General support topic for Aeva Media (Latest release: July 28, 2010)

Started by Nao 尚, October 14, 2007, 04:28:15 PM

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The Auto Embed setting configuration and sitelist  keeps loading and loading and loaidng and loading what could be the reason? it was wokring fine last time i checked


I didn't understand exactly how the 'make child' function for albums in Aeva worked and I managed to crash my gallery.

I tried to make one album the child of another and clicked the wrong album (accidentally). Then I clicked the one I meant to be the child originally. I intended to move the one I had accidentally made a child back out. Well, somehow it ended up the child of the 1st child. (the accidental child).

Now my gallery has crashed and I have the following errors...

(I can access my unseen section fine. That is the only thing I can do is see that screen. Attempting anything else gets the errors).

When clicking the 'media' link in the main menu and also when clicking the link to the album, I get the following error message in the browser:
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log.

When clicking the title of the item in the album I get the following error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 77594624 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 42 bytes) in /hermes/web01/b782/pow.skyryder/htdocs/bb2-0/Sources/Aeva-Subs.php on line 333    (sometimes the line number is 330)

In My SMF error logs I get this message:
Type of error: Undefined
// Begin Banlist changes
4238:    'banlist' => array(
'title' => $txt['banlist_menu'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=banlist',
'show' => $context['allow_banlist'],
// End Banlist changes
(Which seems to be pointing to Aeva-Subs.php section on banlist ???)

In my database (MySQL via phpMyAdmin) I get these 2 error messages:
1 PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column 'id_album'

2 More than one UNIQUE key was created for column 'name'

The files all seem to be ok when checking via ftp. Being able to access my Unseen section is also showing the files seem to be ok as well.

Seems to be it's a database issue (with database tweaking being something I know little about).

I am running SMF 2.0.1 and have the latest Aeva mod installed. Everything was working beautifully until I clicked wrong and then tried to correct.

Any suggestions that could help me to save my gallery?


I was able to fix this by going into the database (via phpMyAdmin in my case) and changing the 'Parent' field of each album to '0'. This untangled the problem and saved my gallery.


nao im using 2.0 and i want to put support site video embed putlocker you can helo me?


Quote from: jojolene on October 24, 2011, 04:44:35 PM
Has anyone recently installed Aeva Lite for the first time on to 2.0.1? Does it work?

Many thanks



Quote from: ShinKaZaMa on October 25, 2011, 10:07:09 PM
nao im using 2.0 and i want to put support site video embed putlocker you can helo me?

anyone can help me wtih this?


hi guys, saw this mod but was not sure whether to install it because both author left. Is this still supported?

Anyway, quick question. I only need a video gallary, i do not need a photo gallary. Can this be done and how?


im not too sure if this is possible, but can you change the button "media" to something else that you want? If so, how do you do this? Thanks. a forum for teens and college kids!


Please all,

Do note that the Aeva Lite mod has been updated to version 7.2, to include the latest development on the sitelist, and to fix an issue with its checks for updates feature.
The Aeva mod is not supported by its author on this site (please see the readme of the mod for the author's site).
However the update released these days is important for the forums with Aeva Lite installed. In particular, but not limited to, big forum admins and forums that may experience slowdowns these days, must update their version. The new version will remove the checks for updates that are not used anymore and which may, under some circumstances, lead to serious performance issues.

Please do so as soon as possible.

The update procedure is:
- uninstall the previous version of Aeva Lite
- install Aeva Lite 7.2.
Your database and settings will be preserved, so everything will work normally afterwards.
To-do lists are for deferral. The more things you write down the later they're done... until you have 100s of lists of things you don't do.

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Also known as Norv on D* | Norv N. on G+ | Norv on Github



When I'm trying to import large files in Aeva Media (using FTP import) it doesn't work. I always get the error "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in" and then a random path (I think it's where the script stopped because of a timeout, so the exact directory shouldn't be important). Sometimes it's in getid3.lib.php, sometimes it's in errors.php.

I think I'd just need to disable the timeouts completely for it to work right? Is there a way to do that? Or is there another way to fix  this error so I can import my larger files (about 500mb each).


Quote from: SIMul8rReviews on September 11, 2011, 09:59:14 PM
Is there any way I can change the page name from "Media" to something else?

I'm using this as a download system.. and media kind of throws it off..

also.. is there any way (when uploading a document) to make it not embed the thumbnail picture at the top of the document page? I would like it to stay as a thumbnail though.

hi guys,

kinda new here. been trying to make this. did all the research and all that was mentioned here but still it doesnt work.

i was able to change media text in the nav to gallery.. was able to change the link as well but when clicking the index.php?action=gallery it doesn;t work.. my aeva galleries are working with media link.. how can this happen?

i've edited some files.. noticed some files have a lot of media actions i don't know wether to edit it or not. i'm sorry i'm not a php developer i only know a few stuff when regards to editing scripts like this..

here are the files..


whatelse should i edit? please help! :(

thank you!


The action=media part should be left alone of the gallery area complains bitterly. You can change the title, no problemo.


Quote from: live627 on November 07, 2011, 02:24:36 AM
The action=media part should be left alone of the gallery area complains bitterly. You can change the title, no problemo.

hi.. so its not possible to change the url/link for the media? only the nav link? that sad :(


I just can't find the answer I'm looking for...

I would like to modify the php.ini file to increase upload_max_filesize and post_max_size. However I can only fine one php.ini in the root directory of my server and it has

register_globals = off
allow_url_fopen = off

expose_php = Off
max_input_time = 60
variables_order = "EGPCS"
extension_dir = ./
upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
precision = 12
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset="


Is this the right one? Where am I going to find it? How do I properly modify it?



I'm using AVEA Lite mod - SMF V 2.0.1

I want to add recent 4/5 posts video on Portal by using PHP or HTML block

Here is first option: I want recent videos display like that

Second option in case first option is no possible or hard
4/5 videos display.

I don't know coding so need help for this.



The portal websites probably have a pre-built block for that.


Quote from: bobi on September 30, 2011, 10:47:14 PM
I found the solution. To call the function I use:

if (allowedto('mgallery_access'))
global $sourcedir;
   require_once($sourcedir . '/Aeva-Subs.php'); 
   echo '<div id="aeva_pics" style="width: 100%;" overflow="visible">
         <div align="center">'. aeva_listItems(aeva_getMediaItems(0, 5, 'RAND()'), true, '', 0, false, 1). '</div>

and I slightly modified the function aeva_listitems into aeva-subs.php (look for $bubu and $linktoalbum);

function aeva_listItems($items, $in_album = false, $align = '', $per_line = 0, $can_moderate = false, $bubu)
global $scripturl, $txt, $galurl, $settings, $context, $amSettings, $modSettings, $sourcedir, $user_info;
static $in_page = 0;

if (empty($items))

$urlmore = isset($context['aeva_urlmore']) ? $context['aeva_urlmore'] : '';
$user_is_known = !empty($context['current_action']) && $context['current_action'] == 'profile';
$main_user = $in_album && !empty($context['aeva_album']['owner']['id']) ? (int) $context['aeva_album']['owner']['id'] : 0;
$mtl = !empty($amSettings['max_title_length']) && is_numeric($amSettings['max_title_length']) ? $amSettings['max_title_length'] : 30;
$icourl = '
<img alt="" width="10" height="10" src="' . $settings['images_aeva'] . '/';
$new_icon = '<img alt="" src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $context['user']['language'] . '/new.gif" border="0" />';
// If we're in an external embed, we might not have all the space we would like...
$per_line = $per_line > 0 ? $per_line : (!empty($amSettings['num_items_per_line' . ($per_line === -1 ? '_ext' : '')]) ?
max(1, $amSettings['num_items_per_line' . ($per_line === -1 ? '_ext' : '')]) : ($per_line === -1 ? 3 : 5));
$ico = !empty($amSettings['icons_only']);
$first = reset($items);
$can_moderate &= isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'media';
$can_moderate_here = aeva_allowedTo('moderate');
$re = '
<table class="pics smalltext" width="' . (count($items) == 1 ? max(120, $first['w_thumb'] + 12) . '"' : '100%" cellspacing="8"') . (!empty($align) ? ' align="' . $align . '"' : '') . '>';

$cnt = 0;
$ex_album_id = 0;

foreach ($items as $i)
// If you don't want to allow item previewing via Highslide on album pages, replace the following line with: $is_image = false;
$is_image = $i['type'] == 'image' || ($i['type'] == 'embed' && preg_match('/\.(?:jpe?g?|gif|png|bmp)/i', $i['embed_url']));
$is_embed = !$is_image && $i['type'] == 'embed' && !empty($modSettings['aeva_enable']);
if ($is_embed)
if (!function_exists('aeva_main'))
include($sourcedir . '/Aeva-Embed.php');
$match = preg_replace(array('~\[url=([^]]+)]([^[]+)\[/url]~', '~\[url]([^[]+)\[/url]~'), array('<a href="$1">$2</a>', '<a href="$1"></a>'), $i['embed_url']);
$match = substr(strtolower($match), 0, 4) === 'http' ? '<a href="' . $match . '">Test</a>' : $match;
$match = aeva_main($match);
preg_match('~"(\d+)", "(\d+)"~', $match, $siz);
if (empty($siz))
preg_match('~width="(\d+)(?:px)?" height="(\d+)(?:px)?"~', $match, $siz);
$is_embed = !empty($siz);

$inside_caption = !$amSettings['use_lightbox'] ? '' : ($is_image || $is_embed ? ($is_image ? '
<div class="highslide-caption">' : ($is_embed ? '
<div class="highslide-maincontent" style="width: ' . $siz[1] . 'px; height: ' . ($siz[2]+42) . 'px; overflow: visible !important">
' . trim($match) : '')) . '
<div style="float: right">' . ($i['has_preview'] ? '
<a class="aelink hs" href="' . ($i['type'] == 'embed' ? $i['embed_url'] : $galurl . 'sa=media;in=' . $i['id']) . '" onclick="return hss(' . $in_page . ', this);">' . $txt['aeva_zoom'] . '</a> <span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em;">&oplus;</span>' : '') . '
<a class="aelink" href="' . $galurl . 'sa=item;in=' . $i['id'] . $urlmore . '">' . $txt['aeva_gotolink'] . '</a>' . (!empty($i['comments']) ? '
<img alt="" src="' . $settings['images_aeva'] . '/comment.gif" /> ' . $i['comments'] : '') . '
' . $i['title'] . (empty($i['desc']) ? '' : '
<div class="smalltext mg_desc">
' . aeva_cutString($i['desc'], 300, true, 50, true, true) . '
</div>') . '
</div>' : '');

if ($cnt % $per_line == 0)
$re .= '<tr>';
$title = empty($i['title']) ? '&hellip;' : (strlen($i['title']) < $mtl ? $i['title'] : aeva_cutString($i['title'], $mtl));
if (!empty($bubu))

$linktoalbum = $galurl . 'sa=album;in=' . $i['id_album'] . $urlmore . '"' . ($i['album_name'] != $i['title'] ? ' title="' . preg_replace('/&amp;(#[0-9]+|[a-zA-Z]+);/', '&$1;', htmlspecialchars($i['title'])) . '"' : '') . '>' . $i['album_name'];
} else {
$linktoalbum = $galurl . 'sa=item;in=' . $i['id'] . $urlmore . '"' . ($title != $i['title'] ? ' title="' . preg_replace('/&amp;(#[0-9]+|[a-zA-Z]+);/', '&$1;', htmlspecialchars($i['title'])) . '"' : '') . '>' . $title;
if ($ex_album_id != $i['id_album'])
$album_name = empty($i['album_name']) ? '&hellip;' : (strlen($i['album_name']) < $mtl ? $i['album_name'] : aeva_cutString($i['album_name'], $mtl));
$ex_album_id = $i['id_album'];

$check = $can_moderate && ($i['poster_id'] == $user_info['id'] || $can_moderate_here) ? '<div class="aeva_quickmod"><input type="checkbox" name="mod_item[' . $i['id'] . ']" /></div>' : '';
if (empty($bubu))
$dest_link = $is_image && $i['type'] == 'embed' && !$i['has_preview'] ? $i['embed_url'] : $galurl . 'sa=' . ($is_image ? 'media' : 'item') . ';in=' . $i['id'] . ($is_image ? ';preview' : '');
} else {
$dest_link = $is_image && $i['type'] == 'embed' && !$i['has_preview'] ? $i['embed_url'] : $galurl . 'sa=item;in=' . $i['id'];
$re .= '
<td class="windowbg' . ($i['approved'] ? '' : ' unapp') . '" align="center">' . $check . ($i['is_new'] ? '
' . $new_icon : '') . '
<div style="margin: auto; width: ' . ($amSettings['max_thumb_width'] + 10) . 'px"><a href="' . $linktoalbum . '</a></div>
<div class="aep" style="width: ' . $i['w_thumb'] . 'px; height: ' . $i['h_thumb'] . 'px; background: url(' . $i['thumb_url'] . ') 0 0;' . (strpos($i['thumb_url'], 'generic_images') !== false ? ' box-shadow: none' : '') . '"><a href="'
. $dest_link . '"' . (($is_image || $is_embed) && $amSettings['use_lightbox'] ?
' id="hsm' . $in_page . '" class="hs" onclick="' . ($is_image ? 'return hs.expand(this, slideOptions)' :
'mediaOptions[\'width\'] = ' . $siz[1] . '; return hs.htmlExpand(this, mediaOptions)') . ';"' : '')
. '>&nbsp;</a>' . $inside_caption . '</div>';
if ($ico) // Icons only?
$re .= $icourl . 'graph.gif" title="' . $txt['aeva_views'] . '" />&nbsp;' . $i['views'] .
(!empty($i['comments']) ? $icourl . 'comment.gif" title="' . $txt['aeva_comments'] . '" />&nbsp;' . $i['comments'] . (!empty($i['new_comments']) ? ' (' . $new_icon . '&nbsp;' . $i['new_comments'] . ')' : '') : '') .
(!empty($i['new_comments']) ? '(' . $new_icon . '&nbsp;' . $i['new_comments'] . ')' : '') .
(!empty($i['voters']) ? $icourl . 'star.gif" title="' . $txt['aeva_rating'] . '" />&nbsp;' . $i['rating'] : '') . '<br />';
if (empty($bubu))
$re .= $icourl . 'graph.gif" />&nbsp;' . $txt['aeva_views'] . ':&nbsp;' . $i['views'] . '<br />'.
(!empty($i['comments']) ? $icourl . 'comment.gif" />&nbsp;' . $txt['aeva_comments'] . ':&nbsp;' . $i['comments'] . (!empty($i['new_comments']) ? ' (' . $new_icon . '&nbsp;' . $i['new_comments'] . ')' : '') . '<br />' : '') .
(!empty($i['voters']) ? $icourl . 'star.gif" />&nbsp;' . $txt['aeva_rating'] . ':&nbsp;' . $i['rating'] . '<br />' : '');

$re .= ($user_is_known || $main_user == $i['poster_id'] ? '' : ($ico ? $icourl . 'person.gif" title="' . $txt['aeva_posted_by'] . '" />&nbsp;' : '
' . $txt['aeva_posted_by'] . ' ') . aeva_profile($i['poster_id'], $i['poster_name']) . '<br />') . $icourl . 'clock.gif" title="" /> ' . $i['time'] . (!$in_album ? '<br />
' . $txt['aeva_in_album'] . ' ' . ($i['hidden_album'] ? $album_name : '<a href="' . $galurl . 'sa=album;in=' . $i['id_album'] . '">' . $album_name . '</a>') : '') . '
if (++$cnt % $per_line == 0)
$re .= '</tr>';

if ($cnt % $per_line != 0)
$re .= '</tr>';

return $re . '</table>';

Hope this help!

I really would like to add a preview on my main index page, and tried the code above, but get nothing! :(


1) Is the code added to index.php & aeva-subs.php respectively?
2) Do any other files need to be modified?
3) Does placement in the file (beginning, middle, end, etc) matter?
4) I'm using a custom theme, do I need to modify anything there?

Thanks in advance! :)


Hi, I have a small problem with Aeva-Lite 7.2 on SMF 2.01

I've installed about a week ago, with some small errors. So I used the parser to fill in the gaps, and it worked fine.
But now I have problems with my Ajaxchat. I received a tip in that topic that it's probably a problem with a media mod.
So I thought, I'll uninstall en test that. (Maybe it's not even this, but I want to try anyway)

Now the problem ;) In my package manager, it still says install, instead of uninstall Aeva. So I can not uninstall there.
Can I simply follow the parser backwards, and delete the files in packagemanager? Or would that create new problems?
