Can someone try these on for size?

Started by [Unknown], January 01, 2005, 01:52:09 PM

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And, again, this is trying to apply the package posted here, right?

In Subs-Package.php, find:

// Make sure the file exists!
$code_match[2] = parse_path($code_match[2]);
$working_file = $code_match[2];

// Make sure the file exists!
$code_match[2] = parse_path($code_match[2]);
echo 'File\'s full path: <tt>', $code_match[2], '</tt><br />' ;
$working_file = $code_match[2];

Find, Packages.php:

foreach ($chmod_files as $file)
$ftp->chmod(strtr($file, array($ftp_root => '')), 0777);
$ftp->chmod(dirname(strtr($file, array($ftp_root => ''))), 0777);

foreach ($chmod_files as $file)
echo 'Trying to chmod file: <tt>', $file, '</tt> with adjusted path <tt>', strtr($file, array($ftp_root => '')), '</tt><br />';
$ftp->chmod(strtr($file, array($ftp_root => '')), 0777);
$ftp->chmod(dirname(strtr($file, array($ftp_root => ''))), 0777);

How do I modify files? What does it say?




The path echo is completely correct when doing the install/uninstall from SMF standalone

File's full path: /.../forum/Sources/Subs.php
File's full path: /.../forum/index.php

In this case, however... it is the Subs.php that fails... the index.php succeeds...
1. Execute Modification ./Sources/Subs.php Failure
2. Execute Modification ./index.php Success

Which is strange, because this mod actually WORKED on the original install (standalone SMF)
I'm not sure what has changed...   I have not installed any other mods in this implementation.

When attempting from within Mambo...  I get
The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.


Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource '

File's full path: <tt>/.../forum/Sources/Subs.php</tt><br />File's full path: <...

So, I commented out the debug lines that you asked me to add...   and now I get the same error in both standalone SMF and mambo-bridged SMF...   Subs.php always fails.

It should be noted that my comments on the index/ftp information were actually based on my experience with Grudge's post moderation mod.


Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


QuoteFor wrapped forum, login/out "anywhere" is working fine.

For the unwrapped forum, i still have problem getting the user menu to show up in mambo if i login from the unwrapped forum (using the normal login2) and I still get an error with mambo_login:

mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

BUT the unwrapped forum stopped showing errors wrapped in Mambo  

In this version, using the "unwrapped" forum is actually just a display setting in the config.  Check out the config in the Mambo backend.  ;)

The problem you are having with the stand-alone SMF and logging into Mambo is simply that SMF by itself does not declare some required Mambo functions and variables.  So, wihtout these being declared, and the login trying to call on those functions with those variables, you will get errors.



How soon do you think this will be fixed so I can get Mambo working?  HELP!! :-[



Quote from: kindred on January 18, 2005, 11:41:43 AM

Subs.php will fail if the mod is already applied.




I attempted to uninstall the mod...   subs.php failed.

I restored the backup copy of subs.php (from subs.php~)

I attempted to run the install... subs.php failed...

Unless there's a key somewhere that indicates the mod is applied, I'm not sure how it would know that the mod had been applied and uninstalled after restoring the backup copy of subs.php~.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


[Unknown] I was trying both wrapped and unwrapped (and will still be  ;D )

[kindred] In my case, I manually chmod index.php to 777 and managed to get the package to install. Strangely, I did the same thing before but didn't get things to work.. Maybe it's the weather  :P

[Orstio] I'll check my Mambo config, but what do I check???  :-\


Previously I've found that If i replace both index.php and subs.php with original.. chmod both to 777, delete the package, reinstall the package... the mod installs... . I forgot that I also delete the previous ~backups so that the mod can write the new backup.  I don't know if this is too earth shattering, but might help?!


K, i got it working, and none of the errors are showing up outside Mambo. THANK YOU [Unknown] for making this, and thanks to both [Unknown] and Orstio for helping out so much in this thread.

My problem was that I tried upgrading the component by overwriting it, but that didn't work. I had to uninstall the whole bridge and start over. It only took about 4 minutes...I've had to uninstall/reinstall that bridge so many times I have it down pat now (even wrote my own simplified install list so I won't miss anything ;) ).

Now everything works great. Thanks again!



How come I get a blank page when I click on the link to the smf forum?

Thanks in Advance,


Quote from: dan182skater on January 19, 2005, 07:26:05 PM
How come I get a blank page when I click on the link to the smf forum?

Thanks in Advance,

What is the link?  Does changing gzipping in Mambo or SMF help?



The link is [nonactive]

I tried to turn on gzipping in the mambo (it was off, but it didnt do anything.) I don't know how to turn of gzipping in the forum. The link to my forum is.... [nonactive]

Thanks for your response, I'll be looking forward to another one.



The forum's gzipping can be controlled in Edit Features and Options - search for "compress output".  You can also use repair_settings.php.  What is repair_settings.php?



Ok, thanks, I was able to play around with gzipping, but that wasn't it. Any other ideas?



works fine...   I can see the mambo template and the SMF screens as well...

(BTW: Switch out of Solarflare template!)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


why switch out of the solar flare template, it doesn't look good??


EDIT: I forgot to mention, the register button takes me to a blank page, how come? It also doesn't make the bridge over to mambo and smf when I log in. Any ideas?


Solar Flare sucks in IE... your forum appears below everything else....

Your register button is pointing to the wrong location...   you need to change the link  (it was mentioned in one of these posts around here, somewhere...)
it should be pointing to:

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: dan182skater on January 20, 2005, 01:36:18 PM
why switch out of the solar flare template, it doesn't look good??
Your templates are all screwed up in Firefox too. On the forum page the forum template spills over into the righthand column of your Mambo template.


I'd highly recommend turning off the righthand menu items for the forum pages - that's just not enough room.

Also, change the "xtml" to "html" in the headers of your forum index pages to fix the big fonts issue.


Quote from: chadness on January 20, 2005, 02:38:29 PM
Also, change the "xtml" to "html" in the headers of your forum index pages to fix the big fonts issue.

How do I do that?

