt['generic_avatars_neutral_image_url'] = 'URL de l\'image pour l\'avatar neutre:';
$txt['generic_avatars_settings_title'] = 'Avatars génériques';

Also, I noticed a little mistake in language declaration of "modification1.xml":
Quote...<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.english_british.php" error="skip">
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications_british.english-utf8.php" error="skip">
=> it seems that "_british" suffix isn't at the right place for utf8 part, doesn't it ?

no shame not knowing,
a lot not learning
Il n'y a aucune honte à ne pas savoir
mais beaucoup à ne pas apprendre


a part from this code in display.template.php being different in 2.0.1

// Otherwise, show the guest's email.
elseif (in_array($message['member']['show_email'], array('yes', 'yes_permission_override', 'no_through_forum')))
echo '
<li><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=emailuser;sa=email;msg=', $message['id'], '" rel="nofollow">', ($settings['use_image_buttons'] ? '<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/email_sm.gif" alt="' . $txt['email'] . '" title="' . $txt['email'] . '" border="0" />' : $txt['email']), '</a></li>';

it still works,

for 2.0.1 do this

// Otherwise, show the guest's email.
elseif (!empty($message['member']['email']) && in_array($message['member']['show_email'], array('yes', 'yes_permission_override', 'no_through_forum')))
echo '
<li class="email"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=emailuser;sa=email;msg=', $message['id'], '" rel="nofollow">', ($settings['use_image_buttons'] ? '<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/email_sm.gif" alt="' . $txt['email'] . '" title="' . $txt['email'] . '" />' : $txt['email']), '</a></li>';

// Done with the information about the poster... on to the post itself.

replace with
// Otherwise it's a guest.
// Show generic guest avatar?
if (!empty($modSettings['generic_avatars_guest_enable']) && !empty($modSettings['generic_avatars_guest_image_url']) && !empty($settings['show_user_images']) && empty($options['show_no_avatars']))
echo '
<li class="margintop" style="overflow: hidden;"><img src="' . $modSettings['generic_avatars_guest_image_url'] . '"  alt="" class="avatar" border="0" /></li>';

// Show the guest's email?
if (in_array($message['member']['show_email'], array('yes', 'yes_permission_override', 'no_through_forum')))
echo '
<li><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=emailuser;sa=email;msg=', $message['id'], '" rel="nofollow">', ($settings['use_image_buttons'] ? '<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/email_sm.gif" alt="' . $txt['email'] . '" title="' . $txt['email'] . '" border="0" />' : $txt['email']), '</a></li>';

// Done with the information about the poster... on to the post itself.

the code being replaced is some what different and I don't know the effects it will have if any, but it is working for me so far with no errors
