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Location Mod

Started by Gobalopper, November 19, 2004, 01:43:12 AM

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I made a "Map Button" that conforms to the default theme.

Use it if you need one.



Tried to download  gobalopper.locationmod.tar.gz (2334.49 KB - downloaded 310 times. but all I get is a 0 byte file...

Quote from: Gobalopper on November 19, 2004, 01:47:48 AM
Uploading here until the mod upload works...


Hello Gobalopper,

long time I had no problems with the location-mod; everything was fine ... 'till I upgraded to SMF 1.0 Final...

Well, how to say - MemberMap just doesn't work anymore!

I click on my "MemberMap"-Button and just the starting page of my board appears.
Tried to uninstall the mod > it doesn't appear anymore in Packet Manager but files (and DB tables) are still on my server. Tried to upload mod, but I always get an error message -> if I upload (via Packet Manager) your *.tar-file I receive an "Internal Server Error" (that's the problem we already discussed some threads ago). Then I made a zip-file (as I made last time)  -> also error message ("Server / DNS error") ...

Is the actual MemberMap not compatible with SMF 1.0?

Kind regards and a Happy New Year,



I tried following stuff to get the mod installed:

- created a ZIP-file (un-tar'ed then zip'ed; this usually works) > funny: other (smaller?) tar.gz-files work fine ...
- uploaded file to Package-directory
- started installation manually (index.php?action=packages;sa=install;
- installation starts; "temp"-directory is created


- error message appears:

Notice: Use of undefined constant MemberMap - assumed 'MemberMap' in /[url]htdocs/forum/Sources/Load.php(1036) : eval()'d code on line 535

and under this message:

An error occured!
2: mkdir(): Unable to access [url]/htdocs/forum/Packages/temp/flags/

As mentioned, "temp" and "flags"-dir are created automatically. Because of "unable to access" I chmodded the TEMP-dir to 777 and created "flags"-dir (also chmod) -> has no effect ...

Addition 2:

Fortunately I backuped all files before upgrading to SMF 1 Final. So I copied in my next step all "RC2-Files" (listed on your first posting of this thread) back to the server but - it still doesn't work ...

what to do?  :-\

Kind regards,


This is a really great mod. Can the creator please make it completely (maps also) installable by the package manager 1.0  for us 'Not so smart"?



This is a great mod, however it does not function anymore with version 1.0

I would really like it to work again. Our members like it a lot.

Does the creator know when the update will be ready? I can then inform our members when the mod will be back online again.


International Vulcan Forum:


Quote from: kindred on November 19, 2004, 06:22:03 PM
I had the problem when I was trying to upload it form my local directory into the server using the package manager.

finally, I took the file, FTPed it into the package directory and ran apply mod...   it told me something needed to be chmod-ed, but I gave it my password and it worked fine after that.

i have the same problem! i uploaded it to the package dir but i carnt figure out how to apply this mod!
please can you tell me how?

[email protected]


It does not currently install correctly under v1.0 final...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I re-installed it manually folowing the install info the mod gives and managed to get it working but my error log shows a undefined error each time someone veiws a members profile. Members dont get a visable error themselves so as far as they are concerned its functioning ok.

Heres the 2 errors I get in the log each time a profile is viewed.
8: Undefined index: country
File: /home/worldcic/public_html/yabbse/Sources/Load.php
Line: 612

8: Undefined index: name
File: /home/worldcic/public_html/yabbse/Sources/Load.php
Line: 613

I can stop these errors occuring by removing the code from load.php but then the flags next to the user wont apear.


Any word when this mod will work with the Package manager? Why was Boardmod abandoned? That was what I am used to using from YaBBSE.


Quote from: number6 on January 09, 2005, 08:02:46 PM
Any word when this mod will work with the Package manager? Why was Boardmod abandoned? That was what I am used to using from YaBBSE.
Package manager is easier to use for most, you don't have to edit on your computer and upload the changed files. The package manager will most of the time update the database for the mysql needed also.

- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


This is indeed one of the best mods I've seen. I think every body is driving themselvs mad for nothing trying to get this mod to work. I am sure Gobalopper is working on his mod and will be uploading it shortly(I hope), after all it is working on his site. I do wish he gives us all an update on the progress though.
"No matter how long the river, the river will reach the sea".
Eugene Fitch Ware


Thanks for the replies.


  I guess I could try and install by hand the necessary changes, it's not all that different from using boardmod, but this is the first mod I tried to install on my test forum and I am already having problems.  Member Map/Locationmod is one of my favorite mods from YaBBSE and I have to have that functionality if I am going to migrate to SMF.


  Thanks for the link to Gobaloppers' site.  I agree this is a great mod. :)   I have been a member of Gobaloppers's forum since 2002 and his forum is one of the reasons I went with YaBBSE in the first place a couple years ago. Normally I would IM him on his site, but it can take him a long time to respond to IM's so I thought I would bump this topic in the hopes of getting a response from him. 


I too am patiently waitng for a update, altlhough I have it successfully working it just fills my error log with 2 undefined errors each time a profile is viewed. Simular to what the search function produces that a bug in general with smf1. (been over the files it edits a million times just incase its human error on my part). Main thing at the moment is that it doesant show any errors to my members and affect my members using this great mod.



Ok new version is now out. It should work with 1.0 and 1.0.1. It now comes in three packages.

The base install which is required has just the member map functionality and only the map of the world.

The additional maps package includes all the regular and extra maps released so far. Currently found in the second post of this thread as it is too big for the mod site.

The who flags package is the who's online ip lookup part from the previous version.

New additions are the text now being separated from the html for easier translation. A new image for the menu bar at the top. An admin console for turning off maps or renaming them. And also some other minor code tweaks.

Please let me know of any bugs. Thanks!



Goes Ok, Press "Proceed" then...

"Database Error
Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
File: /files/home2/zillion/familynews/Packages/temp/install.php
Line: 46"

Any ideas?  (Like many others, me & mine were - are! - greatly looking forward to your Mod working again!) 

{Edit} All the mm MySQL tables will still be there from the previous incarnation.  Should I have deleted those?


Same problemo here on my forum.

Thanks for your great efforts!!!



It completely messed up my forums...  I get all kind of errors when I try to post...  Re-uploading the original forum update files.  Hope I can get it back to work again.  Guess the mod still needs some more work.





Minor issues.

The install went perfectly. and I was able to port it over to my Helios Theme with no errors.

When I went to the map, however, it would not let me switch off of the world view... none of the alternate maps would come up.

I then went to place my pin...   and I was able to go to the US view...  but could not place a pin. Clicking did nothing....

After that, I went back in through my mambo interface and was able to place them pinb, although I still could not switch map views from the first screen.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."
