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Location Mod

Started by Gobalopper, November 19, 2004, 01:43:12 AM

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Cool thx for those extra maps,, installed perfect.

Hey whats the different coloured dots for on the map? (green,red etc) Just a random thing or something specific?


Thanks Gobalopper  :D

I'm using Firefox too, all you have to do is to reload the page, then every pin will be at the right place ;)


Can you also make 2 maps for me? Holland/Belgium/Luxemburg (BeNeLux)  and Ukraine,  like you did with germany?? That would be very cool!

Thanx!  :)

If not, can you then explaine me how to do this? Then I can do it myself? I hope?


@ Gobalopper:

Thank you VERY much for your help   :)
The Maps look very nice; I think I will use the DE-AU-S map 'cause many of our members are from AU and S.

Just one additional plea - can you help me once more?


I am not a programmer, just a designer ( and a stupid nerd  :D ) -> where do I have to insert the code you mentioned?
Can you give me a short "step-by-step-instruction" where (and how??) to run the queries?   :D

Thanks a lot,

@ Kirk24788:

Okay, thanks   :)
Will try it


The code is an SQL code...
Needs to be put in your database so it can add the fields in your table..

Do you have PHPmyAdmin or something like that to handle your database?
Then use it in there..

NOTE: Do not forget to check the name of your table.
(in the example it says smf_mm_maps but maybe you have named your tables different, then change the name.



@ oschikhof:

yes, I have PHPmyadmin installed, but I don't have Root-access-rights for DB. Is this neccessary for this operation?
I know how to log in via telnet into my DB, but thats all ...  :-/

Do I paste this command  (INSERT INTO smf_mm_maps VALUES ...)  in telnet and run it there?

** ... thinking ... **

Okay, I think I understand ...

Will try it this evening.

Thanks a lot,


If you installed the location mod with succes then you also can add records to a table...
At my provider I also do not have root rights but I can do anything in my database what I want...

One of the things I can't is making a new database...


@ oschikhof & gobalopper:

There was an easier way to insert that code -> PHPmyadmin  :D
Now everything works fine - thanks to your help  :)

Kind regards,


No problem. :)

See my second post for those two new maps you requested oschikhof.


Brilliant, super, cool.....thanx!  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Just one little tiny question....
I am searching to change to order of the select box of the countries..
I want them to be in alfabetical order, but I can't find it that quickly...

Somebody can tell me how and were to change it?

Anyone who wants to see my working map (guests are allowed to view :) )
Click here and then choose map...


Quote from: Ravey76 on November 30, 2004, 05:28:05 PM
There was an easier way to insert that code -> PHPmyadmin

That is what I meant, open PHPmyAdmin, choose SQL and insert the code that Gobalopper had put in his message...  ;)


@ Gobalopper:

Gratulations to your Mod; now works very fine 

Another question  ;)

For more detailled customization I translated the country-names in Database.
- I which file are the "buttons" for this mod? I want to translate f.e. "Place your pin" into german ...



That are no image buttons, that are HTML can change the text yourself

Search in MemberMap.template.php for

<div style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px; font-size: larger;"><a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=mm;sa=edit">Place Your Pin</a></div>


<input type="submit" name="save" value="', 'Save My Pin', '" />
<input type="submit" name="remove" value="', 'Remove My Pin', '" ', empty($context['mypin']['ID_MEMBER']) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '', '/>

Then change the text into what you like...
You can also ask people here to make an image and change the buttons for an image..

Greetz Owen


@ Owen:

Thank you   :)

Will check it this evening

Kind regards,


superlative work
excellente as always

i can ask u one thing ?
my users forum are 90% in italy u have one extra map of italy ?
thx aniway
CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see


Either you just change the order of the entries in the
MySQL Table (which is rather annoying, but it works ;) )

You can change the MemberMap.php file.
I guess all you have to do is change one line in
the last function:

$request = db_query("SELECT ID_MAP, mapFile, mapName, xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd, scale FROM {$db_prefix}mm_maps", __FILE__, __LINE__);


$request = db_query("SELECT ID_MAP, mapFile, mapName, xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd, scale FROM {$db_prefix}mm_maps ORDER BY mapName", __FILE__, __LINE__);

Although I just take a quick look it should work    ::)


Thanx a lot, it works perfectly  :D



edi67 see my second post, I've added maps of Italy and the United Kingdom now.


@ Gobalopper:

I translated the MemberMap.template.php file as owen said - works fine!
Do you need this translated file for german customers?

Unfortunately I cannot upload something here ...

Best wishes,
