[Theme] Apollo (SMF v1.0.5 - SMF v1.1RC2)

Started by bloc, July 05, 2004, 06:45:55 PM

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I have a button-generator..but it doesn't have shop/arcade icons exactly. Check it out anyhow: http://www.bloczone.net/button-generator/apollo.php


Maybe you can help on this.  How exactly do I get the arcade and shop to appear and work with your theme.  I have edited some code in the original index.template.php and it made the link appear however the actual link does not go to the shop and I do not have the shop in my admin.  Is it possible for you to do the shop and arcade modification with your theme and post them?  I'm not sure if you have seen my other few posts about this topic, but I just can't seem to get this to work, and you seem very knowledgable with these kinds of things and I am new to all of this.  I'd be so greatly appreciative.  PM me if you can and need info.  I am pretty desperate!


Sure. First you need to put in the buttons and their paths..open index.template.php and add these codes between the existing buttons there:
for the arcade..assumes button is called games.gif
       // arcade?
                        echo '<td><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=arcade"><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $context['user']['language'] . '/games.gif" alt="' . "Arcade" . '" style="margin:  2px 0;" border="0" /></a></td>';

then the shop....assuming button is called shop.gif
    //Shop MOD
    echo '<a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=shop">', ($settings['use_image_buttons'] ? '<img src="'.$settings['images_url'].'/'.$context['user']['language'].'/shop.gif" alt="'.$txt['shop'].'"  style="margin: 2px 0;" border="0" />' : $txt['shop']), '</a>'.$context['menu_separator'];

Then open up Display.template.php of Apollo and find this code:
                        // Show how many posts they have made.
                        echo '
                                                                ', $txt[26], ': ', $message['member']['posts'], '<br />
                                                                <br />';

And add this code on the next line (for the arcade AND the shop):
                         if(@is_array($context['arcade']['champions'][ $message['member']['id'] ])){
                            foreach($context['arcade']['champions'][ $message['member']['id'] ] as $tmp){
                                if($tmp['thumbnail'] != ''){
                                     echo '
                                                                <img src="', $tmp['thumbnail'], '" alt="" width="20">',$tmp['name'],' ', $txt['arcade_136'],'<br />';
                                    echo '
                                                                ', $tmp['name'], ' ', $txt['arcade_136'],'<br />';

            //BEGIN Shop MOD 0.2 Code
                        echo '
                                                                ', $txt[26], ': ', $message['member']['posts'], '<br />

            //I couldn't find where all these $message['member'][whatever] variables
            //are set, so I just send an extra database query to get the member's
            //money. Can someone tell me where (file and line) the $message variables
            //are set?
            global $ID_MEMBER, $db_prefix;

            $result_money = db_query("SELECT money
                                      FROM {$db_prefix}members
                                      WHERE ID_MEMBER = {$message['member']['id']}
                                      LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
            $row_money = mysql_fetch_array($result_money, MYSQL_ASSOC);

            echo $modSettings['shopCurrencyPrefix'].$row_money['money'].$modSettings['shopCurrencySuffix']."<br><br>";
            //END SHOP MOD

            //BEGIN SMFShop MOD 1.1 (Build 4) CODE
            echo "<a href='$scripturl?action=shop;do=invother2;membertype=id;member={$message['member']['id']}'>View Inventory</a><br>";
            //END SMFShop MOD 1.1 code

This should be it....


Bloc this theme rocks!! Awesome work on the 1.1 version!


There's something wrong with the coding for the top bar.  Every time I try to change it, the theme changes back to the default skin without changing a thing.  Is there another function I need to change, or is that "SMF just installed" thing gonna stay there.


Most likely you are using the wrong version of the theme.

The "apollo" version is for SMF 1.0.5 ONLY, while the "apollo11" is for SMF 1.1beta3. They are exactly the same in terms of features, but lot of the code in the "11" version is not compatible with SMF 1.0.5 - and will create the kind of errors you are describing.

Check if you have the right version - and if wrong simply upload and overwrite the files.


Oh, haha, yeah, thanks.  I have 1.05 with Apollo11.  Thanks for the tip! ;D


i have this as my theme for my forum i love the theme but i would like to add a logo to the theme how would i be able to do this?



Is there anyway to remove the square above the buttons? I would like to put a Amazon Associates banner in that place or inside the square if it's impossible to remove. Can anyone help me?

Take a look:



Bloc, this template is amazing! We're using it for our sole template on our site.  However, I'm having a little issue with the display.  Two gray bars are appearing on each side of the page when the page opens.  This normally wouldn't be a huge deal since I run the forums wrapped in the mambo template, but it is also effecting the mambo template.  I am running Apollo11 with 1.1beta3.  You can see examples of the undesired gray bars on the sides here:


and here:


(notice how the blue line at the top doesn't go all the way across)

and can see how the template is supposed to look here:


notice the blue line goes all the way across

Thanks for any help.

Be teh texxor! - www.texxors.com - The free-est tech news, product support and tech chat around!

Make yourself history! - www.WikiMe.org - The world's first collective autobiography.


Quote from: walace on September 05, 2005, 01:23:38 PM
i have this as my theme for my forum i love the theme but i would like to add a logo to the theme how would i be able to do this?
Go into admin / current theme settings and find either "topbar" , where you can insert html code for the logo (it will appear above the theme) or "User picture/logo" , where you can supply a path to a picture. That will appear to the right of the userinfo, in the blue box there.


Quote from: tL0z on September 09, 2005, 01:13:21 PM

Is there anyway to remove the square above the buttons? I would like to put a Amazon Associates banner in that place or inside the square if it's impossible to remove. Can anyone help me?

Take a look:

Thats where the news go..so if you are not using news now, you could really add it to the news, as a img tag.


Quote from: choz on September 21, 2005, 03:59:14 PM
Bloc, this template is amazing! We're using it for our sole template on our site.  However, I'm having a little issue with the display.  Two gray bars are appearing on each side of the page when the page opens.  This normally wouldn't be a huge deal since I run the forums wrapped in the mambo template, but it is also effecting the mambo template.  I am running Apollo11 with 1.1beta3.  You can see examples of the undesired gray bars on the sides here:


and here:


(notice how the blue line at the top doesn't go all the way across)

and can see how the template is supposed to look here:


notice the blue line goes all the way across

Thanks for any help.


I would think you need to look in style.css for Apollo theme and remove any margin: or padding: from the "body" tag. Mambo probably has its own, but the minute SMF is loaded the Apollo theme redefines it.


Quote from: Bloc on September 21, 2005, 08:06:49 PM
Quote from: choz on September 21, 2005, 03:59:14 PM
Bloc, this template is amazing! We're using it for our sole template on our site.  However, I'm having a little issue with the display.  Two gray bars are appearing on each side of the page when the page opens.  This normally wouldn't be a huge deal since I run the forums wrapped in the mambo template, but it is also effecting the mambo template.  I am running Apollo11 with 1.1beta3.  You can see examples of the undesired gray bars on the sides here:


and here:


(notice how the blue line at the top doesn't go all the way across)

and can see how the template is supposed to look here:


notice the blue line goes all the way across

Thanks for any help.


I would think you need to look in style.css for Apollo theme and remove any margin: or padding: from the "body" tag. Mambo probably has its own, but the minute SMF is loaded the Apollo theme redefines it.

Works like a charm now, thanks immensly bloc
Be teh texxor! - www.texxors.com - The free-est tech news, product support and tech chat around!

Make yourself history! - www.WikiMe.org - The world's first collective autobiography.


Quote from: Bloc on September 21, 2005, 08:03:10 PM
Quote from: tL0z on September 09, 2005, 01:13:21 PM

Is there anyway to remove the square above the buttons? I would like to put a Amazon Associates banner in that place or inside the square if it's impossible to remove. Can anyone help me?

Take a look:

Thats where the news go..so if you are not using news now, you could really add it to the news, as a img tag.

Ahhh ok thanks :)

Can I put html code inside? Can you please tell me where is the square in the index.template.php? I would like to add the ultimate shoutbox under it.


The news allow bbc code and -some- html.

In index.template.php look for "news", and you should find the bit.


Quote from: Bloc on September 22, 2005, 02:04:52 PM
The news allow bbc code and -some- html.

In index.template.php look for "news", and you should find the bit.

I put the code like that:

// The main content should go here.  A table is used because IE 6 just can't handle a div.
        echo '
        <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr>
            <td id="bodyarea" style="background: white; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom. 10px;">';

function template_main_below()
        global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt;

        echo '</td>
[b] ';
if (function_exists('smfshout'))
echo '[/b]

but it appears like that: :(


Can you please help me?


problem found :(



theme looks great (as does the majority of your work), but will you be adding a Greek language version?


I would need translations..my greek is not so good(in fact non-existant :) ).

There is a button-generator though - at http://www.tinyportal.net/button-generator/apollo.php - but would need the strings really.
